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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; blu; bgill; bitt; ...

Globalism / Great Reset –

Energy production sources play a big role in the GGR, leveraging the false narrative of anthropogenic (man caused) climate change, to force global economic change. This has lead many to believe that in order to achieve its goal, there has to be a declared “climate emergency” of the similar nature to wuhan to bypass national laws and force these changes. This effort is hitting some rough spots and pushback as observed below.

Despite expressed outrage and a vote of “no confidence” from the Wyoming Republican Party on Saturday over comments he made about climate change and reducing Wyoming’s carbon output, Gov. Mark Gordon stuck to his firm “decarbonization” policy at Monday’s Western Governors’ Association meeting in Jackson.
During a press conference held before the event, Gordon said there has been some confusion about what “decarbonizing the West” means.

“It is about what we do about carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and how we move forward in an aggressive fashion really to address that issue and understanding how all energy sources have a place,” he said.

Gordon has championed the initiative of “decarbonizing the West” in his role as chair of the Western Governors’ Association. On Monday, he said there is a shared, bipartisan commitment amongst Western governors to address climate change in the West. Gordon said these issues are of shared importance throughout the Western states, which produce about 50% of America’s energy.

OBSERVATION - Amazing how WEF has managed to penetrate even dark red states like Wyoming. The end of his term is coming fast, just like Liz Chaney. Oil and coal are big economic foundational pillars for Wyoming, as well as other western states. As such, they are big targets for moles of the WEF to penetrate and enact favorable policies and laws.

The wind farm industry globally is having the air sucked out of it as costs explode and problems with deliveries, cables, blades, etc. Others are getting hit trying to renegotiate price per kw to recover losses. Another factor is the push back to ESG scoring with companies that supported wind to boost their score and now seeing that it is no longer worth it to continue and are pulling out of projects.

Similar is impacting the major solar projects, too expensive and not cost effective.

OBSERVATION - These developments have been growing over the course of this year. It is really throwing a kink in the WEF’s efforts to decarbonize the planet. This may cause them to accelerate the forceful shut down of the oil and coal industries - forcing major power shortages - even beyond that which ‘green’ energy is creating.

Economy –

The New York Federal Reserve Bank said the U.S. banking sector is stable, but some banks are still vulnerable to funding pressure and capital shortfalls. These vulnerabilities are made worse by the continued high fed rates and treasury bond rates that have left banks holding lower interest ones deep in the red.

Interesting link below on the state of trucking in the US. It has gone from a frenzied, lacking sufficient truckers and rigs to that of companies closing up. Trucking, in a similar fashion that the housing industry is, is another gauge on the state of the economy. And the economy is slumping, not producing and consumers not consuming. Trucking brings products to consumers, and there isn’t the traffic any more.

Rick McQuaide, who runs a freight company in Cambria County, Pennsylvania, as well as in Florida states in the article - “It provides very valuable insights into the health of where the economy is going and into the mindset of the consumer: Are they spending, or are they feeling uncertain and moving within,” he asked rhetorically.
“That is what we are seeing (people rethinking their spending) on the freight side, and that is not a good omen for the U.S. economy. That spending had kept us out of a recession,” he said. “Now that consumers are pulling back, we should be paying more attention to what that means.”

OBSERVATION - This is another indicator of recession folks, the economy is shrinking, not growing as the fluffed up numbers from the biden regime try to convince you otherwise.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Crowder got hold of 3 pages of the Nashville murder’s “manifesto “ and published them on X yesterday. Those three pages were essentially confirmed to be part of the ‘manifesto’ by Nashville’s mayor. They clearly show that that it was an anti-white hate crime. And that much in it parrots DEI teachings in the local schools, building upon the already mentally disturbed nature of being ‘trans’.
The MSM did not report on the leak of the manifesto, no shock to anyone here.

Antifa and pro-Palestinian activists are blocking a US military ship, Cape Orlando, from loading weapons and supplies being sent to Israel. This is at the Port of Tacoma in WA. This is phase two of a protest that started a couple days ago in Oakland. That’s where the Cape Orlando left from.

It appears the protesters weren’t able to get to the ship itself this time so they are settling for trying to prevent union dockworkers from getting inside to load it. Protesters are using their cars to block the entrance to a pier in an attempt to stop workers from being able to load the ship.

OBSERVATION - Cross link with Terrorism. This is the second such action against US military cargo ships. There is a security breach in the dock workers who are civilian, feeding this intel to the leftists.

A pro-Palestine protester has been arrested after killing a 65 year old Jewish man by hitting him over the head with a megaphone during a verbal altercation in the Thousand Oaks area of LA.
The man suffered from a brain hemorrhage as a result & succumbed to his injuries. The pro-Hamas protestor has been arrested for murder.

