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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Globalism / Great Reset –

According to a panelist at the World Government Summit in the United Arab Emirates this week, the “international order” needs some reorganizing — and not in a “gradual” way, but with a “shock.” Panelist agreed that global institutions, which of course have little to no accountability to the citizens of specific countries, need more power to stop crises. The unanswered question is, just what sort of “shock” do these globalists have in mind?

Professor Arturo Bris, director of IMD World Competitiveness Center, made the somewhat vague but “shock”ing comment during the panel. –
“How — how is this transition going to happen?” Bris stammered. “I mean, I agree, totally agree, that the world order, the way it is built today, doesn’t make any sense. “

OBSERVATION – We already know that the WEF/GGR viewed wuhan plandemic “crisis” as a stepping stone to implement their globalist goals. Since then, a number of potential ‘crisis’s’ have been put forth by WEF’rs such as a mega cyber attack, another plandemic and most favorably (for their GGR) a massive economic crash. IMHO they are working towards the economic crash model and the other things will only contribute to the chaos surrounding the event. To “Build Back Better”, you have to destroy the existing system.

In an interview on a German program, “Handelsblatt Disrupt,” Gates calls for unleashing AI to stop certain views from being “magnified by digital channels.” The problem is that we allow “various conspiracy theories like QAnon or whatever to be blasted out by people who wanted to believe those things.”
Gates added that AI can combat “political polarization” by checking “confirmation bias.”

Confirmation bias is a term long used to describe the tendency of people to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms their own beliefs. It is now being used to dismiss those with opposing views as ignorant slobs dragging their knuckles across the internet — people endangering us all by failing to accept the logic behind policies on COVID, climate change or a host of other political issues.

OBSERVATION – More of the same from our wannabe global overlords. This takes us way past Orwell and into seriously uncharted waters.

Globalist billionaire George Soros predicted that Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis will defeat former President Donald Trump for the GOP presidential nomination ahead of the 2024 election, and that Trump will run as a third-party candidate.

OBSERVATION – Is this the kiss of death for DeSantis, or clever maneuvering by Soros to poison the well by this apparent endorsement?

Wuhan virus –

The NFL Players Association (NFLPA) is being urged to offer players cardiac screening in light of the growing concern over COVID-19 vaccines causing heart inflammation.
The Health Freedom Defense Fund urged the association in a recent letter to implement screening because the vaccines can cause myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation. Young males are the most at risk.

Most NFL players received a COVID-19 vaccine under pressure from teams and the league.
“Safety signals illustrate that the near and long-term health outcomes of the COVID-19 vaccines remain uncertain,” Leslie Manookian, president and founder of the fund, told DeMaurice Smith, executive director of the players association, in the letter.

“A multitude of adverse reactions to these injections, including myocarditis, are wide-ranging and confirmed, and as such, prudence dictates that the NFLPA investigate the extent to which the COVID-19 shots may have resulted in injury, compromised health or death of players,” Manookian said.

OBSERVATION – the sudden deaths of high profile sports stars – many on the field in front of thousands – that have exploded over the past year should have athletes who were forced to receive the jab concerned. It will be bitterly opposed by the owners and the medical tyranny of the CDC because it would provide significant data on the deadly effects of the jab – data and follow on studies that have eroded the credibility of the CDC, FDA and the medical community in general.

Immunity acquired from a Covid infection provides strong, lasting protection against the most severe outcomes of the illness, according to research published Thursday in The Lancet — protection, experts say, that’s on par with what’s provided through two doses of an mRNA vaccine.
Infection-acquired immunity cut the risk of hospitalization and death from a Covid reinfection by 88% for at least 10 months, the study found.

OBSERVATION – Shunned medical experts made this claim years ago as this plandemic got underway. The medical tyranny tried to minimize any beneficial immunity derived from infection down to a level that was below the alleged ‘protection’ that the jab was claimed to provide. Time (and double basic jabs plus two boosters later) have proven that the jab is worthless in preventing the disease and new data coming out that the jabbed have something like an 85% increased chance of infection (can’t find that source reference – just going off my memory). This is just another of the many “I told you so” that medical experts, using SCIENCE, have laid out against the medical tyrannist who suppressed these facts in order to justify the mandate of the jabs.
BTW – I still have to work out my normalcy bias over the fact that the medical community would go along with such a plan knowing the jab was far more dangerous than the infection for most of the population. One that may even been designed to depopulate the planet.

