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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; blu; bgill; bitt; ...

So many items where is seems things are waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Globalism / Great Reset –

(Bloomberg) — Australia’s central bank resumed raising interest rates on Tuesday in a widely anticipated move, while signaling a higher hurdle to further policy tightening that pushed the local currency lower.

The Reserve Bank increased its cash rate to a 12-year high of 4.35% and revised up its inflation forecast slightly to 3.5% by end-2024. It also edged down the predicted peak in unemployment to 4.25%, underscoring the resilience in the broader economy to the central bank’s tightening so far.

OBSERVATION - Rate hikes so far have done as much if not more damage to economies as the wuhan plandemic. Like in the US they are claiming a ‘resilient’ broader economy. In doing so they paper over the serious damage being done. All to the happiness of the WEF.

Economy –

Americans now owe $1.08 trillion on their credit cards, according to a new report on household debt from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Credit card balances spiked by $154 billion year over year, notching the largest increase since 1999, the New York Fed found.

The average credit card annual percentage rate, or APR, hit a new record of 20.72% last week, according to a Bankrate database that goes back to 1985. The previous record was 19% in July 1991.

OBSERVATION - Very dangerous trend heading into a probable recession. Defaults here could domino into other aspects of the lending industry - homes and cars.

(FO) Deutsche Bank analysts wrote that the Conference Board’s Leading Economic Index (LEI) – which includes new manufacturing orders, new building permits, initial unemployment claims, and seven other components – has only been this low and for this long during recessions. The LEI has been negative on a year-on-year basis for the second-longest period on record.

OBSERVATION - With little doubt the regime wants to avoid calling economic conditions a “recession”, especially when headed into a highly contentious election year. Some note that technically, the continued GDP doesn’t meet the definition, it is being sustained by high govt spending and doesn’t accurately reflect true economic conditions. Like jobs and inflation data - the methodology has been so contorted to give a false impression of happy times, that conditions surrounding a recession are being given a load of lipstick.

The combination of high levels of debt and higher interest rates has pushed the annualized interest cost of government debt past $1 trillion, an analysis from Bloomberg showed Tuesday.
This amounts to a doubling of interest costs over the past 19 months, according to Bloomberg. It is the equivalent of 15.9 percent of the Federal budget for fiscal year 2022.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that the cumulative deficit for the 2024–2033 period will total $20.2 trillion, or 6.1 percent of GDP. Deficits are expected to be at least 5.5 percent of GDP every year for the coming decade. Since 1973, the federal government budget deficit has averaged 3.6 percent of GDP.

OBSERVATION - This is a time bomb and it may have long past the tipping point of no return. Countries around the globe are facing the same doom. The puppet masters in the WEF are rubbing their hands in glee.

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

Very heavy RUMINT at this stage. Fox news yesterday announced that the DOD issued an advisory issued for today allegedly warning of threats from threats from a Pro-Palestinian day of action.

Targets include “All possible cities and sites of production and headquarters of the largest transnational weapons companies.” The companies identified were Northrup Grummand , Lockheed Martin, Raytheon , Boeing and General Dynamics.

RUMINT - the DoD website contains no such warning and further news about this has completely dropped off the radar screen. Typically DHS would issue such warnings.

On the flip side, fliers have been distributed calling for just such a day of protests for today (Nov 8) at these locations. The group associated with the fliers is “Resist US Led Wars”. A visit to their web page shows the same symbol representing the group as found on the fliers. However, no action is listed for Nov 8th. The last posted action was a multinational call to protest on March 26, 2022.

OBSERVATION - Close watch just the same. In “X” commentary, some posters said they work for some of the companies named and they said they received a ‘briefing’ about the potential protests. Some DoD civilians noted similar warnings/briefings.

Terrorism - Level is HIGH due to increased lone wolf threats.

U.S. Capitol Police responded to an emergency call concerning a man with an AR-15 outside the US Capitol in Washington, D.C. The individual carrying the AR-15 was tased by US Capitol Police in a park near the Senate office building after disregarding commands to drop the weapon. Concurrently, law enforcement is investigating a suspicious package in the Upper Senate Park, where the suspect was reportedly sighted. Staff and other personnel are advised to steer clear of this area. Suspect is a black male. The so called rifle was actually a 5.56 pistol.

OBSERVATION - Just what the heck is some body - any color - doing walking around outside govt buildings with a pistol like this? Please don’t get me wrong, we should be able to carry just about anywhere, but in gun control fanatic DC?

A 19-year-old from Maine who the FBI says built homemade explosives and plotted to attack a mosque in the name of the Islamic State group was sentenced Monday to 15 years in prison.
Xavier Pelkey, of Waterville, entered an agreement with prosecutors in April in which he pleaded guilty to providing material support to terrorists while a second charge was dropped.

Pelkey planned to contribute firearms, ammunition and explosives for a mass shooting at a Shiite mosque in the Chicago area and possibly other houses of worship, and he was in communication with a pair of juveniles, one in Canada and one Chicago, about the plot, law enforcement officials said. Investigators found a handwritten document about the planned mosque attack, claiming it in the name of the Islamic State group.