Terrorism - Level is HIGH due to increased lone wolf threats.

The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) says that Ruba Almaghtheh confessed to purposely backing her car into the Israelite School of Universal and Practical Knowledge while there were people inside the building. The IMPD termed her a “terrorist.” There were no reports of any injuries.
Police said she told them that she was offended by the Hebrew Israelite symbol on the building and planned to attack it after watching coverage of the Israel-Hamas war. She thought it was an “Israel school.”
IMPD said she referred to “her people back in Palestine” and told officers, “Yes. I did it on purpose.”

However, the Anti-Defamation League defines the Israelite School of Universal and Practical Knowledge as an “extreme and antisemitic” sect of the Black Hebrew Israelites.
Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis officials wrote in a press release. “Although a Jewish facility was not targeted, solely due to ironic misidentification, this is yet another reminder to maintain security protocols, remain vigilant of suspicious activity and to (report promptly) to the appropriate authorities.”
Almaghtheh is facing a preliminary charge of criminal recklessness.

OBSERVATION - She screwed up bigly by attacking the wrong kind of “Hebrews”, but expect more of these kind of triggered, lone wolf attacks as the war progresses.

Another Seattle synagogue has been evacuated for a suspicious envelope, this time on Monday in North Seattle.

The Seattle Fire Department first posted about the investigation around 8:30 p.m. The synagogue is in the 6200 block of 43rd Avenue Northeast.

We spoke with one member of the congregation about the suspicious envelope. That member said they found the letter as they checked the mail from over the weekend. They noticed the letter matched the description of the suspicious envelopes found at other temples in the city.

SFD said the substance inside was non-hazardous. Seattle police are now investigating.

OBSERVATION - Expect more of the same.

Military / Strategic Activity / Deployments –

The DoD clarified that the Ohio-class cruise missile submarine USS Florida (SSGN-728) transited the Suez Canal, heading into the northern Red Sea and the CENTCOM AOR.
USS Florida is armed with up to 154 Tomahawk cruise missiles and is equipped with a dry deck shelter.

OBSERVATION - Still an unusual announcement, but obvious that it is designed to send a message to Iran and even Hezbollah.

The USS Eisenhower CSG seems to be holding in the Red Sea area.

Wuhan and other “new” Plandemics –

WHO warning the next big pandemic may come via mosquito vectors. BTW, Bill Gates has been genetically modifying mosquitos for a couple years now . . .


Things reached critical mass yesterday in the Trump civil fraud trial as he took the stand and sparks quickly erupted. The judge’s actions were documented very well and will provide a wealth of basis to claim bias when this is appealed. Fundamentally, the judge ‘prejudged’ the case and said he didn’t need to hear Trumps testimony. Many on the left are scrambling to protect the judge’s actions, but he clearly lost it.

In a new leaked State Department Dissent Channel memo, mid-level staffers criticized the Biden administration’s handling of the Israel-Gaza conflict, saying the “tolerance” of a high civilian death toll in Gaza “engenders doubt in the rules-based international order that we have long championed.” This is a continuation of the rift that is growing between the older, more ‘moderate’ democrats supporting Israel, and the younger, marxist democrats who are against Israel. One only has to look at Blinken’s face as he shuttles around the globe trying to establish any kind of a cohesive US policy on the war.

Now 10 days away from the end of the current CR, House Republicans are preparing a new stopgap bill that would create “funding cliffs” on 07 December and 19 January 2024. House Republicans plan to put contentious spending bills under the longer “funding cliff” and appropriations with bipartisan support under the shorter “funding cliff” to entice Democrats to make a deal.

OBSERVATION - As speaker Johnson attempts to herd the cats of the republican caucus, this plan seemingly has some merits.

Newscum’s stealth presidential campaign continues with another stab in the back to kalifornia.

California is piloting its first state-led universal basic income program as new analysis finds the state has the highest poverty rate in the nation. While state Democrats use figures like these to demonstrate the need for more social spending, critics say these programs ultimately make California more expensive and increase poverty in the long run.

The two “Guaranteed Income Pilot Programs’ will provide 150 former foster youth in Ventura County with $1,000 per month and another 150 in San Francisco with $1,200 per month to “disrupt poverty, advance equity, and support the basic needs of recipients.”

“Guaranteed income programs help level the playing field and will give these former foster youth the support and resources they need to pursue their California dream,” said California governor Gavin Newsom.