Economy –

Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Philip Swagel said Social Security funds will begin running a shortfall starting in 2032, a year earlier than previously expected.

OBSERVATION – SS has been raped over the years by both parties – placing IOUs into the fund as they take $$$ out to fund pork.

Congressional Budget Office released projections that show cumulative deficit projections increased by $6 trillion in the two years since biden was sworn into office.

As a matter of fact, tax-revenue projections are up about $7 trillion as the economy emerged from the pandemic. So that is not the issue. The issue is that spending projections have soared $13 trillion, as a result of trillions of new spending from Biden, the growth of entitlements, and significantly higher projected interest on the debt.

OBSERVATION – Many have noted our national debt is beyond any meaningful effort to bring under control and reduce. Many of the ‘programs’ instituted by both sides of the aisle have morphed into worthless money consuming monsters. From a WEF/GGR aspect, this is playing right into their “reset” plans. You can’t really ‘reset’ something unless it is crashed. And oh how great the crash here and globally will be.

Kalifornia is facing a wildfire of a different sort – one of a massive budget crisis. After claiming a 90 Billion surplus last year, the state is paying the piper with an expected 30 billion (and growing) shortfall this year. This is on top of the billions and billions of red ink carried over from previous other years.
Kalifornians proudly used to say that they are the trend setters and what happens there will eventually spread to the rest of the nation. God Help Us.

For what its worth, OpenAI’s ChatGPT has reportedly predicted that the stock market will crash on March 15, 2023.

OBSERVATION – Take it for what its worth, however, one of the stated goals of AI has been to sort through data and predict trends and events. Worth a placeholder on the calendar.

Invasion of Illegals –

Judiciary Committee ranking member Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) announced Thursday that committee Democrats would not attend an official border hearing next week in Arizona, misleadingly claiming “there was no consultation” with them about it.

OBSERVATION – Grandstanding by both sides, but Nadler has very little for his defense – they were notified 3 weeks ago. For their part, it seems republicans are making an effort to take their committee meeting out to where the public is and bypass the censors of the MSM that have a choke hold on DC.

Biden / Harris watch –

Biden “remains a healthy, vigorous, 80-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency.”

Biden gave a speech on the US response to the recent “aerial objects” . it turned out to be a real nothing burger with very little new information made available.

One statement was that the three objects that U.S. fighter jets downed over the United States and Canada last weekend were “most likely balloons tied to private companies, recreation, or research institutions, studying weather, or conducting other scientific research,”

CW2/Domestic violence –

Most of the Antifa et al actions of late are focused once again in supporting radical trans-activist marches and protests.

Black students at an elementary school in Springfield, Ohio, allegedly hunted down, captured, and dragged white students to the playground, where they forced them to recite identitarian Marxist slogans against their will on camera.

OBSERVATION – These black children will be on the front lines for the next Floyd riots. Indoctrinated in CRT and white hatred, the precursors of a race war are shaping up quickly.

An Oregon judge accused sheriffs who, citing the Constitution, refuse to enforce federal and state gun control laws of embracing “racist and white nationalist ideologies.”

The Oregon Court of Appeals on Wednesday ruled that local governments in the state cannot declare themselves Second Amendment sanctuaries and prohibit police from enforcing statewide gun laws. It was the first court defeat for the concept, which has been adopted by as many as 1,200 conservative local governments in response to Democrat-run cities and local jurisdictions that have declared themselves “sanctuary cities” and refuse to enforce federal immigration laws.

Some of these ordinances are symbolic, but the court reviewed a measure enacted in Columbia County that would have imposed thousands of dollars in fines on officials who attempt to enforce federal and state gun laws. It said the ordinance would “create a ‘patchwork quilt’ of firearms laws in Oregon, where firearms regulations that applied in some counties would not apply in Columbia County,” which the court found would violate state law.

