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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; blu; bgill; bitt; ...

Happy Veterans day.

Our world is increasingly becoming a less stable environment, and the memory of the destructive WW1, reflected in Veterans Day, is lost to most of the world. Today, it is not Axis vs Allies - its islam vs civilization, with globalist overlords maneuvering behind the scenes to come to outcomes that favor the establishment of a global govt that puts them in charge.

Globalism / Great Reset –

President of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, announces the launch of the EU’s central bank digital currency (CBDC)—the digital euro—which will enable unelected technocrats at the ECB to program how, when, where, on what and by whom it can be spent, including the imposition of social credit, carbon allowance and vaccine passport systems.

OBSERVATION - Great time to roll this out while everyones eyes are fixed on Ukraine and Gaza.

The executive order on “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence”, signed by President Biden last week, sets out in detail how federal agencies are to use and regulate artificial intelligence (AI), including promoting global standards to moderate online content.

The new tools to silence and cancel conservatives are being created under the rubric of providing “safeguards” against discrimination, bias, and disinformation and promoting “rights-affirming” approaches in digital technologies.

OBSERVATION - Ive noted this before but deserves a repeat. Beta test of means to control global information for the globalists. We saw how biden used people interface to control “disinformation” over the past three years, now it will become orders of magnitude larger with use of AI.

Economy –

The outlook on the US credit rating was changed to negative from stable by Moody’s Investors Service, citing risks to the nation’s fiscal strength.

OBSERVATION - Others apparently don’t share the regime’s view that everything is awesome with our economy.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Massive pro-Hamas protests/riots broke out in NYC overnight. In one instance demonstrators attempted to kick down a door in at Grand Central trying to get at police sheltering inside. Jews in New York were told to “shelter in place.”

OBSERVATION - These ‘protests’ are building toward 2020 scale violence. As the focus of the Hamas crowd is against the city/state/fed govt, it is picking up support from Antifa/BLM elements as well as transtifa forces (though they really don’t seem to realize that Hamas would happily throw them off the roof of skyscrapers when their usefulness is finished). This level of violence is spreading globally - See under Israel violence in Australia and New Zealand as well as in England.

With today being Veterans / Armistice day - things could continue to grow more violent as they focus on disrupting those events as well.

Also - major cities have lost a lot of their police forces due to hostile marxist democrat administrations and “defund the police’ efforts. The pull of participants for these riots may well exceed police capabilities to keep them contained. This would put other areas - primarily richer neighborhoods - in danger of a crime spree as police resources are pulled out to deal with these riots.

Folk living in blue urban areas need to pay close attention to what is happening around them.

IN RELATED - The Jewish Federations of North America conducted a comprehensive poll revealing the sentiments and concerns within the American Jewish community following the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas terrorists on Israel.

The poll found that 70% of Jewish respondents felt less safe than a few months ago, with none reporting increased feelings of safety.
A significant number of Jews expressed apprehension that their communities could feasibly face security challenges due to the ongoing conflict. Accordingly, gun sales to Jews seem to be spiking since the hamas terror attack last month.

Interesting view on the current alliance of radical leftists and moslem, pro-Hamas forces. Currently the standard of “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” that has stoked a lot of the current protesting appears to be starting to unravel. Good read at links below.

Terrorism - Level is HIGH due to increased lone wolf threats.

Lone wolf attacks on Jewish related targets is the primary concern. Assassination attempts on politicians - particularly those on the right is an increasing concern as well.

Military / Strategic Activity / Deployments –

The Dwight D. Eisenhower carrier strike group entered the Gulf of Aden. The CSG transited the Bab el-Mandeb strait after covering the entire Red Sea from north to south in 5-6 days.

The B-21 Raider has taken its first flight yesterday. One feature that some seem to overlook is that this plane can operate unmanned - a big freeking nuclear capable drone.

The Space Force announced yesterday that X-37B Mission 7 is scheduled to launch from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on December 7, 2023. The spaceplane’s first mission on a Falcon Heavy rocket will be designated USSF-52 and it will be run by the Space Force together with the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office.

In a typically tersely worded statement, the Space Force said that X-37B Mission 7 will have “a wide range of test and experimentation objectives.” It continued: “These tests include operating the reusable spaceplane in new orbital regimes, experimenting with future space domain awareness technologies, and investigating the radiation effects on materials provided by NASA.”

