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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Globalism / Great Reset –

Australia’s government has unveiled plans to implement a universal digital ID system for its citizens, stirring up controversial issues related to privacy, surveillance, and free speech.
Finance and Public Service Minister Katy Gallagher made the announcement this month, outlining a blueprint for a platform that unifies an individual’s identification documents. This project seeks to leverage AI and biometric verification to enhance citizens’ interaction with government and third-party organizations conveniently and efficiently.

The proposed digital ID system is looking to evolve the existing digital ID,
MyGovID, which is currently used by over 10.5 million Australians.
This existing platform interacts with 130 services across 40 different government agencies, but its function is limited to government service access.

OBSERVATION - Noted time and again lately, individual countries are progressing towards a unified digital ID combined with a CBDC controlled by their ESG scores. Australia was very sheepled during the wuhan plandemic, making them much more pliable for further govt control via this new digital ID system. Coming soon to the US as well.
We are just one major global crisis away from the WEF obtaining similar on a global basis.

Economy –

A U.S. government shutdown would have negative implications for its credit assessment as it would highlight the weakness of U.S. institutional and governance strength compared to other top-rated governments, Moody’s said Monday. However, the economic impact would likely be short-lived, the credit ratings agency said.

OBSERVATION - Much depends on the duration of any shut down. At this stage, it is looking like the shut down could be prolonged, and that would make a definite economic impact.

McDonald’s will raise its royalty fee for franchise operators who are looking to open new locations in the United States in what’s believed to be the company’s first such increase in nearly 30 years, according to a report.

McDonald’s will also rename the charge from “service fees” to “royalty fees,” which is the term used in other McDonald’s markets globally, according to the letter.

Royalty is a payment made by restaurant operators to the owner, with the rate determined according to the revenue generated by the licensed property.

OBSERVATION - The ‘fee’ increase, irrespective of what you call it, comes at the worst possible time for franchise operators. Inflation is ripping at their cost bottom line, combined with a persistent trouble in hiring staff and declining customer base , because who can afford a mediocre big mac at prices that almost demand a bank lone to afford. Here in my corner of the Redoubt, it is cheaper to go to Perkins and get a better quality meal, than to McD’s. Heck, even Pizza Ranch is orders of magnitude better.
Gone are the days of getting a hamburger, fries and a drink for under a $1.

CW2 / Domestic violence -

Crime associated with illegals in NYC is rising quickly, causing push back from the residents who consistently voted in liberals and their sanctuary city policies.

Military / Strategic Activity / Deployments –

Unlike previous shutdowns, the military is at risk of going unpaid for its duration. The most recent shutdowns had pre-passed defense appropriations bills that covered military pay.

OBSERVATION - The current regime has let military barracks crumble to disgusting levels. Similar with other on base housing. Far too many of our soldiers are relying on social programs just to afford food. This is a knife right at the heart of those who believe that service to our country is honorable, as the country is spitting on them.

The Ronald Reagan Strike Group (CSG) is in Yokosuka, Japan. The carrier strike group had attempted to get underway five times in the last week but has since rescheduled, according to notifications from the Yokosuka City Council reviewed by USNI News.

There are currently no CSGs deployed to the western pacific region. The only flattop is forward-deployed amphibious assault carrier USS America (LHA-6).

OBSERVATION - Some note that there is a fall weather window that China could exploit for an amphibious assault, but it isn’t likely that they can kick it off on such short notice to exploit the problems with the Reagan.


Country is falling closer to going into shutdown. Only 4 more days left for a CR to be passed to kick the budgeting down the road and prevent it. From all appearances, the democrat left is making plans for a prolonged shutdown while republican ‘leadership’ scrambles around like a chicken with its head cut off to avert one.

Biden / Harris Watch –

September’s Harvard/Harris survey found that 58 percent of Democrats believe biden “is showing he is fit to be president,” four in ten Democrats, 42 percent, believe he “is showing he is too old to be president.” Ninety percent of Republicans and three-quarters of independents agree with that sentiment.
Further, most respondents across the board, 58 percent, have “doubts” about Biden’s mental fitness. That includes 31 percent of Democrats, 86 percent of Republicans, and 62 percent of independents. Interestingly, those results show Democrats, particularly, growing more concerned with Biden’s mental fitness.

OBSERVATION - With the growing negative coverage of biden, particularly in the light of his physical and definitely mental shortcomings, these numbers will be expected to increase. More evidence that the knives are coming out to push biden aside from a 2024 presidential run.

I saw an interesting theory on how the democrat 2024 presidential selection will pan out. First is the removal of harris from the VP by giving her Fienstine’s senate seat. Newscum is then appointed VP and within a short time biden is seen to be resigning - either willingly or kicking and screaming. This would make Newscum the prez, and the democrat nominee for 2024. Running mate uncertain, though there are strong inferences to ‘mike’ 0bama.