OBSERVATION – Development of alternative, parallel local and state govts that are the result of citizens splitting off from tyrannical govts is one stage in the formation of the groundwork for a hot CW2. Of course, with this is the apparent two-tiered legal system that allows for sanctuary cities for illegals – creating a ‘patchwork’ of enforcement. Lawfare will continue as this ruling will no doubt be appealed. However, Oregon’s leftist court system is unlikely to rule power away from the Marxists in the state and fed govt. The fact that the court invoked the “racist and white nationalist ideologies” argument only confirms the judicial bias.

Strategic Activity / Deployments –

According to Defense Department data, fentanyl overdoses in the military jumped from 36% of overdoses in 2017 to 88% in 2021.

North/South Korea –

North Korea has threatened to unleash “unprecedentedly persistent and strong counteractions” if South Korea and the United States carry out planned military exercises in the coming weeks, local media reported.
A spokesperson for North Korea’s foreign ministry issued the warning on Friday before the annual Freedom Shield joint military exercises of South Korea and the US and accused Washington of stoking tension by conducting earlier drills which included US stealth fighters and a B1-B strategic bomber that can be equipped with nuclear weapons.

The springtime Freedom Shield field training is scheduled to begin in mid-March in South Korea and will run for 11 days.

OBSERVATION – This is a typical NK threat and if they decide to act, will most probably result in some more short to midrange missiles being launched. Some analysts think this may rise to an actual launch of the suspected new solid fuel ICBM or even a nuke test. Reality is NK needs no provocation to conduct such tests and most of the chest thumping is for domestic consumption.

Russia -
WAR WATCH - Russia’s “three days to conquer Ukraine” war continues since fighting starting on Feb 24th.

Russian forces have initiated an offensive who’s declared goals are to reach and secure the Luhansk and Donetsk oblast borders — an objective that Russian Chief of General Staff Army General Valery Gerasimov had also outlined on December 22, 2022. Troop and equipment build up is being noted

This offensive action is focused on several fronts – 1) the Svatove-Kreminna front, 2) Bahkmut region, 3) Donetsk region and 4) Zaporizhizhia Oblast around the town of Vuhledar.

Russia is also capable of launching more cruise/ballistic missile attacks directed against Ukrainian infrastructure -primarily its power grid, but massively reduced inventories of such missiles means these barrages will be further apart.

While Russia has nuclear capability, the probability is low that any will be used in the near future.


There are reports of regular Russian forces refusing to supply ammunition to Wagner. There are also reports Wagner are being replaced by regular Russian army around Bakhmut.
NOTE – Knife fight between Wagner and the Russian MoD may not be going in Wagner’s favor.

Continued chatter on the interwebs about a Russian plan to extensively use its Air Force, in support of its ground offensive despite knowing that the losses would be high.
This kind of operation requires a great deal of coordination between air and ground elements. This level of cooperation has largely been absent between ground units and extending that to controlling ground stikes on a large scale is a formula for high losses. An alternative view would be that the airforce would attack deeper targets – exposing them to the well developed Ukrainian air defense network that has cut its teeth shooting down ballistic and cruise missiles.
Some note that this plan is so insane and desperate that it has a high probability to be actually true. Ukraine’s air defense would have a field day.

Economic Impact –
The Russian Association of Banks has asked the Russian Government to increase the undeclared limit on the import of foreign currency into Russia by 10 times. Now up to 100,000 US Dollars.” This is seen as an effort to prop up the Russian currency but will likely only increase inflation as this money hits the market.

Ukraine -
WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures still ranging in the 20s and 30s with rain/snow over most of the forecast period. Weather systems generating about 75-100% cloud cover, not very optimum for CAS.

RUMINT. “There are 10,000 Russian troops massed on the other side of the border with Sumy. It’s the largest concentration there has ever been here. And they have built a field hospital”, senior lieutenant Andrei Hulakov says.
NOTE – For those who followed the build up to the invasion last year, OSINT and other intelligence groups were able to track the units, strengths and locations. This 10,000 number has not been confirmed via any other source.

Continued Russian assaults against Bahkmut and surrounding areas. Ukraine has called for all remaining civilians to evacuate the town. Ukraine has launched several, successful counter attacks around the town, giving its defenders some breathing room.

Ukraine counterattacks in the south around Vuhledar have also driven Russian forces away from the city.