OBSERVATION - Speculation that the term “new orbital regimes” may represent maneuvering further into orbits, perhaps as deep as the moon. The use of the Falcon Heavy also permits larger payloads.


The Republican National Committee has warned some of the 2024 GOP presidential candidates about attending an Iowa Christian organization’s Thanksgiving forum, saying it would disqualify them from participating in future RNC presidential debates.

Five candidates – former President Donald Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott – were invited to the Family Leader’s “Thanksgiving Family Forum” on November 17.

“It has come to the attention of the RNC Counsel’s Office that several Republican presidential candidates have been invited to participate in an open-press event in Iowa in November at which they would ‘gather around the table to have a moderated, friendly, and open discussion about the issues.’ In other words, a debate,” the RNC counsel’s office said in a letter obtained by CNN.
“Accordingly, please be advised that any Republican presidential candidate who participates in this or other similar events will be deemed to have violated this pledge and will be disqualified from taking part in any future RNC-sanctioned presidential primary debates,” the office said.
In its letter, dated October 28, the office reminded the candidates that they had agreed not to participate in any non-RNC-sanctioned debates during the campaign.

OBSERVATION - RNC unwisely trying to control the primaries and keep others from interacting with candidates. This follows the disastrous viewing of the third debate, where almost more people attended the Trump rally than watched the debate (sarc). The candidates who attend should assert their 1st Amendment rights over that of the ruling eGOP at the RNC.

Lots of other political chaos I don’t have time to get into - FR threads cover them pretty well.

Illegal Immigration –

Thousands of illegals marching towards the US were video’d chanting “biden, biden, biden” last week.

China –

(Daily Caller)—China is offloading its production abroad, flooding the world market with cheaper goods, as its domestic economy struggles with its own citizens having less discretionary income for purchases, according to The Wall Street Journal.

The price of exports from China has dropped around 20% this year, partially reflecting the need of Chinese sellers to discount their products to offload excess inventory, expanding their market share abroad and hurting countries’ domestic industries that have to compete with the discounted goods, according to the WSJ. The Chinese economy has recently faced a number of concerning indicators, including disappointing economic growth, falling consumer spending, possible deflation and decreasing producer prices, according to the Financial Times.

China’s real estate industry, which accounts for a large amount of its growth, is also in crisis, with the country’s top developers facing the possibility of defaulting on huge debts to both foreign and domestic bondholders. Since the beginning of the debt crisis in the real estate market in 2021, companies that are responsible for 40% of Chinese home sales have defaulted.

OBSERVATION - The immensity of China’s export market significantly affects the global economy. It historically has attacked other markets by undercutting prices and creating reliance on it as source of critical items - a situation that was clearly illustrated during the wuhan plandemic. If its economy goes further down the tubes, it could drag the rest of the world into a recession as a result.

China’s Xi is coming to the U.S. on November 14-17th. Meets with Biden in San Fran and suddenly the streets of SF are clean and free of homeless and druggies.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the second year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Sept 27, 2023

Russia is on a defensive footing across most of Ukraine, relying on Russian doctrinal defense in depth to blunt the Ukrainian offensive. However, Russian forces continue increasingly stretched and undermanned, with increasingly insufficient artillery support.

Ukrainian action has forced Russia to move forces laterally to meet the Ukraine advance - thinning critical portions of the line and making them vulnerable to assault.

Russia’s strategic ballistic and cruise missiles continue to show evidence of massively reduced inventories. Recent attacks indicate the Russia has started to produce its own Shahed drones with Iranian assistance. Russia capable of continued, though limited, attacks in this arena. The majority of Russian strikes are with these Iranian drones. Major targets are grain shipping facilities in the Odesa region as well as trying to hit logistical targets across the rest of the country.

Supplemental cruise missile attacks using old models will be occasionally used to supplement the drones.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is increasingly hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. Ukraine’s mixture of seaborne and airborne drones and anti-ship missiles beginning to render areas more or less off limits to Russia. The fleet is reportedly in the process of redeploying out of Crimea and moving east to Russian bases, about 600 Km further away from the front lines.