OBSERVATION - Can cross reference to Globalism / Great Reset as well. The concept of a universal basic income is one carried by the WEF and will likely be forced on all when the great reset gives them power. In smaller, pilot tests in some kalifornia cities, it has failed miserably, with money being spent more on drugs and crime than actually helping individuals out of poverty.

Illegal Immigration –

Illegal crossings are continuing to increase, due in part to cooler weather facilitating crossings of more desert regions.

China –

News that suggests that China’s economy is close to shrinking and it has the Xi govt moving on infrastructure projects to keep the economy afloat.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the second year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Sept 27, 2023

Russia is on a defensive footing across most of Ukraine, relying on Russian doctrinal defense in depth to blunt the Ukrainian offensive. However, Russian forces continue increasingly stretched and undermanned, with increasingly insufficient artillery support.

Ukrainian action has forced Russia to move forces laterally to meet the Ukraine advance - thinning critical portions of the line and making them vulnerable to assault.

Russia’s strategic ballistic and cruise missiles continue to show evidence of massively reduced inventories. Recent attacks indicate the Russia has started to produce its own Shahed drones with Iranian assistance. Russia capable of continued, though limited, attacks in this arena. The majority of Russian strikes are with these Iranian drones. Major targets are grain shipping facilities in the Odesa region as well as trying to hit logistical targets across the rest of the country.

Supplemental cruise missile attacks using old models will be occasionally used to supplement the drones.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is increasingly hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. Ukraine’s mixture of seaborne and airborne drones and anti-ship missiles beginning to render areas more or less off limits to Russia. The fleet is reportedly in the process of redeploying out of Crimea and moving east to Russian bases, about 600 Km further away from the front lines.

Russia is capable of launching small scale attacks in various sectors of company and small sized elements, but any large scale offensive action in the face of the heavy demands from defending against the Ukrainian offensive are essentially nil.


putin planning to run for reelection next year. His opposition sits in prision/jail cells.

Economic Impact –
Russia expects its 2024 government revenue to be a record $349 billion. There are plans to sustain this level of revenue by keeping Russian military spending at record level. This means more purchases of weapons and equipment from Russian suppliers as well as continuing generous death and disability payments to soldiers or their families. The impact of these payments is obvious on poor regions of Russia that have a lot of men in the military. So many local men have been killed or disabled that the families of the dead are now relatively wealthy and spending money on new cars or upgrading their housing and lifestyles in general. This is intentional because the government is desperate to avoid large-scale dissatisfaction with the war effort.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Continued cool, 40’s- 50’s with scattered rain.

RUMINT – Continued reports that western leaders are trying to get Ukraine and Russia to come to some kind of ceasefire agreement. Both have openly rejected such calls.

Both sides launched drones/missiles at each other. Russia focusing on southern Ukraine while Ukraine targeted Crimea and Russian territory around Rostov-on-Don.

It appears that Russian efforts at Adviivka have largely tapered off to a near stop. This may be in part due to muddy conditions making cross country movement very difficult combined with the very heavy losses in men and equipment over the past couple months.

Russian milbloggers are freeking out over evidence that Ukraine is bringing armor/tanks across the Dniper River and into bridge head areas. They also note Ukraine is using a newer drone jamming system at these sites to blind Russian observation and take down attack drones.

Politically, Zelensky, in a nightly video address, told Ukrainians that there would be no elections while the country was at war with Russia. With the war in Gaza sucking all the attention and resources away from his efforts, an election in the midst of a war for existence is not a practical exercise.

OUTLOOK - Continued status quo along all fronts. Increased activity at the Dniper River crossings, combined with up dated jamming of Russian drones, makes for an interesting situation to follow. This suggests that Ukraine may have set conditions for a more aggressive breakout of its current beachheads. This would place Russian planners between a rock and a hard place.


Key overnight developments -

- IDF seized another Hamas stronghold in the north

- Gazan evacuees moving south by the thousands along designated safe corridors.

- IDF closing in on the Shifa hospital

GENERAL ——————————-

We are now one month into the Gaza war, and there are still many, many months worth of fighting ahead.

The islamic terror PR campaign continues but has to deal with published evidence of Hamas violations of war.

GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Israel intensified strikes tonight around Shifa & Al Quds hospitals in Gaza, as
IDF ground forces have pushed to within a few hundred meters of Shifa hospital in intense combat with Hamas forces. Hamas has gathered hundreds of civilians around the hospitals to act as a human shield. IDF is firing flares to try to disperse them. It is strongly suspected that the Shifa hospital overlies the main Hamas command bunker in the north and that is one of the most likely places many of the hostages are being held. Similar for the Al Quds hospital. These hospitals have maintained full power now 3 weeks after claiming they’ve run out of fuel for their generators.