OBSERVATION - As the mix of illegals continue to pour into the nation, layered on top of an existing unstable base of non-integrating foreigners and backgrounds, grudges like this will increasingly more common as they bring their fights here. Religious and criminal gangs are a growing threat.

Military / Strategic Activity / Deployments –

The White House announces the United States will suspend operations of all Conventional Armed Forces (CFE) Treaty obligations between itself and every other State Party, effective December 7 in light of Russia withdrawing from the treaty. See also NATO countries doing same below under “Europe / NATO General”.

Wuhan and other “new” Plandemics –

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a notice to healthcare providers, emphasizing the importance of administering the correct dosage of Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine to children, following reports of inadvertent double doses being given to young recipients.

“We are advising healthcare providers who administer the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to individuals six months through 11 years of age to ensure that the correct volume of the vaccine is withdrawn from the vial so that the correct dose is administered to the vaccine recipient.”

The FDA has updated its fact sheet for healthcare providers regarding the mRNA vaccine to provide clearer instructions. It now specifies that 0.25 mL should be drawn from the vial, and any remaining contents in the vial should be discarded.

OBSERVATION - This is concerning, not only for the jab, but are our medical people unable to read and understand dosage levels for other medicines? Further, there is absolutely no reason for children under the age of 11 receiving the jab in the first place - it is only to contaminate their immune systems making them more likely to get sick and die - suddenly.


Last night was generally a disappointing one for republicans, losing a number of high profile contests. This has sparked calls for the resignation of the do noting RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, niece of the nefarious Mitt Romney.


One good thing did arise yesterday, the US House of Representatives voted 234-188 to censure Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan. 22 Democrats joined with Republicans to censure Tlaib. The pre-vote debate also brought a massive melt down of the “Squad” who vociferously tried to defend Tlaib.
Before the vote, Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries said the phrase “from the river to the sea’ was “widely understood as calling for the complete destruction of Israel”

Illegal Immigration –

(FO) Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) are gathering signatures for a draft letter urging President Biden to designate the Palestinian territories for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED).

Granting Temporary Protected Status to Palestinians on nonimmigrant visas already in the U.S. could be setting up for a surge of refugees who would also have protected status once they reach the border. Screening a surge of refugees for ideological support for Hamas would be impossible.

OBSERVATION - There is a republican attempt to ban all Palestinians from the US being put forth by Congressman (R) Zinke. The marxist left seems willing to import 1 million of these troublemakers from Gaza. NOTE - no other Arab country wants to take them in as they have a history of trying to disrupt/overthrow the govt of the countries they have resided in in the past.

House Republicans are urging President Joe Biden’s Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, to reject reported plans that would see United States airports transformed into migrant camps for tens of thousands of illegal aliens.

A total of 70 House Republicans, led by House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Sam Graves (R-MO), are asking Buttigieg to drop plans in which the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) “has proposed housing 60,000 migrants at four public airports and various other facilities in New York and New Jersey,” they write:

These airports and their communities rightfully fear being transformed into larger versions of Chicago O’Hare International Airport, which has reportedly converted portions of its terminal into a shelter for hundreds of migrants. At a time when the Administration is proposing higher screening requirements on known airline crewmembers due to security risks, we are extremely concerned about the lack of regard for security risks posed by housing thousands of unknown persons at airports, many of which support passenger air service and host sensitive military facilities.

OBSERVATION - It isn’t rocket science to see that this is not a very good idea. The amount of general crime and damage to facilities alone would be staggering, let alone terror danger to airlines.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the second year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Sept 27, 2023

Russia is on a defensive footing across most of Ukraine, relying on Russian doctrinal defense in depth to blunt the Ukrainian offensive. However, Russian forces continue increasingly stretched and undermanned, with increasingly insufficient artillery support.

Ukrainian action has forced Russia to move forces laterally to meet the Ukraine advance - thinning critical portions of the line and making them vulnerable to assault.

Russia’s strategic ballistic and cruise missiles continue to show evidence of massively reduced inventories. Recent attacks indicate the Russia has started to produce its own Shahed drones with Iranian assistance. Russia capable of continued, though limited, attacks in this arena. The majority of Russian strikes are with these Iranian drones. Major targets are grain shipping facilities in the Odesa region as well as trying to hit logistical targets across the rest of the country.

Supplemental cruise missile attacks using old models will be occasionally used to supplement the drones.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is increasingly hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. Ukraine’s mixture of seaborne and airborne drones and anti-ship missiles beginning to render areas more or less off limits to Russia. The fleet is reportedly in the process of redeploying out of Crimea and moving east to Russian bases, about 600 Km further away from the front lines.

Russia is capable of launching small scale attacks in various sectors of company and small sized elements, but any large scale offensive action in the face of the heavy demands from defending against the Ukrainian offensive are essentially nil.


Putin will today receive Deputy Chairman of the Central Military Council of the People’s Republic of China Zhang Yuxia, who previously met with Shoigu - Kremlin.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Continued cool, 40’s- 50’s with scattered rain.

Minor developments listed below. Ukraine also reportedly hit a training facility for Russian drone pilots in Donetsk.