Russia is capable of launching small scale attacks in various sectors of company and small sized elements, but any large scale offensive action in the face of the heavy demands from defending against the Ukrainian offensive are essentially nil.


The President of Kazakhstan pulled what appears to be a power move by starting his speech to Vladimir Putin and the Russian delegation by speaking Kazakh instead of Russian.

This is extremely abnormal and offensive to the Russian government. Many of those on hand were shocked.

Many of those in the Russian government feel similar about Kazakhstan as they do about Ukraine.

NOTE - This is huge and a major put down of putin.


Russia continues to pull up the guard rail treaties on nuclear weapons. Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin signed an order on Thursday that eliminated his country’s agreement with Japan that aimed to reduce and contain nuclear stockpiles.

That agreement between Moscow and Tokyo came together in 1993 after North Korea stated that it would no longer negotiate with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Continued cool, 40’s- 50’s with scattered rain.

Kyiv was targeted by Russian missiles for the first time in months. Ukrainian air defense shot down ballistic missile near Kyiv. Overall, Ukrainian air defense shot down 19 of 31 Shahed drones launched by Russia overnight. Explosions were heard in Zaporizhzhia and Odesa as well.

Russian forces have resumed efforts to surround and capture Avdiivka. However it appears muddy soil conditions are limiting their use of armor, and the attacks seem mostly by leg infantry.

Outlook —-
More of the same. Rumored Russian offensive actions will likely be very limited because they can’t get support from their remaining armor/tanks due to the onset of the mud season. This is reflect in the continued high personnel losses being reported, but with fewer tanks/apc’s being destroyed - indication more leg infantry “meat” attacks.
Appears that Russia is beginning to ramp up its winter missile/drone campaign targeting Ukraine power grid.

Europe / NATO General –

Tensions are high in London ahead of Remembrance Day/Veterans Day on Nov. 11 because of the “Million Man March” being organized by groups with links to Hamas. They’ve refused to cancel the direct action and have announced they will bus people in & target the US embassy in London. Meanwhile, Antifa have put out a call for their members to come as well.

Today, British police attempted to stop patriotic citizens from going to the Cenotaph. They pushed through the police lines anyway. World War I soldiers will be remembered in Britain on Saturday and there are fears that the pro-Hamas demonstration planned that day will desecrate memorials and the honor of the fallen.

Now reports that British hooligans and right-wing groups are descending on London today to crack down on pro-Hamas protesters.


SPANISH Civil Unrest/War -

Situation remains tense across the country. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz & Spanish PM Pedro Sanchez have been trapped in a building in Malaga by a large crowd of anti-separatist protesters spearheaded by opposition groups. The German Chancellor’s security detail is trying to figure out a way to get him out of the building


Key overnight developments -

- The noose around Al-Shifa and Al-Quds hospitals grows tighter

- More global calls for an unconditional ceasefire by Israel, soundly rejected by Israel.

- Arab conference meeting on ways to stop the Gaza war.

GENERAL ——————————-

Another speech by Hezbollah is expected today. A teaser video message was released:

“On the occasion of Hezbollah Martyr’s Day, a gift from His Eminence the Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, to all the families of the martyrs, and a message to them in his handwriting: “You should be proud of your martyrs in this world and rejoice in them in the afterlife because they are your relics and intercessors with God.”

News reports that Israel is preparing for possible Fentanyl-filled rockets from Hamas, Hezbollah.
NOTE - The possibility is real. Fentanyl based terror has been a concern here in the US for quite a while as a very, very little bit can kill and the drug is easily absorbed through the skin - making it a bane to first responders. The question is do they have the warhead/delivery capability to get it to targets and how much would be released from an Iron Dome interception. Even an attempt would be very nasty and create a serious level of fear. OTOH, that would qualify as an NBC attack and especially Hezbollah would quickly be in the receiving end of a massive retaliation by Israel, and Iran may catch some of the retaliation as well.

An analysis of the Israel-Hamas war by leading strategic expert Ayelet Frish at the link below - gives great insight to the Israeli psyche on the current war.

GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Health sources in Gaza claiming Al-Shifa and Al-Quds hospitals are out of service due to running out of fuel.
NOTE - these same sources claimed that these hospitals ran out of fuel over three weeks ago.