Looks like Russia if trying to increase its efforts to capture Bahkmut – before the anniversary of the start of the invasion according to some. Expect intensity of fighting to remain high.

Also trying to sift through the conflicting views on the follow-on Russian offensive actions. Force distribution and the hyped discussion of a major Russian air campaign. If their air force is as screwed up as their ground forces (and many indicators pretty much confirm this) it will be a turkey shoot. May gain some measure of success just by overwhelming numbers, but CAS in winter/stormy/cloudy conditions with very poor coordination with ground elements has a tendency to not do well. I suspect that to compensate that Russia may well resort to planned missions, not the standard CAS we are accustomed to. This kind of set piece operation avoids targeting confusion but absent of a successful suppression campaign, Russian planes flying around in unsecured airspace with every ada asset targeting them would not be a situation that leads to long term success.

Belarus -

Putin met with Lukashenka at his residence in Moscow region. More arm twisting to try to get Belarus more directly involved in the Ukraine war. Lukashenka reinterated that would only happen if Ukraine or other NATO country attacked it.

OBSERVATION – Lukashenka statement generated a lot of ‘false flag’ type warnings that Russia would stage such an attack and have it blamed on Ukraine or one of the Nato nations.

Iran –

Iran has seen its most widespread anti-government protests in weeks, after small crowds marched overnight in Tehran and a number of other cities. Videos showed people chanting “Woman, life, freedom” and “Death to Khamenei” - a reference to the Supreme Leader. It followed calls to mark the 40th day of mourning for two men executed on protest-related charges, Mohammad Mehdi Karami and Seyed Mohammad Hosseini.

Misc of Note –

The hits keep coming in regards to the Ohio train disaster –

The CDC update changed the lethal exposure from 100PPM to 100,000PPM. The lethal exposure level had remained the same for 17 years before the CDC decided to update the number just prior to the derailment, where highly toxic chemicals spilled or were burned off, leaving a chemical stench in the air nearly two weeks later. The catastrophe has been downplayed by Biden administration and the media, and the Environmental Protection Agency has deemed the water “safe to drink” – despite the existing reports of wildlife and pets dying in the affected area.
This change was made just 11 days before the train derailment and the ensuing environmental disaster.

The Biden administration is rejecting a request for federal disaster assistance from Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine in the aftermath of the train derailment and ecological disaster that has devastated the area around East Palestine, Ohio.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) told Ohio’s state government that it was not eligible for disaster assistance, a spokesperson for DeWine told Fox News Digital on Thursday. The Dewine spokeseman explained that FEMA believed the incident qualified as a traditional disaster, such as a tornado or hurricane, for which it usually provides assistance.
“The DeWine Administration has been in daily contact with FEMA to discuss the need for federal support, however FEMA continues to tell Governor DeWine that Ohio is not eligible for assistance at this time,” DeWine’s office said in an earlier statement. “Governor DeWine will continue working with FEMA to determine what assistance can be provided.”

“Just in case you were wondering why Biden and Buttigieg are ignoring the toxic chemical spill in East Palestine, Ohio,” O’Handley remarked. “Columbiana County voted 71% for Trump in 2020.”

OBSERVATION - This is a crisis that will not go away any time soon. A lot of screw-ups on many levels and its eventually going to cost people their lives from cancer and other ailments. Agriculture will be taking a major hit as well.

Black Swans

I noted above that Kaliforina is facing an economic firestorm. This summer/early fall kalifornia will be facing a real firestorm. With the abundance of precipitation this winter will come an explosion of grass and bush growth – ladder fuels that drive major forest fires. Last year after several years of drought, there were relatively few major wildfires – because lack of rain prevented the growth of these ladder fuels. That is all gone and as the heat of summer dries this growth out, expect megafires this fall.

112 posted on 02/17/2023 8:04:18 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Globalism / Great Reset –

Canadian Justice Paul Rouleau, who led the probe into PM Trudeauuse of 1988 Emergencies Act, called the decision a “drastic move” but not a “dictatorial one”. There will be no repercussions for the tyrannical crackdown on the Freedom Convoy.