Kherson Axis -
Unconfirmed reports that at least a battalion of armored vehicles have been shuttled to the left bank of Kherson region. Russia is also - unconfirmed - reportedly moving airborne (VDV) forces to the region, possibly being stripped from the Tokmok front, to meet this growing threat.

Avdiivka Front -
There are unconfirmed reports that Russia is trying to muster 40,000 troops to renew the assault on Avdiivka. This also includes armor and artillery.

OUTLOOK - Continued status quo along all fronts. Watching developments in Kherson and Bakhmut to see if these rumors pan out. Weather continues to be the main factor now until the temperatures cool enough to freeze the ground.

Europe / NATO General –

NATO on Tuesday announced the formal suspension of a key Cold War-era security treaty in response to Russia’s pullout from the deal just hours earlier. The alliance also said its members who signed the treaty are now freezing their participation in the pact.

Most of NATO’s 31 allies have signed the Treaty of Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE), which was aimed at preventing Cold War rivals from massing forces at or near mutual borders. It was signed in November 1990, but not fully ratified until two years later.
NATO said its action was required because “a situation whereby Allied State Parties abide by the Treaty, while Russia does not, would be unsustainable.”

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said the U.S. fully supports NATO’s decision.
“Our suspension of CFE obligations is consistent with our rights under international law, in response to a fundamental change of circumstances caused by the combination of Russia’s withdrawal from the CFE Treaty and its continuing full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine, another CFE State Party, using the very forces the Treaty aims to constrain,” Miller said in a statement.

“The U.S. suspension will take effect on December 7. A number of our CFE partners that are not NATO Allies also support and intend to join us in suspending CFE Treaty obligations in response to Russia’s actions. Russia’s continued destabilizing behavior undermines the key arms control principles of reciprocity, transparency, compliance, and verification, which have for decades been the bedrock of the Euro-Atlantic security architecture.”

Earlier in the day, Moscow said it had finalized its withdrawal from the treaty, also known as CFE. The long-expected move came after both houses of the Russian parliament approved a bill proposed by President Vladimir Putin denouncing the CFE. Putin signed that bill it into force in May this year.

OBSERVATION - The guardrails between NATO and Russia are being torn down fast. This will hit Russia first as its border forces have been stripped to provide support to the Ukraine war. This could heighten the concerns that Russia will initially rely on nukes at the borders.


Key overnight developments -

- Israel pushes into Gaza City proper.

- Israel flat out rejects any ceasefire without complete and unconditional release of all hostages.

GENERAL ——————————-

Hamas has been trying to manipulate international calls for a cease fire by announcing they want to release a few hostages. Israel has flat out rejected any ceasefire without total release of hostages, unconditionally.

Looking forward to the post-Hamas era in Gaza, Netanyahu said Israel will have an “overall security responsibility” in Gaza for an “indefinite period” after the war in the interview with ABC News. He added that Israel seeks to guarantee that only “those who don’t want to continue the way of Hamas” will govern Gaza in the future.

Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip have fired more than 9,500 rockets at Israeli territory since Hamas launched its multi-pronged attack on the Jewish state one month ago, according to data published by the Israeli Foreign Ministry on Tuesday. Since Oct. 7, the Israel Defense Forces has attacked over 14,000 terror targets in Gaza, IDF Spokesman Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagari said on Tuesday night. Troops have killed “thousands of terrorists above and beneath the ground” in the coastal enclave, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Intense airstrikes on Gaza again tonight after a day of what seemed like a reduced tempo. Rockets continue to attack Israel as IDF ground ops moved into Gaza city today. Tel Aviv came under rocket attacks overnight.

IDF spokesman reported that ground forces were advancing faster than anticipated into Gaza City. The Israeli government has confirmed that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are now in “the heart of Gaza City” amid their war against Hamas terrorists. They also claim that Hamas’s most senior official in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, was isolated in his bunker in Gaza.

IDF also reported taking out more key Hamas commanders in strikes overnight.

The pace of Palestinian civilians fleeing the combat zone in northern Gaza has picked up as Israel’s air and ground campaign there intensifies, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said Wednesday, adding that 15,000 people had fled the north on Tuesday alone.
NOTE - Some portions of the evacuation route were under Israeli protection as Hamas has been attacking and killing evacuees in an effort to force them to say in the battle zone as unwilling human shields.

Hamas launched two large rocket barrages at the Tel Aviv area in a half-hour period Tuesday night. Some damage was reported.


Continued harassing fire from Hamas affiliated groups and Israeli counter fire.

Israeli army says fighter jets struck Hezbollah sites in southern Lebanon in response to the rocket fire earlier. The sites included a weapons depot, rocket launching positions, infrastructure, and sites where “technological means” are stored

Israeli army footage shows a massive blast after one such strike on a Hezbollah weapons depot in southern Lebanon last night. Reports of Israeli jets flying low over Beirut.

WEST BANK——————————-

IDF continues to launch security operations at various locations across the West Bank. These operations have been quite violent at times with serious resistance from West Bankers.