Israeli forces operating in the northern Gaza Strip have located several rocket launchers and some 50 rockets, located in a compound used by a youth movement and a mosque. Additionally, IDF soldiers located several tunnels inside a residential building in a civilian area of Beit Hanoun, northeast of Gaza City. Yahalom Unit combat engineers, in cooperation with reserve soldiers and fighters from the elite Duvdevan Unit, destroyed the tunnels.

Hamas et al claims to have destroyed several tanks and APCs during fighting. They also managed to fire some more rockets into Israel, with virtually no effect. Photos show how launchers are buried in school yards and similar locations - making them extremely difficult to find and take out except by ground assault.


Another day of increased fighting along the border. Hezbollah increased rhetoric against Israel and added more threats to expand the conflict.

Hamas’ Al-Qassam Brigades - Lebanon claims responsibility for a barrage of 30 rockets towards Haifa and Nahariya yesterday. This is the largest barrage from Lebanon since the start of the war.

After the rocket launches, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) fighter jets struck Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, including a site housing “technological assets,” a weapons depot, rocket launch positions, and other infrastructure.

Lebanese Hezbollah (LH) and the al Qassem Brigades conducted four cross-border attacks into northern #Israel on November 6. LH claimed two indirect fire attacks and one direct fire attack targeting Israeli positions in northern Israel.

NOTE - Since hezbollah has control of southern Lebanon, any military action taken by any other military / terror organization does so with its tacit approval.

Rumors that Nazerallah will give another speech this Friday.

SYRIA / HEZBOLLAH / IRAN———————————-

Islamic resistance elements using Syria as bases to strike at US bases in the region.

WEST BANK——————————-

Continued Israeli security operations to arrest Hamas and associated terrorists.

“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” (new add) ———————————

This category is to collect the various Iranian - backed militias attacking US interests in Syria and Iraq as well as Houthi attacks toward Israel

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq released a footage of today’s attacks on multiple US bases in Iraq and Syria. They also claimed there was attack on Green Village base in Deir ez-Zor

The number of attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq and Syria rose significantly over the weekend, from 30 to 38 in total, according to the Pentagon. Number of service members wounded also rose, to 46 in total, as troops continued to report injuries from the Oct 17-18 attacks

Houthis fired ballistic missiles and drones from Yemen towards Israel, but most of those have been intercepted by either US naval assets in the Red Sea, or by Saudi Arabia itself.
Today, the Houthis formally “warned” Saudi Arabia that if they continue to intercept missiles destined for Israel, the Houthis will begin targeting “all Saudi oil production facilities.”

FORECAST ————————-

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) - Israel will continue its attacks in N Gaza to eliminate Hamas from that portion of land before turning south or turning to confront Hezbollah in a more substantial way if necessary. As it moves deeper into Gaza City, more substantial battles are expected.

The battle to secure Shifa hospital is developing into the most critical battle of the ground offensive. I expect it to last over the better part of a months Hamas will desperately mount a last stand defense. Here is where Hamas has hidden its main command post and facilities. Remember, the hospital was crying that it would be out of fuel in 24hours - 20 days ago. It has plenty of power, and that power runs the command center. How this battle will pan out is yet to be seen, but because a large number of hostages are likely to be there, it will be mano e mano in the tunnels so as to minimize the risk as much as possible to the hostages. Hamas, OTOH may at that critical moment start killing them in an effort to stop the Israeli assault.

Hezbollah is very much still worth monitoring, especially if Hamas’ defenses collapse too quickly. Right now they seem willing to allow Hamas to go down while offering minimal military support. This can change in a massive rocket barrage minute. They have to weigh that against the threat from the US to get involved with them AND Iran. If the US shows signs of weakness in its resolve, it will increase the likelyhood of Hezbollah involvement. Very danger calculations that could escalate into a major regional war.

Lebanon -

See Israel above.

Syria -

See Israel above on latest.

Misc of Note –

The Icelandic Met Office (IMO) has reported a considerable upsurge in seismic activity on the Reykjanes Peninsula, with over 18 500 earthquakes recorded since the swarm began on October 25, just north of Grindavík.
This region, known for its volcanic activity, has experienced a substantial increase in both the frequency and magnitude of seismic events, including five earthquakes exceeding magnitude 4 (M4), with the strongest being a M4.5.
Significant uplift of 7 cm (2.7 inches) has been registered in 10 days at GNSS station on Mt. Þorbjörn

Recent models, based on data collected since October 27, have shown that the volume change associated with this inflation event is nearly double that of the cumulative changes observed during the four previous inflation events between 2020 and 2022.