OBSERVATION – Canada is a beta test site for the WEF/GGR’s operations. This ruling effectively strips away the public’s right to present grievances and expands Trudeau’s powers. This may drive more conservative, western proviences to take further steps to cut away from Ottawa’s grip.

Discover Financial Services, a provider of credit cards, told Reuters it will allow its network to track purchases at gun retailers come April, making it the first among its peers to move ahead with the initiative aimed at helping authorities probe gun-related crimes.

The decision came after the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which decides on the classification of merchant categories used by payment cards, approved in September the launch of a dedicated code for gun retailers.

There has been uncertainty around the implementation, with Visa Inc, Mastercard Inc and American Express Co yet to disclose a timetable for adopting the change. Although the codes will not show specific items purchased, some Republican politicians have spoken out against the move, arguing it could violate the privacy of U.S. citizens lawfully buying guns.

A representative for Geneva-based ISO said the new code, dubbed “5723 - Gun and ammunition shops” - would be available for financial institutions to use by the end of February.

OBSERVATION - An armed citizenry is a threat to globalist power drives. Here in the US with the govt trying numerous work arounds to create defacto gun registries, the sinister govt-private sector route is working to do the same.

Wuhan virus –

UK stops offering Covid boosters for all age groups.

OBSERVATION – Many noted that this change happened suddenly and without warning.

Economy –

Bank of America strategists are expecting an economic “hard landing” to pummel the markets at the end of the year, due to a resilient U.S. economy. Bloomberg reported, that BoA strategists, led by Michael Hartnett, in a Feb. 16 note, predicted a “no landing” scenario for the first half of the year, as economic growth continues to remain strong and the Federal Reserve maintains its hawkish rate policy,

Hartnett said that the period of growth will probably be followed by a “hard landing” in the latter part of the year.

Meanwhile. a BofA global fund manager survey from Feb. 14 showed most investors expect the current stock rally to fizzle out. About 66 percent of respondents said stocks are beginning to see a bear market rally and expect them to return to new lows.

Recent economic indicators show that the Fed’s plan to bring down inflation is “very much unaccomplished,” said Hartnett.

OBSERVATION – Continued mix of economic forecasts. I think the ‘new normal’ of our post wuhan/biden regime economy is giving forecasters fits in putting the pieces together. One thing for certain, the longer the prime rate stays high, the greater impact to the economy.

Biden / Harris watch –

Thursday following a screening of the movie “ Till,” Biden pontificated - “White families gathered to celebrate the spectacle, taking pictures of the bodies ... Some people still want to do that”

OBSERVATION - I cannot use the words I want to in order to describe biden at this moment.

CW2/Domestic violence –

Keith Olbermann tweeted –
“There is only one way to stop Mass Shootings. The Blue States must financially starve the Red States, the Gun Lobby, the GOP, the Death Lobby, and the crooked judiciary into submission. “NOW.”

OBSERVATION – Why am I citing this arrogant ignoramus with delusions of adequacy? Simply because he is speaking out the desires of many on the Marxist left that they are holding to. An immense hatred of Red states and red state values. Polls show a growing desire by the left to separate the red from their utopian blue havens. The putrid stench of leftist arrogance that underlies much of the left today.

OK, lets see just how well they do growing their own food, getting fuels to keep warm and their smart phones (and cars) charged.

This is looking more and more like a Spanish civil war scenario and I need to do more research on that piece of history.

Strategic Activity / Deployments –

On Thursday, the United States Navy revealed that it would be erasing any physical fitness assessment failures from sailors’ records. The “one time reset” was made as the Navy continues to struggle with bringing in new recruits and retaining those already in the system.

OBSERVATION – More evidence of the leftist driven decline of our military. Good leadership would have found ways to improve fitness, not excuse it.

China –

Following balloons shoot down Lines of Communication between U.S. and Chinese Military Officials have reportedly been closed according to the White House National Security Council. The White House has been saying the lines of communication were closed since February 13th.

North/South Korea –

North Korea fired one suspected long-range ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan west of Hokkaido. This is the first launch in 2023 (over 70 launches in 2022) and after they threatened an unprecedented response to South-US drills if they occur. The drills would occur mid March.

Russia -
WAR WATCH - Russia’s “three days to conquer Ukraine” war continues since fighting starting on Feb 24th.