“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” (new add) ———————————

When asked whether there is any hesitancy to respond to Iran-backed groups’ continued attacks on US forces, Pentagon spox says the attacks have not resulted in “significant” casualties or damage to infrastructure. At least 46 US servicemen have been injured by these attacks.

Reports the IDF intercepted more drones launched towards Israel by Houthi rebels in Yemen yesterday. Houthi attacks have been inconsequential to the fight so far, being easily handled by Israeli and Saudi Arabian air defense assets.


Canadian police are investigating attempted firebombing of a synagogue and Jewish community center in the Montreal suburb of Dollard-Des Ormeaux, local media reported on Tuesday. The suspected arson attacks at Congregation Beth Tikvah and a nearby community center took place overnight on Tuesday, a police spokesperson told the Montreal Gazette.

FORECAST ————————-

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) - Israel will continue its attacks in N Gaza to eliminate Hamas from that portion of land before turning south or turning to confront Hezbollah in a more substantial way if necessary. As it moves deeper into Gaza City, more substantial battles are expected.

Continued bleats for a ‘ceasefire’ by some world leaders continue to completely ignore the fact that Hamas violated a cease fire from 2022 when they attacked Israel - plus the fact that Hamas continues to hold over 200 individuals hostage. Though one of Israel’s primary objective is to rescue as many as possible, the likelihood that will happen on a large scale is growing less and less, as Hamas will probably kill them as one last spit in the face as their stronghold on Gaza fades. Not a really happy thought, but an observation based on how these terrorists have operated over the past many decades.

Iran –

Continued threats against US forces in the region.

Lebanon -

See Israel above.

Syria -

See Israel above on latest.

Misc of Note –

It is all too easy to try to wrap oneself in normalcy bias with all the chaos going on around us. It is critical that we wake up and take stock of our level of preparedness when (no longer if) things go sideways. Basics such as food, water and shelter must be inventoried and updated as necessary. Security -ie guns and ammo - likewise need to be evaluated and an area study of your local conducted to identify potential threats that those weapons may have to be used against.

Given the current housing crisis, it is becoming increasingly hard to flee these blue city deathtraps. But if you have the means, you need to make that decision sooner than later. Don’t expect to be able to ‘bugout’, as things are likely to happen too fast to allow response.

Again, today is the day to get on this.

650 posted on 11/08/2023 6:39:48 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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To: Godzilla

Thank you, ‘zilla for this thread. I look forward to it every day.

651 posted on 11/08/2023 10:34:13 AM PST by Chani ( )
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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; blu; bgill; bitt; ...

Globalism / Great Reset –

NOTE - Globalists depend on local action to further its overall goals and objectives. They coordinate these efforts.

On November 8th 2023, a virtual launch event took place for what was termed the “50-in-5” agenda.

The United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation are launching a campaign to accelerate digital ID, digital payments, and data-sharing rollouts in 50 countries under the umbrella of digital public infrastructure (DPI) by 2028.

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has announced plans to roll out “digital IDs” worldwide by the year 2030, and they will be mandatory for people who wish to participate in society, say Reclaim the Net, who advocate for free speech and individual liberty online,

Social Credit System The push for DigitalPublic Infrastructure (DPI) which includes. “Digital IDs,” vaccine passports, and central bank digital currencies (CBDC) – is being championed by the globalist WEF and unsurprisingly is backed by Bill Gates along with the UN, and the European Union (EU).
The Sociable editor Tim Hinchliffe says “Advocates are adamant that DPI is essential for participation in markets and society — just like we saw with vaccine passports — only on a much broader scope and “If successful, DPI will give governments and corporations the power to implement systems of social credit that can determine where and how you can travel, what you are allowed to consume, and how you will be able to transact with your programmable money.

The “50 in 5” bills itself as “a country-led advocacy campaign. By 2028, the 50-in-5 campaign will have helped 50 countries design, launch, and scale components of their digital public infrastructure,” according to the official announcement. The 50 countries are designated as global testbeds, and the DPI’s will first in Africa (sub-Saharan, particularly) and India but the plan is to roll digital IDs globally by 2030 to include all citizens of UN member-states, according to Planet Today

OBSERVATION - At the current trend, digital files like this will easily be accomplished by 2028. An easy step to global digital id’s.

Federal Communications Commission Commissioner Brendan Carr is calling the Biden administration’s “digital equity” plan for all internet services and infrastructure an “unlawful power grab.”

“President Biden’s plan hands the Administrative State effective control of all Internet services and infrastructure in the country. Never before, in the roughly 40-year history of the public Internet, has the FCC (or any federal agency for that matter) claimed this degree of control over it. Indeed, President Biden’s plan calls for the FCC to apply a far-reaching set of government controls that the agency has not applied to any technology in the modern era, including Title II common carriers,” Carr said in a statement on Monday.

“Congress never contemplated the sweeping regulatory regime that President Biden asked the FCC to adopt—let alone authorized the agency to implement it,” he said.

If passed, the FCC would be empowered, for the first time, to regulate every ISP’s service termination terms, use of customer credit, account history, credit checks, and account termination, among many other items.