OBSERVATION - This pending eruption, like the recent ones in 2020, and 2022 are expected to be the fluid, basaltic type and not explosive. However, the double volume estimates suggest that it will be a very big and possibly expansive event on the peninsula. It carries the potential for some ash and gasses to reach the British Isles which potentially could delay airline flights and cause other health effects. I’m looking forward to monitoring it cause of the old retired geologist that I am.

648 posted on 11/07/2023 7:42:24 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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To: Godzilla
Crowder got hold of 3 pages of the Nashville murder’s “manifesto “ and published them on X yesterday. Those three pages were essentially confirmed to be part of the ‘manifesto’ by Nashville’s mayor. They clearly show that that it was an anti-white hate crime. And that much in it parrots DEI teachings in the local schools, building upon the already mentally disturbed nature of being ‘trans’. The MSM did not report on the leak of the manifesto, no shock to anyone here.

I'm sure the parts (of the manifesto} held back are much worse than the parts released... very telling.

649 posted on 11/07/2023 9:18:32 AM PST by GOPJ (The reason Biden won't protect our border is he wants cash kickbacks for doing it. )
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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; blu; bgill; bitt; ...

So many items where is seems things are waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Globalism / Great Reset –

(Bloomberg) — Australia’s central bank resumed raising interest rates on Tuesday in a widely anticipated move, while signaling a higher hurdle to further policy tightening that pushed the local currency lower.

The Reserve Bank increased its cash rate to a 12-year high of 4.35% and revised up its inflation forecast slightly to 3.5% by end-2024. It also edged down the predicted peak in unemployment to 4.25%, underscoring the resilience in the broader economy to the central bank’s tightening so far.

OBSERVATION - Rate hikes so far have done as much if not more damage to economies as the wuhan plandemic. Like in the US they are claiming a ‘resilient’ broader economy. In doing so they paper over the serious damage being done. All to the happiness of the WEF.

Economy –

Americans now owe $1.08 trillion on their credit cards, according to a new report on household debt from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Credit card balances spiked by $154 billion year over year, notching the largest increase since 1999, the New York Fed found.

The average credit card annual percentage rate, or APR, hit a new record of 20.72% last week, according to a Bankrate database that goes back to 1985. The previous record was 19% in July 1991.

OBSERVATION - Very dangerous trend heading into a probable recession. Defaults here could domino into other aspects of the lending industry - homes and cars.

(FO) Deutsche Bank analysts wrote that the Conference Board’s Leading Economic Index (LEI) – which includes new manufacturing orders, new building permits, initial unemployment claims, and seven other components – has only been this low and for this long during recessions. The LEI has been negative on a year-on-year basis for the second-longest period on record.

OBSERVATION - With little doubt the regime wants to avoid calling economic conditions a “recession”, especially when headed into a highly contentious election year. Some note that technically, the continued GDP doesn’t meet the definition, it is being sustained by high govt spending and doesn’t accurately reflect true economic conditions. Like jobs and inflation data - the methodology has been so contorted to give a false impression of happy times, that conditions surrounding a recession are being given a load of lipstick.

The combination of high levels of debt and higher interest rates has pushed the annualized interest cost of government debt past $1 trillion, an analysis from Bloomberg showed Tuesday.
This amounts to a doubling of interest costs over the past 19 months, according to Bloomberg. It is the equivalent of 15.9 percent of the Federal budget for fiscal year 2022.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the cumulative deficit for the 2024–2033 period will total $20.2 trillion, or 6.1 percent of GDP. Deficits are expected to be at least 5.5 percent of GDP every year for the coming decade. Since 1973, the federal government budget deficit has averaged 3.6 percent of GDP.

OBSERVATION - This is a time bomb and it may have long past the tipping point of no return. Countries around the globe are facing the same doom. The puppet masters in the WEF are rubbing their hands in glee.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Very heavy RUMINT at this stage. Fox news yesterday announced that the DOD issued an advisory issued for today allegedly warning of threats from threats from a Pro-Palestinian day of action.

Targets include “All possible cities and sites of production and headquarters of the largest transnational weapons companies.” The companies identified were Northrup Grummand , Lockheed Martin, Raytheon , Boeing and General Dynamics.

RUMINT - the DoD website contains no such warning and further news about this has completely dropped off the radar screen. Typically DHS would issue such warnings.

On the flip side, fliers have been distributed calling for just such a day of protests for today (Nov 8) at these locations. The group associated with the fliers is “Resist US Led Wars”. A visit to their web page shows the same symbol representing the group as found on the fliers. However, no action is listed for Nov 8th. The last posted action was a multinational call to protest on March 26, 2022.