Interesting theory, addresses the Harris problem, addresses newscum’s “stealth” presidential campaign and even 0bama rumors of trying to officially return to the WH power circles (openly).

BTW a new Harris/Harvard poll over 09/13-14 shows Trump with a solid 4 point lead over biden, making it harder for the left to call the ABC poll and ‘outlier’

Illegal Immigration –

For a second time in a couple of weeks, Border Patrol cut razor wire that the state of Texas had placed alongside on the Rio Grande to stop illegal aliens from flooding into the country.

OBSERVATION - Texas will need to station Rangers along the border at these locations that the border patrol has opened up the wire and arrest them - an action that poses serious balance of powers issues - in order to stop further opening of wire barriers.

Department of Homeland Security is reportedly planning to give photo identification (ID) cards to border crossers and illegal aliens before they are released into the United States.
Leaked images of the photo ID cards for illegal aliens were first published by Adam Shaw at Fox News, showing space for the carrier’s photo, a QR code, and information about the carrier, including name and age — similar to a driver’s license or state-issued ID.
The ID cards, part of a DHS pilot program, could be used by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents at airports or to access public benefits.

OBSERVATION - This is another step to normalize illegals and to pave the way for some sort of dramatic amnesty program designed to permanently tip the voting population to the democrat side of the ledger.

China –

The Philippines on Sunday condemned the Chinese coast guard for installing what it called a “floating barrier” in a disputed area of the South China Sea, saying that it prevented Filipino boats from entering and fishing in the area.
In a statement on X, formerly known as Twitter, Philippine coast guard spokesperson Jay Tarriela said the floating barrier was discovered by Philippine vessels during a routine maritime patrol on Friday and measured around 300 meters (984 feet).

“The Philippine coast guard and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources strongly condemn the China coast guard’s installation of a floating barrier in the Southeast portion of Bajo de Masinloc, which prevents Filipino fishing boats from entering the shoal and depriving them of their fishing and livelihood activities,” the statement read.

Philippine Coast Guard has announced the barrier has been removed.

OBSERVATION - This is part of the ongoing efforts by China to physically seize islands out side of its internationally recognized waters. The U.S. and the Philippines have an active mutual defense treaty, so things could get spicy if China becomes more aggressive.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the second year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated August 6, 2023

Russia is on a defensive footing across most of Ukraine, relying on Russian doctrinal defense in depth to blunt the Ukrainian offensive. However, Russian forces are increasingly stretched and undermanned, with increasingly insufficient artillery support.

Russian attempt at launching a counter offensive to take pressure off its southern and eastern fronts has sputtered out. Initially, reports that Russia has amassed about 180,000 troops opposite of Kharkiv morphed into Russian assaults that initially gained some ground but was quickly reversed, due largely to poor coordination between units.

Russia’s strategic ballistic and cruise missiles continue to show evidence of massively reduced inventories. Recent attacks indicate the Russia has started to produce its own Shahed drones with Iranian assistance. Russia capable of continued, though limited, attacks in this arena.

Russia is capable of launching small scale attacks in various sectors of company and small sized elements, but any large scale offensive action in the face of the heavy demands from defending against the Ukrainian offensive are essentially nil.

Russian Personnel Issues –-
There are reports that former Wagner Group forces are returning to the front, but they are subordinate to regular army elements and are unlikely to reform under any separate leadership. Their impact on the battlefield will be seriously diluted and not very effective.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures continue in the 70’s and fair conditions for the forecast period.

More adjusted numbers of Russian losses from the strike on the Black Sea HQ - Ukraine SOF claim that Russia’s military leadership wiped out during big meeting. Admiral Sokolov killed in missile strikes on Crimea HQ on Sep 22nd. Strikes timed & guided by human intelligence (Russian officer ratted them out).
34 officers dead including generals and 105 injured.
NOTE - We will probably not know the final, actual number though Russia has not disputed the loss of the Admiral.

Ukraine air defenses had a rough night last night, shooting down 26 of 38 Shahed drones. The Odesa region and specifically the port facilities around Reni, on the Ukraine / Romanian border, were hit hard. A checkpoint building, warehouses and about 30 trucks were damaged, 6 trucks caught fire.

Ukraine drones were busy over Kursk, Belgorod, and Sevastopol.

Over the last day or so, the fog of war has increased over the fight in the south and east. A lot of fake or old reposting of information and videos, etc. have flooded the feeds. Through it, Ukrainian continues to make gains around Verbove and Novoprokopivka (town south of Robotyne).

Partisan Resistance ——
In occupied Mariupol partisans destroyed the transformer installations that provided a Russian base with electricity.