OBSERVATION - A few days old, but is very pertinent. It has been clearly established that the regime coordinated with Big Tech / social media to censor posters, reports, etc that were true but contrary to the narrative they wanted to force feed the sheeple. Now they are resorting to another trick they’ve used with other alphabet agencies to get their way on other topics - trying to use regulatory powers not granted by congress/law. The regime won’t have to coordinate anymore- they would dictate.

Similar new internet law have sprung up elsewhere - such as the EU which is demanding that US based social media - primarily targeted “X” - to censor postings. Control of the information space is critical for the future globalist powers to develop and maintain power - shades of 1984.

The government of Brazil is threatening to cut welfare payments if parents refuse to give their children the dangerous and ineffective COVID-19 injections once a year.

The government-owned news agency Agência Brasil reported that the COVID injections will be added to the National Immunization Program (PNI), making the shots mandatory for children aged six months to five years, starting in 2024, even though numerous studies have shown that COVID poses virtually no risk to children.

OBSERVATION - Once again, the jab is being introduced and forced as a population control measure.

Economy –

Economists are still looking at their tea leaves trying to discern 2024. The economic markers and gauges used in the past are being tightly skewed by the continuing issues of the post-wuhan lockdown and massive federal spending of the past few years. Some see a definite economic slowdown in 2024, but uncertain if it would reach the levels for a declared recession. You can bet the powers that be will do everything in their power to censor and deny a recession in the middle of a presidential election cycle.

Tanker tracking data suggests that the highest number of vessels in years is headed to the U.S. to pick up crude oil cargoes. As a result of rising production and often favorable arbitrage economics, exports have grown so much that oil is on track to be the largest export item for the United States this year for the first time in history.

OBSERVATION - The bad part of this is we don’t have the refinery facilities to process the oil here, and are reliant on imports for that. On the good side, oil is maintaining a degree of competitiveness in the face of biden regime persecution .

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT

I’ve mentioned before the growing anti-colonialist movement - an umbrella for many anarchist and now anti-israeli groups. This concept is rooted in CRT in response to their continued bleating how they are continually enslaved by “colonists” and such need to be forever cleared out of society - code words for white genocide.

The Gaza war appears to be becoming the ‘glue’ that is pulling these anarcho-marxist groups together- much like the BLM riots did. As non-violent protests fail to change US policy, expect them to fully embrace violence once again.

Now add to the mix the most probable presidential candidate - Trump - who represents to the anti-colonialists the epitome of the rich, white oppressor and capitalist. This could result in increasing the fervor of the left and increase the scale of violence.

2024 could well be the most violent period our country has faced outside of civil war.

Anti-Israel protestors (most likely core Antifa elements) showed up at Gal Gadot’s screening of the video of 10/7 atrocities at the Museum of Tolerance in LA tonight. They immediately began attacking Israel supporters there. Israelis fought back.

Before the streetfights occurred, several leftist groups like the DSA were calling for action. Police did eventually show up and order everyone to disperse. Another radical group - “Jewish Voice for Peace,” a pro-terror organization that exploits Jewish identity to cover for violent Palestinian extremists also participated in the call up.

OBSERVATION - Classical Antifa - like response. Better expect a lot more of this kind of violence.

Atlanta Antifa terror and RICO suspect Ayla Elegla King, of Worchester, Mass., appeared at the arraignment. Her attorney asked the judge to release the names of the grand jury who indicted the 61 violent suspects. This was denied.

OBSERVATION - Antifa and far-left extremists have often tried to dox jurors to intimidate them or threaten acts of revenge.

Suspect in murder of Detroit synagogue leader Samantha Woll taken into custody. Won’t release details of the suspect. Investigators said in an October press conference that there were no signs of forced entry, and that Woll had her phone and ID with her. He would not provide a possible motive.

OBSERVATION - Most likely the perp is a member of a protected class - a black criminal or a moslem radical. Given that nothing was stolen, weight shifts to islamic radical who’s identity police likely will likely try to keep under wraps to prevent “islamophobia”.

CAIR, the radical spokespersons and apologists for radical islam following the 9/11 attacks has crawled out from beneath its rock, trying to gain spotlight thru the Gaza war. It has used its time flying under the radar to become an accepted member of Washington’s lobbying community. The New York Times and other influential newspapers routinely describe CAIR as a “Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization.” CAIR is now trying to use that clout to further the genocidal efforts against Israel

Seven Nashville police officers have been placed on administrative leave amid an investigation into how the ‘manifesto’ of school shooter Audrey Hale leaked online. Nashville Police Department told WSMV that the officers were suspended after a probe into how three pages of notes written by Hale before she opened fire at The Covenant School in March. She fatally shot three nine-year-olds and three teachers before being shot dead by police.

OBSERVATION - Obsession with keeping the details about this case under wraps - because the perp displayed all the evidence of the brainwashing cult of the trans movement and their hatred of everything not trans.


Sparks are still flying in the aftermath of the so called Republican debate. Perhaps a highlight many are talking about is Vivek Ramaswamy tongue lashing of Ronna McDaniel TO HER FACE over her sub, sub par record as RNC chair. She was later overheard trashing Ramaswamy saying ‘He Won’t Get a Cent From Us’.