Four hospitals in Gaza are now surrounded by the IDF based on precise data and intelligence that Hamas leaders are hiding inside alongside massive piles of weapons and bombs.

Gazan civilians are exiting the hospital with white flags (very significant) and are being brought to safety as the IDF advances toward the hospitals. Hamas forces have been firing at them to try to prevent them from leaving (and thus losing their human shields).

Sources in the Arab media report the cooperation of thousands of Gazans with the IDF in handing over locations of Hamas forces, locations of tunnels and IDF warehouses and launch sites. The cooperation began after the IDF distributed leaflets calling for the provision of information about the location of the Israeli abductees while promising financial compensation and safety for informants. The sources report that, most of the information transmitters do not demand money but safe passage for them and their families.

Tens of thousands continue to move southward along designated routes in spite of Hamas efforts to force them to remain in place.

Heavy clashes and IAF strikes reported outside Shifa Hospital as Israeli army forces move further into Gaza City. It is still unclear just how close to the hospital IDF forces have penetrated. Unconfirmed reports that Israeli snipers have the facility surrounded. Artillery/Air strikes continue to form a ring of fire around the facility.

IDF says troops have captured key Hamas outposts in Gaza City today, killing some 150 terror operatives in the process. The military says that in recent days, its 401st Brigade led an assault on the so-called Bader outpost — the main outpost of Hamas’s Al-Shati Refugee Camp Battalion — located adjacent to civilian homes near the refugee camp. It says that during the raid on the Bader post, troops destroyed military headquarters and rocket launching sites


Continued tit - for - tat with Israel gradually expanding the target list in southern Lebanon to include more Hezbollah munitions facilities.

SYRIA / HEZBOLLAH / IRAN———————————-

Monitoring for another speech by Hezbollah is expected today. Current assessment is that it will be another nothing burger, but one never knows.

WEST BANK——————————-

Hamas- Our operations against the Israeli army in the West Bank are continuing.

Israeli raids to arrest Hamas other terror elements continue.


Continued attacks on US bases in eastern Syria/western Iraq. Houthi continue launching drones and ballistic missiles towards southern Israel.


President Erdoğan on Riyadh Summit: The decisions that will come out of this summit, where the countries of the region and the Islamic world are represented, will be a big step to stop Israel’s oppression.”

Hamas is calling for Arab-Islamic action to stop the Israeli aggression and save Gaza’s hospitals. Emir of Qatar (Hamas ally) How long will Israel be allowed to violate international laws with its brutal and endless war on the country’s indigenous people

Pro-Hamas supporters travelled an hour from Melbourne’s north to the Jewish community in Caulfield only to break through a police line and violently attack local Jews. Reports included pro-Hamas protesters attempting to run down locals in the Melbourne Jewish community. Jewish residents reportedly assembling to defend against future attacks.

In New Zealand, leftists attempted to disrupt and attack a pro-Israeli rally. That was until a Maori contingent arrived and threatened them off with a haka.

FORECAST ————————-

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) - Israel will continue its attacks in N Gaza to eliminate Hamas from that portion of land before turning south or turning to confront Hezbollah in a more substantial way if necessary. The battle is now focused on the Al-Shifa and Al-Quds hospitals - both considered to contain beneath them extensive Hamas underground bunkers. It may take on the order of weeks to completely seize and then penetrate into these bunkers.

Captured Hamas documents, combined with more Gazans providing intel to Israeli forces appears to have accelerated the success and lethality of IDF attacks. However, IDF appears to be holding back to a degree to avoid running into traps/ambushes by Hamas in their haste.

Nations and globalist entities continue to call for unconditional cease fire by Israel - and are completely silent on the issue of Hamas holding hostages as well as the terror attack that started this. As the Jpost article i linked to above indicates, Oct 7 caused Israel to cross a Rubicon of sorts, recognizing that a policy of appeasement is deadlier to the nation than putting Hamas out of business permanently.

The arab summit will likely just put out a lot of chest thumping and hot air for moslem consumption. The only players that could act militarily - and have already threatened to do so - are Iran and Turkey. Iran prefers not to get its hands dirty, relying on its proxy forces and seeing the US hammer over its head. Turkey will face pushback and even combat with NATO if they challenge the multi-national naval fleet in the eastern Med operating to deter Hezbollah and Iran. Turkey’s time is not quite now.