OBSERVATION - Close watch just the same. In “X” commentary, some posters said they work for some of the companies named and they said they received a ‘briefing’ about the potential protests. Some DoD civilians noted similar warnings/briefings.

Terrorism - Level is HIGH due to increased lone wolf threats.

U.S. Capitol Police responded to an emergency call concerning a man with an AR-15 outside the US Capitol in Washington, D.C. The individual carrying the AR-15 was tased by US Capitol Police in a park near the Senate office building after disregarding commands to drop the weapon. Concurrently, law enforcement is investigating a suspicious package in the Upper Senate Park, where the suspect was reportedly sighted. Staff and other personnel are advised to steer clear of this area. Suspect is a black male. The so called rifle was actually a 5.56 pistol.

OBSERVATION - Just what the heck is some body - any color - doing walking around outside govt buildings with a pistol like this? Please don’t get me wrong, we should be able to carry just about anywhere, but in gun control fanatic DC?

A 19-year-old from Maine who the FBI says built homemade explosives and plotted to attack a mosque in the name of the Islamic State group was sentenced Monday to 15 years in prison.
Xavier Pelkey, of Waterville, entered an agreement with prosecutors in April in which he pleaded guilty to providing material support to terrorists while a second charge was dropped.

Pelkey planned to contribute firearms, ammunition and explosives for a mass shooting at a Shiite mosque in the Chicago area and possibly other houses of worship, and he was in communication with a pair of juveniles, one in Canada and one Chicago, about the plot, law enforcement officials said. Investigators found a handwritten document about the planned mosque attack, claiming it in the name of the Islamic State group.

OBSERVATION - As the mix of illegals continue to pour into the nation, layered on top of an existing unstable base of non-integrating foreigners and backgrounds, grudges like this will increasingly more common as they bring their fights here. Religious and criminal gangs are a growing threat.

Military / Strategic Activity / Deployments –

The White House announces the United States will suspend operations of all Conventional Armed Forces (CFE) Treaty obligations between itself and every other State Party, effective December 7 in light of Russia withdrawing from the treaty. See also NATO countries doing same below under “Europe / NATO General”.

Wuhan and other “new” Plandemics –

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a notice to healthcare providers, emphasizing the importance of administering the correct dosage of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine to children, following reports of inadvertent double doses being given to young recipients.

“We are advising healthcare providers who administer the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to individuals six months through 11 years of age to ensure that the correct volume of the vaccine is withdrawn from the vial so that the correct dose is administered to the vaccine recipient.”

The FDA has updated its fact sheet for healthcare providers regarding the mRNA vaccine to provide clearer instructions. It now specifies that 0.25 mL should be drawn from the vial, and any remaining contents in the vial should be discarded.

OBSERVATION - This is concerning, not only for the jab, but are our medical people unable to read and understand dosage levels for other medicines? Further, there is absolutely no reason for children under the age of 11 receiving the jab in the first place - it is only to contaminate their immune systems making them more likely to get sick and die - suddenly.


Last night was generally a disappointing one for republicans, losing a number of high profile contests. This has sparked calls for the resignation of the do noting RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, niece of the nefarious Mitt Romney.


One good thing did arise yesterday, the US House of Representatives voted 234-188 to censure Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. 22 Democrats joined with Republicans to censure Tlaib. The pre-vote debate also brought a massive melt down of the “Squad” who vociferously tried to defend Tlaib.
Before the vote, Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries said the phrase “from the river to the sea’ was “widely understood as calling for the complete destruction of Israel”

Illegal Immigration –

(FO) Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) are gathering signatures for a draft letter urging President Biden to designate the Palestinian territories for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED).

Granting Temporary Protected Status to Palestinians on nonimmigrant visas already in the U.S. could be setting up for a surge of refugees who would also have protected status once they reach the border. Screening a surge of refugees for ideological support for Hamas would be impossible.

OBSERVATION - There is a republican attempt to ban all Palestinians from the US being put forth by Congressman (R) Zinke. The marxist left seems willing to import 1 million of these troublemakers from Gaza. NOTE - no other Arab country wants to take them in as they have a history of trying to disrupt/overthrow the govt of the countries they have resided in in the past.

House Republicans are urging President Joe Biden’s Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, to reject reported plans that would see United States airports transformed into migrant camps for tens of thousands of illegal aliens.

A total of 70 House Republicans, led by House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO), are asking Buttigieg to drop plans in which the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “has proposed housing 60,000 migrants at four public airports and various other facilities in New York and New Jersey,” they write:

These airports and their communities rightfully fear being transformed into larger versions of Chicago O’Hare International Airport, which has reportedly converted portions of its terminal into a shelter for hundreds of migrants. At a time when the Administration is proposing higher screening requirements on known airline crewmembers due to security risks, we are extremely concerned about the lack of regard for security risks posed by housing thousands of unknown persons at airports, many of which support passenger air service and host sensitive military facilities.