The action on the Tokmok axis continues to display evidence that the Russian defensive lines have been cracked and that Ukraine is widening the breaches. The general fog of war has rolled in and makes monitoring the ground action very difficult. I still expect to see more successes by Ukraine in the south, especially now that it is apparent that they have started pushing armor / tanks through the breach in the Verbove area.

Europe / NATO General –

As a result of the night drone attack, the “Orlivka-Isakcha” crossing point between Ukraine and Romania in Odesa region is not working.

OBSERVATION - These strikes are within a few hundred meters of Romanian territory. I’m not sure that Romania has their air defense systems up an running yet, but Russia is toeing a very dangerous line.

Armenia/Azerbaijan –

Massive traffic jam as Armenian christians flee to Armenia ahead of the complete takeover of the N-K region. Line of cars noted in one location being 50 miles long.

520 posted on 09/26/2023 6:27:17 AM PDT by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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To: Godzilla

“McDonald’s will also rename the charge from “service fees” to “royalty fees,””

Royalty fees? Are they telegraphing a merger with Burger King?

521 posted on 09/26/2023 6:58:32 AM PDT by null and void ( Fall Is Here: Pumpkin Spice-Scented Children Presented To Joe Biden)
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To: null and void; aragorn; EnigmaticAnomaly; kalee; Kale; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; bgill; bitt; ...


522 posted on 09/26/2023 9:50:04 AM PDT by bitt (<img src=' 'width=40%>)
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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

CW2 / Domestic violence -

Mass BLM-inspired looting broke out in downtown Philadelphia after a judge dismissed charges against a police officer who shot dead a Latino man in a car who was armed with a knife. The direct action was organized by the Party of Socialism & Liberation.

OBSERVATION - This riot/looting was going to happen no matter what the verdict was. Philly police did manage to arrest several dozen looters, but the damage is immense. Some are saying that Philadelphia shows how bad it’s gonna get next year. The massive, organized looting of the past year has definitely taken root in the entitlement class, but this is about the first time in recent that an event of this size was pre-organized.

IN RELATED, Target closing 9 stores in these dark blue metro hell holes due to massive theft and crime.

New reports that citizens in Chicago are getting tense over growing crime and violence associated with illegal migrant holding facilities. Many note that the situation is beginning to boil and could explode into violence against citizens as well as between ethnic groups in these shelters. Major note is the reports of illegals getting drunk/drugged up and harassing passerby as well as stoking tensions within the facility.

OBSERVATION - I’ve noted the potential for violence spring from these facilities as military aged males with too much time on their hands and coming from cultures that have condoned violence to get what they want will eventually explode. In cities like Chicago, NYC, etc - the police are so understaffed that they can no longer keep a lid on the crimes committed by the local establishment class (see Philly above), let alone by concentrated numbers of illegals.

Three illegals kidnapped a SoCal teen and held him for $500K ransom. Law enforcement was able to quickly track them down and rescue the teen unharmed.

OBSERVATION - Kidnappings like this are common in central America, particularly Mexico and Venezuela. With the current chaos at the border, I fully expect that incidents like this will increase and become more common.


Trump reportedly to meet with UAW strikers today.


NY Judge claims Trump vastly overstated his assets and ordered his business dealings in NY to be eliminated. On the top of the judge’s list is the grossly understated value of Trumps Mar-a-Lago worth approximately $20 million. This could bring some interesting Trump lawsuits for over paying property taxes for the land in the most prized part of Florida with substantially smaller surrounding properties currently assessed at more than $20 million.

Senate announced a “bipartisan” measure to avert a govt shut down. Reportedly there are enough republicans in the house to back the bill and get it passed. Not a done deal, but time is running out. The Senate’s CR was expected to fund the government at “present levels” with roughly $4.5 billion worth of Ukraine aid and $6 billion for disaster relief funding tucked into it. The bill also includes about $1.65 billion for economic support for Ukraine.

OBSERVATION - The bill may get passed, but the contentious items such as Ukraine funding and continued deficit spending remain a burden.

Biden / Harris Watch –

With both feet, biden jumped in with full support of a $40/hr increase in wages, a major UAW demand. He next shuffled off to the coast for a fundraiser. This was just a shameless photo op to try to regain support from union members and to make them believe he is for them - while OTOH, killing their jobs in exchange for EVs.

Illegal Immigration –

A lot of bleating that biden saw the explosive push of illegals and did nothing about it. That isn’t totally correct IMHO, he not only saw it but he encouraged and facilitated it.