Global riots / protests will continue and attempt to grow. However, they are meeting with greater pushback as locals resentment of these islamic migrants are reaching a boiling point as well.

Lebanon -

See Israel above.

Syria -

See Israel above on latest.

Misc of Note –

Moving away from man-caused chaos, nature is taking center stage for those interested in Iceland.

Iceland’s Department of Civil Protection has just ordered a mandatory evacuation of the city of Grindavík and the Svartsengi Power Station as a volcanic eruption appears imminent. Over 1,000 earthquakes reported over the past 24 hours. Data from the meteorological office indicate that a magma tunnel has extended under Grindavík. That’s why the town was evacuated and the Civil Defense Level of Danger was declared. It cannot be ruled out that a volcanic fissure may open within the town limits.

OBSERVATION - The potential magnitude of the impending eruption at this stage looks to be larger than both of the previous two. Again, it is expected that this eruption will follow typical basaltic pattern, creating dazzling lava fire fountains and extensive lava flows. But even basaltic events, when pushed, can be much more severe.

The area in danger also has a major geothermal power plant that supplies power to 30,000.

657 posted on 11/11/2023 7:33:01 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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To: Godzilla

The computer ate some of my overnight notes, so I may have missed a few items - don’t have the time to reconstruct, so going off memory for some.

However, with that, the pace of events has slowed down a little, giving my fingers a chance to recover from the past week.

Economy –

Unconfirmed rumors that Bank of America (BOA) is nearly insolvent due to impacts from high treasury bonds. Some say that if the treasury bond hits 6%, BoA may take a hit at the waterline and start to go down. They also include Wells Fargo in the potential meltdown as well.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Riots/Protests by pro-Hamas groups in NYC marked Veterans day for the big apple. There was some vandalism reported.

More evidence that the pro-Hamas are increasingly rejecting the support and presence of LGBT/TRANS community in their marches. Videos show confrontations between these elements at recent protests.

Terrorism - Level is HIGH due to increased lone wolf threats.

Lone wolf attacks on Jewish related targets is the primary concern. Assassination attempts on politicians - particularly those on the right is an increasing concern as well.

Military / Strategic Activity / Deployments –

The Army has changed their marketing methods / videos to that which has more white males and the absence of women and trans. This appears to be a pivot back to trying to reach the red staters who have largely filled the ranks of the military but who the regime and military leadership have demonized over the past three years.


The house is putting together a 2 part, 2 month CR for the fed budget.

The new speaker is taking a lot of heat for delaying the release of the J6 videos and for saying that there isn’t enough evidence at this stage to go forward with a biden impeachment action.

Biden / Harris Watch –

Biden appearing to forget what he was supposed to be doing at the official Veterans Day memorial at Arlington National Cemetery on Saturday.
X users tore into Biden for freezing at the wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and having to be directed where to stand by U.S. service members attending to the solemn memorial.

OBSERVATION - biden is way, way past the stage he should be removed from office due to his dementia alone. To screw up on an important ceremony as this is unforgivable.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the second year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Nov 12, 2023

Russia is struggling to gain the initiative on several fronts in easter Ukraine. Attacks to take Adviivka, located near occupied Donetsk has been their priority as well as further north. However, it is on a defensive footing across most of Ukraine.

The Russian army has lost a considerable amount of armor/tanks and personnel in the fight to take Adviivka, causing that offensive to stall considerably and resort to “meat” attacks.

With the arrival of the muddy season, significant offensive actions by Russia are unlikely.

Ukrainian action has forced Russia to move forces laterally to meet the Ukraine advance - thinning critical portions of the line and making them vulnerable to assault.

Russia’s strategic ballistic and cruise missiles continue to show evidence of massively reduced inventories. With the onset of winter, it is believed that Russian is shepherding its stockpile of missiles/drones for an effort to take down the Ukraine power grid as it did last year. This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. Ukraine’s recent attacks on ships in Crimean harbors has forced the majority of the fleet to redeploying out of Crimea and to Russian bases, about 600 Km further away from the front lines.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Continued cool, 40’s- 50’s with rain throughout the forecast period.

Relatively quiet along the fronts. Action is subdued most likely due to heavy mud in the fields. This is forcing much of the fighting to be by light infantry in dismounted attacks.