In doing so she clearly violated the mandated neutrality of the RNC chair.

OBSERVATION - IMHO, none of the debaters last night will get the GOP nod to run for president - that is strongly wrapped up by Trump. I have serious concerns over Vivek’s policies and some obfuscation on issues, but he does have a way of being a fighter and said what needed to be said in many ways.

The full extent of the kangaroo court that is brewing in NYC is coming to the surface. The judge has posted images of his partially clothed body on social media site of his school. His wife’s X account (which she claims she never had) was exposed and Xeets of her anti-Trump rants - especially those related to the case her husband is sitting, exposed.

Biden / Harris Watch –

Increasing pressure for Biden to step down as candidate for 2024 as his poll numbers continue to crumble and democrats become increasingly nervous of a Trump landslide and long associated coattails.

Illegal Immigration –

Gov. Maura Healy announced this week there are 40 to 50 new families arriving in the state every day and seeking state assistance with housing, and the influx of people to Massachusetts — many without a lawful presence in the U.S. — has pushed the state’s shelter system close to its 7,500-family limit, according to a report in the Boston Herald.

Massachusetts has a “right-to-shelter law,” which entitles migrant families to taxpayer-funded emergency shelter. The Bay State is the only one in the country with a statewide right-to-shelter law, signed into law in 1983 by Gov. Michael Dukakis.

Healy, a Democrat, said she hopes the crisis doesn’t devolve into homeless people sleeping at Boston’s Logan Airport or in emergency rooms. She also suggested other states should consider accepting migrants.

OBSERVATION - Its coming home to these self declared “sanctuary” states and cities. This is going to create even more stress as crime correspondingly increases and friction between ethnic groups develop in the fight over resources - in this case housing.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the second year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Sept 27, 2023

Russia is on a defensive footing across most of Ukraine, relying on Russian doctrinal defense in depth to blunt the Ukrainian offensive. However, Russian forces continue increasingly stretched and undermanned, with increasingly insufficient artillery support.

Ukrainian action has forced Russia to move forces laterally to meet the Ukraine advance - thinning critical portions of the line and making them vulnerable to assault.

Russia’s strategic ballistic and cruise missiles continue to show evidence of massively reduced inventories. Recent attacks indicate the Russia has started to produce its own Shahed drones with Iranian assistance. Russia capable of continued, though limited, attacks in this arena. The majority of Russian strikes are with these Iranian drones. Major targets are grain shipping facilities in the Odesa region as well as trying to hit logistical targets across the rest of the country.

Supplemental cruise missile attacks using old models will be occasionally used to supplement the drones.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is increasingly hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. Ukraine’s mixture of seaborne and airborne drones and anti-ship missiles beginning to render areas more or less off limits to Russia. The fleet is reportedly in the process of redeploying out of Crimea and moving east to Russian bases, about 600 Km further away from the front lines.

Russia is capable of launching small scale attacks in various sectors of company and small sized elements, but any large scale offensive action in the face of the heavy demands from defending against the Ukrainian offensive are essentially nil.

Logistics –

RUMINT??? The Wall Street Journal reports that “Russia asks Belarus, Pakistan, Egypt and Brazil to return weapons sold to them due to huge losses in Ukraine”

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Continued cool, 40’s- 50’s with scattered rain.

Russian forces are attempting counter attacks in the Bakhmut and Avdiivka areas. Russian milbloggers continue to report additional Ukraine armor being shuttled across the Dniper River near Kherson.

Ukraine says a Russian jet hit a Liberian-flagged commercial vessel entering the port of Odesa with a missile, killing the pilot and injuring other sailors. It is being called an act of piracy. Some suggest that this is in revenge for the Ukraine missile attack that destroyed a Russian corvette earlier last week.

OUTLOOK - Continued status quo along all fronts. The most significant of current battles/operations are those to improve their local tactical situation versus larger offensive actions.

Russian attack on the Liberian flagged cargo ship could be the start of a more aggressive push against shipping to Ukraine - to include grain cargos. That would allow Ukraine justification to do the same to cargo vessels headed to Russian Black Sea ports.


Key overnight developments -

- Hamas leaders admit they hope for ‘permanent’ war, do not care about running Gaza.

- Israeli forces continue to discover weapons storage and production sites located in schools and residential houses across N Gaza. Closely associated are entrances to underground bunkers.

- Claims being made that Hamas forces are increasingly becoming disenchanted and demoralized.

GENERAL ——————————-

The Israel Defense Force has stated that over 50,000 Palestinians have been evacuated from northern to southern Gaza over the last 3 Days, utilizing IDF protected evacuation routes which prevent Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad from launching attacks against the evacuees as has happened on previous occasions.

Israel is keeping those evacuation routes open.

Minister of Communications Dr. Shlomo Karai appealed to well-known media outlets such as CNN, Reuters, the New York Times and the AP agency with a request to immediately provide qualified explanations regarding the revealing publication about the “involvement” of journalists acting on their behalf in the events of the bloody October 7 massacre .