OBSERVATION - It isn’t rocket science to see that this is not a very good idea. The amount of general crime and damage to facilities alone would be staggering, let alone terror danger to airlines.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the second year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Sept 27, 2023

Russia is on a defensive footing across most of Ukraine, relying on Russian doctrinal defense in depth to blunt the Ukrainian offensive. However, Russian forces continue increasingly stretched and undermanned, with increasingly insufficient artillery support.

Ukrainian action has forced Russia to move forces laterally to meet the Ukraine advance - thinning critical portions of the line and making them vulnerable to assault.

Russia’s strategic ballistic and cruise missiles continue to show evidence of massively reduced inventories. Recent attacks indicate the Russia has started to produce its own Shahed drones with Iranian assistance. Russia capable of continued, though limited, attacks in this arena. The majority of Russian strikes are with these Iranian drones. Major targets are grain shipping facilities in the Odesa region as well as trying to hit logistical targets across the rest of the country.

Supplemental cruise missile attacks using old models will be occasionally used to supplement the drones.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is increasingly hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. Ukraine’s mixture of seaborne and airborne drones and anti-ship missiles beginning to render areas more or less off limits to Russia. The fleet is reportedly in the process of redeploying out of Crimea and moving east to Russian bases, about 600 Km further away from the front lines.

Russia is capable of launching small scale attacks in various sectors of company and small sized elements, but any large scale offensive action in the face of the heavy demands from defending against the Ukrainian offensive are essentially nil.


Putin will today receive Deputy Chairman of the Central Military Council of the People’s Republic of China Zhang Yuxia, who previously met with Shoigu - Kremlin.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Continued cool, 40’s- 50’s with scattered rain.

Minor developments listed below. Ukraine also reportedly hit a training facility for Russian drone pilots in Donetsk.

Kherson Axis -
Unconfirmed reports that at least a battalion of armored vehicles have been shuttled to the left bank of Kherson region. Russia is also - unconfirmed - reportedly moving airborne (VDV) forces to the region, possibly being stripped from the Tokmok front, to meet this growing threat.

Avdiivka Front -
There are unconfirmed reports that Russia is trying to muster 40,000 troops to renew the assault on Avdiivka. This also includes armor and artillery.

OUTLOOK - Continued status quo along all fronts. Watching developments in Kherson and Bakhmut to see if these rumors pan out. Weather continues to be the main factor now until the temperatures cool enough to freeze the ground.

Europe / NATO General –

NATO on Tuesday announced the formal suspension of a key Cold War-era security treaty in response to Russia’s pullout from the deal just hours earlier. The alliance also said its members who signed the treaty are now freezing their participation in the pact.

Most of NATO’s 31 allies have signed the Treaty of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), which was aimed at preventing Cold War rivals from massing forces at or near mutual borders. It was signed in November 1990, but not fully ratified until two years later.
NATO said its action was required because “a situation whereby Allied State Parties abide by the Treaty, while Russia does not, would be unsustainable.”

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said the U.S. fully supports NATO’s decision.
“Our suspension of CFE obligations is consistent with our rights under international law, in response to a fundamental change of circumstances caused by the combination of Russia’s withdrawal from the CFE Treaty and its continuing full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine, another CFE State Party, using the very forces the Treaty aims to constrain,” Miller said in a statement.

“The U.S. suspension will take effect on December 7. A number of our CFE partners that are not NATO Allies also support and intend to join us in suspending CFE Treaty obligations in response to Russia’s actions. Russia’s continued destabilizing behavior undermines the key arms control principles of reciprocity, transparency, compliance, and verification, which have for decades been the bedrock of the Euro-Atlantic security architecture.”

Earlier in the day, Moscow said it had finalized its withdrawal from the treaty, also known as CFE. The long-expected move came after both houses of the Russian parliament approved a bill proposed by President Vladimir Putin denouncing the CFE. Putin signed that bill it into force in May this year.

OBSERVATION - The guardrails between NATO and Russia are being torn down fast. This will hit Russia first as its border forces have been stripped to provide support to the Ukraine war. This could heighten the concerns that Russia will initially rely on nukes at the borders.


Key overnight developments -

- Israel pushes into Gaza City proper.

- Israel flat out rejects any ceasefire without complete and unconditional release of all hostages.

GENERAL ——————————-

Hamas has been trying to manipulate international calls for a cease fire by announcing they want to release a few hostages. Israel has flat out rejected any ceasefire without total release of hostages, unconditionally.