Outlook —-
Both sides in essentially an operational pause. Russia desiring to get an offensive underway in the eastern front area as well as resume operations to capture Adviivka.

I expect no significant ground action by either side for the near future.

Europe / NATO General –

Remembrance Day/Veterans Day - London police arrested more than 120 people Saturday night, as a pro-Palestinian rally in the city drew a crowd of over 300,000 protesters. Demonstrators were observed wearing face coverings, setting off fireworks, waving Palestinian flags and carrying anti-Israel signs. Right-wing counter-protesters also attended the event, causing skirmishes to break out.


Key overnight developments -

- IDF continues to close in on Al-Shifa Hospital.

- Increased calls for cease fire by the international community.

- Results from the emergency Arab council in Saudi Arabia largely talk.

GENERAL ——————————-

Organizations like the World Health Organization and Red Cross are bemoaning that hospitals in Gaza are now apparently out of power. The Israeli military says it has agreed to help evacuate babies from the hospital to a “safer” facility but denies Al-Shifa has lost power. An evacuation corridor is being opened from the Al-Shifa hospital to Gaza’s main road south, the Israeli military’s Arabic spokesman has announced.

Israel’s president Isaac Herzog says Hamas has its base underneath the building - something Hamas denies. The Israeli military says it is not hitting the hospital during fighting.

Gaza’s second biggest hospital, Al-Quds, is also reported by a charity to have run out of fuel

GAZA FRONT ———————————-

The IDF reportedly eliminated Saturday Hamas’ Sabra Tel al-Hawa Battalion, after a week and a half of intense battles led by the Golani Brigade.
The Sabra Battalion of the terror organization is considered one of the four strongest battalions in Gaza City. According to Golani Brigade data, its troops, together with forces from the 7th Armored Brigade, undoubtedly killed about 300 terrorists. And approximately 150 more are estimated to be under the rubble of buildings or in destroyed tunnels. Additional senior Hamas figures were also taken out.

By Friday night, the IDF announced that the 401st Brigade had destroyed Outpost “Badr” of Hamas’s Shati Battalion, killing 150 terrorists in the stronghold.

As with other days, Hamas rocket attacks are becoming fewer and fewer with larger time gaps between barrages.

The link below depicts the projected Israeli force deployments and key locations


Continued tit - for - tat with Israel gradually expanding the target list in southern Lebanon to include more Hezbollah munitions and other facilities.

SYRIA / HEZBOLLAH / IRAN———————————-

The Israeli army is striking Syrian territory after two launches were detected into the Golan. The rockets fell in open areas - Israeli army

WEST BANK——————————-

Israeli raids to arrest Hamas and other terror elements continue.


Continued attacks on US bases in eastern Syria/western Iraq. Houthi continue launching drones and ballistic missiles towards southern Israel.


Arab summit in Saudi Arabia finished with very little other than rhetoric to show.

FORECAST ————————-

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) - The drama continues to center on the Al-Shifa and Qods hospitals as IDF continues to close in and prepares to seize them. IDF is facilitating evacuations from those hospitals by opening safe routes, while Hamas continues to try to keep patents and refugees in place. This will be THE defining battle of the war and won’t be resolved in a quick or clean manner.

The rest of the arab world has essentially tossed Hamas under the bus. Apart from beating their chests and wordy statements, they are sitting on the sidelines.

Iraq -

An Iraqi armed faction announces the targeting of the “Ain al-Assad” base, where American forces are stationed in Anbar Governorate

Lebanon -

See Israel above.

Saudi Arabia –

Saudi Arabia on Saturday helped to block a bid by Arab and Muslim countries to militarily and economically isolate Israel, according to Israeli media reports.
Most of the states present at an Arab League and Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) emergency summit in Riyadh focusing on the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza sought to impose five measures against the Jewish state, Channel 12 reported.

The demands were to prevent the transfer of U.S. military equipment to Israel from American bases in the Middle East region; suspend all diplomatic and economic contacts with Israel; cut back oil sales to the United States over Washington’s support for Israel; stop Israeli air traffic over the skies of the Gulf and send a joint delegation to the United States, Europe and Russia to push for a ceasefire.