According to the ‘Honest Reporting’, these journalists, together with Hamas’ terrorists entered Israeli territory and filmed massacres and atrocities that were happening in the communities bordering the Gaza Strip.

Photographers working for AP, Reuters, nytimes and CNN were embedded with Hamas on the Oct 7th massacre. Did they know about the attack beforehand?! Rhetorical question - of course they did.

OBSERVATION - These are serious charges, journalists being active participants in a massive terror spree. These media outlets are trying to hide behind a fig leaf saying they are “freelance” reporters, not directly answerable to them. That excuse is becoming increasingly thin as photos and videos of the ‘journalists’ are being made pubic.
Observers have known for quite some time journalists have been in bed with Hamas - often co-locating their offices with those of Hamas. But this cranks the issue up a couple orders of magnitude - being complicit with horrific murders and kidnappings.

RELATED - International news organization Reuters denied Thursday any suggestion it had prior knowledge of the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israeli civilians and soldiers, in a statement responding to a report by media advocacy group HonestReporting.

“We are aware of a report by HonestReporting and accusations made against two freelance photographers who contributed to Reuters coverage of the Oct. 7 attack,” Reuters said.

“Reuters categorically denies that it had prior knowledge of the attack or that we embedded journalists with Hamas on Oct 7.

The second in command of Hezbollah has again warned that Israel’s killing of civilians in Gaza risks causing the conflict to spill over into surrounding countries. “The danger is real,” he told the BBC’s Orla Guerin.

According to the Hamas leaders, that was one of the primary goals of their Oct. 7 invasion of the northwestern Negev, in which thousands of armed terrorists massacred 1,400 people, mostly civilians, wounded over 5,000 others and took back to Gaza more than 200 hostages.

“I hope that the state of war with Israel will become permanent on all the borders, and that the Arab world will stand with us,” Taher el-Nounou, a Hamas media adviser, told the U.S.-based newspaper.

Khalil al-Hayya, a member of the terrorist group’s politburo in Qatar, said they planned the Oct. 7 assault to “change the entire equation and not just have a clash,” adding that “we succeeded in putting the Palestinian issue back on the table, and now no one in the region is experiencing calm.”
“Hamas’s goal is not to run Gaza and to bring it water and electricity and such,” said al-Hayya. “Hamas, the Qassam and the resistance woke the world up from its deep sleep and showed that this issue must remain on the table.”

GAZA FRONT ———————————-

IDF says troops have found and destroyed some 130 tunnel shafts in the Gaza Strip since the ground operation began last month.

Israel forces captured a Hamas stronghold in western Jabaliya after 10 hours of fighting, the IDF said on Thursday. Israel is exploiting the considerable amount of plans and other documents obtained there.

“The troops completed the takeover of the outpost after 10 hours of fighting, during which they eliminated terrorists, captured many weapons and uncovered terrorist tunnel shafts, including a shaft located near a kindergarten and leading to an extensive underground route,” according to the IDF. Troops also found “significant” operational plans, the army said.

Forces of the Nahal Infantry Brigade captured a Hamas training camp in northern Gaza. The IDF says that the troops found a staging ground within the camp, where Hamas operatives had prepared weapons and food in order to carry out an attack. Within the camp, several tunnel entrances were also found.

Israeli aircraft continue to launch raids on the vicinity of Al-Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza City. Israel continued to claim a large Hamas command facility is located beneath the building and the IAF bombing raids likely are being used to cut off potential escape tunnels from the site, as well as in support of IDF ground assault efforts.

The effects of the Israeli effort continue to wear down Hamas et al’s rocket capabilities. Rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip toward Ashdod overnight, marking the first time in 36 hours that long-range projectiles have been fired.

Hamas sources report that Israeli forces have closed to within 700 meters of the Al Quds hospital in Gaza City, with fierce fighting ongoing.


Hamas/Hezbollah forces continue their harassing attacks using ATGMs against Israeli targets, with Israel responding by taking out those launch sites with air/artillery strikes.

Israeli air forces carried out an air attack near Baalbek in Lebanon, targeting some military posts in the southern region, which led to some material losses.

Hezbollah has reportedly acquired Russian P-800 supersonic anti-ship missiles with a range of 300km. The Yakhont export version skims the sea at an altitude of 30 feet and a speed of Mach 2.5 (about 1900 miles per hour) and is a credible threat to Western warships in the eastern Mediterranean. Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrullah said, in a speech last Friday, “We have prepared for the [U.S.] fleets with which you threaten us.”

SYRIA / HEZBOLLAH / IRAN———————————-

Syria accused Israel of carrying out an airstrike against military sites in southern Syria late last night, causing damage.

WEST BANK——————————-

IDF continues to launch security operations at various locations across the West Bank. These operations have been quite violent at times with serious resistance from West

“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” (new add) ———————————

Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin has announced that U.S. Air Force F-15s have carried out airstrikes tonight in eastern Syria against weapons storage sites owned by the “Quds Force” of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Secretary Austin further stated, “The United States is fully-prepared to take further necessary measures to protect our people and our facilities. We urge against any escalation.”