Looking forward to the post-Hamas era in Gaza, Netanyahu said Israel will have an “overall security responsibility” in Gaza for an “indefinite period” after the war in the interview with ABC News. He added that Israel seeks to guarantee that only “those who don’t want to continue the way of Hamas” will govern Gaza in the future.

Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip have fired more than 9,500 rockets at Israeli territory since Hamas launched its multi-pronged attack on the Jewish state one month ago, according to data published by the Israeli Foreign Ministry on Tuesday. Since Oct. 7, the Israel Defense Forces has attacked over 14,000 terror targets in Gaza, IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagari said on Tuesday night. Troops have killed “thousands of terrorists above and beneath the ground” in the coastal enclave, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Intense airstrikes on Gaza again tonight after a day of what seemed like a reduced tempo. Rockets continue to attack Israel as IDF ground ops moved into Gaza city today. Tel Aviv came under rocket attacks overnight.

IDF spokesman reported that ground forces were advancing faster than anticipated into Gaza City. The Israeli government has confirmed that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are now in “the heart of Gaza City” amid their war against Hamas terrorists. They also claim that Hamas’s most senior official in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, was isolated in his bunker in Gaza.

IDF also reported taking out more key Hamas commanders in strikes overnight.

The pace of Palestinian civilians fleeing the combat zone in northern Gaza has picked up as Israel’s air and ground campaign there intensifies, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said Wednesday, adding that 15,000 people had fled the north on Tuesday alone.
NOTE - Some portions of the evacuation route were under Israeli protection as Hamas has been attacking and killing evacuees in an effort to force them to say in the battle zone as unwilling human shields.

Hamas launched two large rocket barrages at the Tel Aviv area in a half-hour period Tuesday night. Some damage was reported.


Continued harassing fire from Hamas affiliated groups and Israeli counter fire.

Israeli army says fighter jets struck Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon in response to the rocket fire earlier. The sites included a weapons depot, rocket launching positions, infrastructure, and sites where “technological means” are stored

Israeli army footage shows a massive blast after one such strike on a Hezbollah weapons depot in southern Lebanon last night. Reports of Israeli jets flying low over Beirut.

WEST BANK——————————-

IDF continues to launch security operations at various locations across the West Bank. These operations have been quite violent at times with serious resistance from West Bankers.

“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” (new add) ———————————

When asked whether there is any hesitancy to respond to Iran-backed groups’ continued attacks on US forces, Pentagon spox says the attacks have not resulted in “significant” casualties or damage to infrastructure. At least 46 US servicemen have been injured by these attacks.

Reports the IDF intercepted more drones launched towards Israel by Houthi rebels in Yemen yesterday. Houthi attacks have been inconsequential to the fight so far, being easily handled by Israeli and Saudi Arabian air defense assets.


Canadian police are investigating attempted firebombing of a synagogue and Jewish community center in the Montreal suburb of Dollard-Des Ormeaux, local media reported on Tuesday. The suspected arson attacks at Congregation Beth Tikvah and a nearby community center took place overnight on Tuesday, a police spokesperson told the Montreal Gazette.

FORECAST ————————-

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) - Israel will continue its attacks in N Gaza to eliminate Hamas from that portion of land before turning south or turning to confront Hezbollah in a more substantial way if necessary. As it moves deeper into Gaza City, more substantial battles are expected.

Continued bleats for a ‘ceasefire’ by some world leaders continue to completely ignore the fact that Hamas violated a cease fire from 2022 when they attacked Israel - plus the fact that Hamas continues to hold over 200 individuals hostage. Though one of Israel’s primary objective is to rescue as many as possible, the likelihood that will happen on a large scale is growing less and less, as Hamas will probably kill them as one last spit in the face as their stronghold on Gaza fades. Not a really happy thought, but an observation based on how these terrorists have operated over the past many decades.

Iran –

Continued threats against US forces in the region.

Lebanon -

See Israel above.

Syria -

See Israel above on latest.

Misc of Note –

It is all too easy to try to wrap oneself in normalcy bias with all the chaos going on around us. It is critical that we wake up and take stock of our level of preparedness when (no longer if) things go sideways. Basics such as food, water and shelter must be inventoried and updated as necessary. Security -ie guns and ammo - likewise need to be evaluated and an area study of your local conducted to identify potential threats that those weapons may have to be used against.

Given the current housing crisis, it is becoming increasingly hard to flee these blue city deathtraps. But if you have the means, you need to make that decision sooner than later. Don’t expect to be able to ‘bugout’, as things are likely to happen too fast to allow response.

Again, today is the day to get on this.

650 posted on 11/08/2023 6:39:48 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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