Russia -

WAR WATCH - into the second year of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - Feb 24th, 2022

CURRENT ASSESSMENT - Updated Sept 27, 2023

Russia is on a defensive footing across most of Ukraine, relying on Russian doctrinal defense in depth to blunt the Ukrainian offensive. However, Russian forces continue increasingly stretched and undermanned, with increasingly insufficient artillery support.

Ukranian action has forced Russia to move forces laterally to meet the Ukraine advance - thinning critical portions of the line and making them vulnerable to assault.

Russia’s strategic ballistic and cruise missiles continue to show evidence of massively reduced inventories. Recent attacks indicate the Russia has started to produce its own Shahed drones with Iranian assistance. Russia capable of continued, though limited, attacks in this arena. The majority of Russian strikes are with these Iranian drones. Major targets are grain shipping facilities in the Odesa region as well as trying to hit logistical targets across the rest of the country.

Supplemental cruise missile attacks using old models will be occasionally used to supplement the drones.

The Russian Black Sea fleet is increasingly hesitant to deploy into now contested waters. Ukraine’s mixture of seaborne and airborne drones and anti-ship missiles beginning to render areas more or less off limits to Russia. The fleet is reportedly in the process of redeploying out of Crimea and moving east to Russian bases, about 600 Km further away from the front lines.

Russia is capable of launching small scale attacks in various sectors of company and small sized elements, but any large scale offensive action in the face of the heavy demands from defending against the Ukrainian offensive are essentially nil.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures decreasing from the 70’s to the 60’s with increasing chances of rain showers for the forecast period.

Admiral Sokolov killed in missile strikes ??? Russian channel Zvezda published an interview with the commander of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet - likely to show he was not killed in the Sevastopol strike. Sokolov says that the Black Sea Fleet is successfully carrying out its tasks.

Russians hit Orlivka-Isaccea crossing (Romania) at night, 20 trucks damaged along with a school bus full of children.

Fighting has intensified along the Tokmok and Bakhmut fronts, but few details are currently available.

Tokmak Axis -.
Mandatory Ukrainian evacuations of families with children from Hulyaypole, Preobrazhenka, Yehorivka and Novopavlivka in Polohy district also Stepnohirsk of Vasylivka district of Zaporizhzhia region. This is potentially to remove them from Russian deeper attacks as the advance south of Robotyne continues.

Well, the Admiral Sokolov saga is an interesting twist. Still some questions about his appearance, but it is a blow to the Ukraine credibility.

OPSEC and fog of war making assessments of what is happening on the ground difficult to sort out. Evidence of major fighting on the Tokmok axis, with Ukrainian forces now being reinforced with armor/tanks exploiting and widening gaps in the defenses.

Bakhmut, fighting to the south of the city continues to push Russia forces to the east. The current front line - a railroad line - is not proving to be adequate for Russians. North of the city, Ukrainian forces reportedly have fixed Russian units in place and incapable of influencing the fight around Bakhmut.

As always, things can rapidly change.

Israel –

During the past few days, the Iran-backed Palestinian terror group Hamas has again been encouraging Palestinians living under its rule in the Gaza Strip to march toward the border with Israel and attack Israelis. Similar protests in 2018, also encouraged and sponsored by Hamas, resulted in the death or injury of hundreds of Palestinians.

Hamas is now sending Palestinians to get killed or injured on the border with Israel because it is apparently upset with its friends in Qatar, the Gulf state that has long been supporting the Muslim Brotherhood organization, of which Hamas is an off-shoot. Hamas is evidently taken aback because Qatar has reduced the monthly financial grant it has been providing to the Islamist movement in the Gaza Strip over the past five years.

OBSERVATION - Typical moslem move - send the cannon fodder forward in order to force a political issue linked to money.

Black Swans

People love to shake out the Yellowstone Supervolcano threat every so often. Yes, geologically the threat is there, but there are greater ones around the world to consider first. The Campi Flegrei, Italy area is one such area. The last eruption at this volcano, from September 29 to October 6, 1538 (VEI 3), formed the Monte Nuovo cinder cone.

It has a history of intense volcanic and seismic activity. Episodes of bradyseism—slow ground movement—accompanied by seismic swarms have been observed in the past, particularly during 1969-72 and 1982-84. More recently, ground uplift in the Rione Terra area reached approximately 113 cm (44 inches) by July 2023.

The area is currently experiencing a seismic swarm consisting of approximately 64 events, with magnitudes ranging up to 4.2, has been observed since 05:06 LT on September 26, 2023.
Seismologists and volcanologists monitoring the event say that the current activity is nothing to be concerned about in the short term.

Our world is dynamic and its history is one marked by cataclysmic events such as super volcanism. This densely populated region in Italy continues to be a risk to the locals, but adjacent lands as well. Know your local hazards and prepare appropriately.

523 posted on 09/27/2023 5:42:44 AM PDT by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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