Syrian State Media is reporting that several members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran are dead and injured from those strikes.
These strikes come after 50+ recent incidents of American troops coming under fire from Iran-backed terrorists.

OBSERVATION - The US leadership still doesn’t get it. The only thing these terror militias understand is power and unless the US is willing to more aggressively attack their facilities these Iranian backed militias will continue to try to escalate their attacks.

IN Related
Rockets fell on the American military base in the city of Al-Shaddadi in the Hasakah region

U.S. Central Command has now confirmed that a Air Force MQ-9A “Reaper” surveillance drone was downed by the Houthis earlier today, while it was in international airspace over the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen. DoD spokesman says that the incident is currently under investigation.


Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al Sisi met with CIA director Bill Burns and rejected a proposal for the North African country to manage security in the Gaza Strip until the Palestinian Authority can take over after Hamas’s defeat, according to senior Egyptian officials. - WSJ

FORECAST ————————-

Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) - Israel will continue its attacks in N Gaza to eliminate Hamas from that portion of land before turning south or turning to confront Hezbollah in a more substantial way if necessary. As it moves deeper into Gaza City, more substantial battles are expected.

The Al-Shifa Medical Complex has become the focal point of the current Israeli ground offensive. Rightfully believed to house a substantial subterranean Hamas command and control bunker, it is also thought to be where most of the hostages are being held. The one hostage that was rescued was kept in an apartment immediately across from the hospital. IAF is bombing all around the complex - probably looking to close off potential escape tunnels.

Reports that the Israeli operation is progressing faster than expected may well be due to timely collection, analysis and distribution of intelligence finds in these Hamas command centers. Maps and other documents - combined with other sources of intel - would give the IDF a definite advantage, especially in the realm of the underground networks.

So far expect Hezbollah and Iran to do what they can to keep out of the direct fight. Israel has the majority of its called up Army/Air Force on standby for any Hezbollah fogginess. As I’ve mentioned in the past, when an opponent shows strength, islamic elements like Hezbollah and Iran back down - and the Gaza operation is a massive show of strength by Israel. It is not being constrained by manufactured, anti-israel propaganda and calls for ceasefire and is ripping Hamas apart inspire of the millions (billions?) spent by the terrorist rulers of Gaza.

Weakness on the part of the US is promoting attacks by Iranian backed militias on US bases in the Syria/Iraq region - but even those are relatively restrained because as demonstrated overnight, the US can hit very hard with just 2 F-15’s, let alone the dozens of other F-15s, F-16s and A-10s. Expect more harassing attacks, hoping for a lucky shot.

Houthi attacks have been more show than go. I do think the US may respond to the shooting down of the MQ-9A “Reaper”. I think the Houthi’s are going to have a FAFO experience.

Iran –

Continued threats against US forces in the region.

Observers are speculating that the Hamas attack, with Iranian support (though denied) may have pushed Israel closer to launching a preemptive attack on Iran’s nuclear bomb program than ever before. A single nuclear airburst over an Israel city could kill several hundred thousand Israelis. Even if Israel doesn’t pre-emptively nuke Iran, Israel certainly will if Iran nukes Israel first. It’s really a question of who nukes who first.

Iran has dispersed and hardened its nuclear development facilities, making any conventional take out strikes by Israel virtually impossible - even extremely difficult for the US as well. But Iran has a critical vulnerability, 98% of Iran’s oil exports flow through the one port of Karg Island. Iran’s other oil ports lack even 10% of Karg Island’s capacity. Iran would likely respond with attacks on Gulf nations oil production and exports, but once again, thought it may be initially successful, it wouldn’t have the legs for combined attacks by hostile Gulf nations like Saudi Arabia as well as the US.

For all its bluster, I’m not sure that Iran is ready to commit to a self-destructing plan.

Lebanon -

See Israel above.

Syria -

See Israel above on latest.

Big ISIS attack yesterday an area around Resafa (S. Raqqa desert). At least 30 pro-Assad fighters dead.

OBSERVATION - ISIS is bound to take the initiate against Syria and its anti-ISIS supporters because Syria is having to deal with wars on multiple other fronts - Gaza and Idlib to name a couple. Iranian backed militias that have been after ISIS have been diverted toward Lebanon to support Hezbollah or towards the US bases in Syria / Iraq. US/Coalition is diverting intel assets to monitor and target these iranian militias, and not so much on ISIS. Now ISIS has a much freer ability to operate.

Central / South America General-

Brazilian security authorities with the support of Mossad have reportedly managed to arrest the 2 Hezbollah leaders in plot to launch attacks against Jewish communities and synagogues across Brazil, while also recruiting more terrorists to their cause for further attacks in the region; the plot is said to have been planned by Iranian Intelligence and executed by members of Hezbollah.

The operation comes against the backdrop of Brazil’s strict anti-terrorism legislation enacted prior to the 2016 Rio Olympics, which takes a firm stance against acts motivated by xenophobia or racial, ethnic, and religious discrimination. According to the World Jewish Congress, there are about 92,000 Jews in Brazil, making it the 10th-largest Jewish community in the world and second largest in Latin America, behind Argentina.

652 posted on 11/09/2023 7:57:25 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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