The resolution to adopt these measures was blocked by Israel’s Abraham accords partner states the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco. They were joined by Egypt and Jordan, two countries with long-standing peace agreements with Israel. Saudi Arabia, Mauritania and Djibouti also opposed the measures.

OBSERVATION - The Abraham accords and the prospect of prosperity with trade relations with Israel did show fruit at the conference. Hamas has been tossed under the bus and these nations are looking past the war to restoration of a more stable region.

Syria -

See Israel above on latest.

658 posted on 11/12/2023 6:44:55 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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To: Godzilla

The computer ate some of my overnight notes, so I may have missed a few items - don’t have the time to reconstruct, so going off memory for some.

However, with that, the pace of events has slowed down a little, giving my fingers a chance to recover from the past week.

Economy –

Unconfirmed rumors that Bank of America (BOA) is nearly insolvent due to impacts from high treasury bonds. Some say that if the treasury bond hits 6%, BoA may take a hit at the waterline and start to go down. They also include Wells Fargo in the potential meltdown as well.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Riots/Protests by pro-Hamas groups in NYC marked Veterans day for the big apple. There was some vandalism reported.

More evidence that the pro-Hamas are increasingly rejecting the support and presence of LGBT/TRANS community in their marches. Videos show confrontations between these elements at recent protests.

Terrorism - Level is HIGH due to increased lone wolf threats.

Lone wolf attacks on Jewish related targets is the primary concern. Assassination attempts on politicians - particularly those on the right is an increasing concern as well.

Military / Strategic Activity / Deployments –

The Army has changed their marketing methods / videos to that which has more white males and the absence of women and trans. This appears to be a pivot back to trying to reach the red staters who have largely filled the ranks of the military but who the regime and military leadership have demonized over the past three years.


The house is putting together a 2 part, 2 month CR for the fed budget.

The new speaker is taking a lot of heat for delaying the release of the J6 videos and for saying that there isn’t enough evidence at this stage to go forward with a biden impeachment action.

Biden / Harris Watch –

Biden appearing to forget what he was supposed to be doing at the official Veterans Day memorial at Arlington National Cemetery on Saturday.
X users tore into Biden for freezing at the wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and having to be directed where to stand by U.S. service members attending to the solemn memorial.

OBSERVATION - biden is way, way past the stage he should be removed from office due to his dementia alone. To screw up on an important ceremony as this is unforgivable.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the second year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Nov 12, 2023

Russia is struggling to gain the initiative on several fronts in easter Ukraine. Attacks to take Adviivka, located near occupied Donetsk has been their priority as well as further north. However, it is on a defensive footing across most of Ukraine.

The Russian army has lost a considerable amount of armor/tanks and personnel in the fight to take Adviivka, causing that offensive to stall considerably and resort to “meat” attacks.

With the arrival of the muddy season, significant offensive actions by Russia are unlikely.

Ukrainian action has forced Russia to move forces laterally to meet the Ukraine advance - thinning critical portions of the line and making them vulnerable to assault.

Russia’s strategic ballistic and cruise missiles continue to show evidence of massively reduced inventories. With the onset of winter, it is believed that Russian is shepherding its stockpile of missiles/drones for an effort to take down the Ukraine power grid as it did last year. This task has become increasingly difficult as Ukraine adds air defense systems and gets better coverage.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is is essentially impotent and hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. Ukraine’s recent attacks on ships in Crimean harbors has forced the majority of the fleet to redeploying out of Crimea and to Russian bases, about 600 Km further away from the front lines.

Russian leadership reportedly planning for a long duration conflict, hoping to wear the Ukraine army down and cause European allies to tire of their support - forcing some sort of cease fire and negotiated peace.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Continued cool, 40’s- 50’s with rain throughout the forecast period.

Relatively quiet along the fronts. Action is subdued most likely due to heavy mud in the fields. This is forcing much of the fighting to be by light infantry in dismounted attacks.

Outlook —-
Both sides in essentially an operational pause. Russia desiring to get an offensive underway in the eastern front area as well as resume operations to capture Adviivka.

I expect no significant ground action by either side for the near future.

Europe / NATO General –

Remembrance Day/Veterans Day - London police arrested more than 120 people Saturday night, as a pro-Palestinian rally in the city drew a crowd of over 300,000 protesters. Demonstrators were observed wearing face coverings, setting off fireworks, waving Palestinian flags and carrying anti-Israel signs. Right-wing counter-protesters also attended the event, causing skirmishes to break out.


Key overnight developments -

- IDF continues to close in on Al-Shifa Hospital.

- Increased calls for cease fire by the international community.

- Results from the emergency Arab council in Saudi Arabia largely talk.

GENERAL ——————————-

Organizations like the World Health Organization and Red Cross are bemoaning that hospitals in Gaza are now apparently out of power. The Israeli military says it has agreed to help evacuate babies from the hospital to a “safer” facility but denies Al-Shifa has lost power. An evacuation corridor is being opened from the Al-Shifa hospital to Gaza’s main road south, the Israeli military’s Arabic spokesman has announced.

Israel’s president Isaac Herzog says Hamas has its base underneath the building - something Hamas denies. The Israeli military says it is not hitting the hospital during fighting.

Gaza’s second biggest hospital, Al-Quds, is also reported by a charity to have run out of fuel

GAZA FRONT ———————————-

The IDF reportedly eliminated Saturday Hamas’ Sabra Tel al-Hawa Battalion, after a week and a half of intense battles led by the Golani Brigade.
The Sabra Battalion of the terror organization is considered one of the four strongest battalions in Gaza City. According to Golani Brigade data, its troops, together with forces from the 7th Armored Brigade, undoubtedly killed about 300 terrorists. And approximately 150 more are estimated to be under the rubble of buildings or in destroyed tunnels. Additional senior Hamas figures were also taken out.

By Friday night, the IDF announced that the 401st Brigade had destroyed Outpost “Badr” of Hamas’s Shati Battalion, killing 150 terrorists in the stronghold.

As with other days, Hamas rocket attacks are becoming fewer and fewer with larger time gaps between barrages.

The link below depicts the projected Israeli force deployments and key locations


Continued tit - for - tat with Israel gradually expanding the target list in southern Lebanon to include more Hezbollah munitions and other facilities.

SYRIA / HEZBOLLAH / IRAN———————————-

The Israeli army is striking Syrian territory after two launches were detected into the Golan. The rockets fell in open areas - Israeli army

WEST BANK——————————-

Israeli raids to arrest Hamas and other terror elements continue.


Continued attacks on US bases in eastern Syria/western Iraq. Houthi continue launching drones and ballistic missiles towards southern Israel.


Arab summit in Saudi Arabia finished with very little other than rhetoric to show.

FORECAST ————————-

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) - The drama continues to center on the Al-Shifa and Qods hospitals as IDF continues to close in and prepares to seize them. IDF is facilitating evacuations from those hospitals by opening safe routes, while Hamas continues to try to keep patents and refugees in place. This will be THE defining battle of the war and won’t be resolved in a quick or clean manner.

The rest of the arab world has essentially tossed Hamas under the bus. Apart from beating their chests and wordy statements, they are sitting on the sidelines.

Iraq -

An Iraqi armed faction announces the targeting of the “Ain al-Assad” base, where American forces are stationed in Anbar Governorate

Lebanon -

See Israel above.

Saudi Arabia –

Saudi Arabia on Saturday helped to block a bid by Arab and Muslim countries to militarily and economically isolate Israel, according to Israeli media reports.
Most of the states present at an Arab League and Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) emergency summit in Riyadh focusing on the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza sought to impose five measures against the Jewish state, Channel 12 reported.

The demands were to prevent the transfer of U.S. military equipment to Israel from American bases in the Middle East region; suspend all diplomatic and economic contacts with Israel; cut back oil sales to the United States over Washington’s support for Israel; stop Israeli air traffic over the skies of the Gulf and send a joint delegation to the United States, Europe and Russia to push for a ceasefire.

The resolution to adopt these measures was blocked by Israel’s Abraham accords partner states the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco. They were joined by Egypt and Jordan, two countries with long-standing peace agreements with Israel. Saudi Arabia, Mauritania and Djibouti also opposed the measures.

OBSERVATION - The Abraham accords and the prospect of prosperity with trade relations with Israel did show fruit at the conference. Hamas has been tossed under the bus and these nations are looking past the war to restoration of a more stable region.

Syria -

See Israel above on latest.

659 posted on 11/12/2023 6:44:56 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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