Russian forces have initiated an offensive who’s declared goals are to reach and secure the Luhansk and Donetsk oblast borders — an objective that Russian Chief of General Staff Army General Valery Gerasimov had also outlined on December 22, 2022. Troop and equipment build up is being noted

This offensive action is focused on several fronts – 1) the Svatove-Kreminna front, 2) Bahkmut region, 3) Donetsk region and 4) Zaporizhizhia Oblast around the town of Vuhledar.

Russia is also capable of launching more cruise/ballistic missile attacks directed against Ukrainian infrastructure -primarily its power grid, but massively reduced inventories of such missiles means these barrages will be further apart.

While Russia has nuclear capability, the probability is low that any will be used in the near future.

Continued speculation on the subject of putin’s upcoming speech and if he’s going to escalate the ‘special operation’ to a war and expand the mobilization call up.

Ukraine -
WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures still ranging in the 20s and 30s with rain/snow over most of the forecast period. Weather systems generating about 75-100% cloud cover, not very optimum for CAS.

Activity still strong around Bahkumt with evidence that Russia is attempting to exploit gains north of the town to press northward in a effort to cut off Siversk. Wagner forces have reportedly captured Paraskoviyivka near Bakhmut.

Ukraine reached deep and hit a reported Russian missile complex near Chaplynka in occupied Kherson region.

No significant changes to fighting with Ukraine grudgingly giving up some terrain north of Bahkmut and no change in that scenario in the foreseeable future.

All kinds of rumblings and rumors over the size, nature and location of any expansion of the current Russian offensive. I think some of the estimates are overstated and given how we were able to track the roughly equivalent size forces movements prior to the start of the current conflict, the silence of similar tracking could mean that either there is no build up or Russian finally has figured out OPSEC in the face of Ukrainian eyes. I continue to think that a large part of this exaggeration is pro-Ukraine propaganda to get western equipment an munitions there quicker and in greater quantities.

That movement of western equipment appears to be quickening as the first battalions worth of armor and APC are in country and Ukrainian soldiers are completing training in large numbers to man them. I still see the current situation as a foot race by Russia to gain significant momentum before Ukraine can get these new arms and on the Ukraine side to get armed up before Russia gains too much momentum.

Europe / NATO General –

U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says U.K. will be first nation to provide Ukraine with long-range weapons - Speech at Munich Security Conference. Sunak also said “the whole world must hold Russia to account” for the “sickening war crimes” and “terrible destruction it has inflicted” in Ukraine

OBSERVATION - Long range munitions could be a game changer if supplied in adequate numbers. this would create chaos in the Russian logistics and command system that currently thinks that as long as they are out of HIMAR range they are ok. These British systems would enable Ukraine to range all of Crimea as well as well into Russia proper.

Israel –

Israeli and Saudi officials held exploratory meetings ahead of the recent US-Gulf Cooperation Council Working Group gathering. Further engagement is expected to take place in Prague to coincide with the Munich Security Conference, sources say. Talks reportedly focus on developing closer military and intelligence ties in light of growing concerns about Iran.

OBSERVATION - Enemy of my enemy is my friend. . ..

Iran –

Iran’s revolutionary guard has attacked an oil tanker owned by an Israeli billionaire in the Arabian Sea causing no serious damage with suicide drones.

Saudi Arabia –

See Israel above

Misc of Note –

The hits keep coming in regards to the Ohio train disaster –

Dioxins, a chemical byproduct of the burning of vinyl chloride and other chemicals, are hormonally toxic and extremely persistent, and is now being found in abundance over Ohio. For clarity, I’m talking about chlorinated dioxins, and in particular, 2,3,7,8-TCDD and its toxic equivalents. This could create a new “love canal” scenario, but on a much, much larger scale.

Up to two and a half million gallons of Vinyl Chloride was released in this burn that went on for over 3 days. There are unconfirmed reports that VC and burn byproducts have been detected in a radius of 400-800 miles from the Ohio site.

BTW, very quickly after Trump announced that he would be headed to Ohio to visit the disaster area, FEMA did a sudden turn around and announced they would be supplying emergency relief to the state/region.

115 posted on 02/18/2023 8:48:29 AM PST by Godzilla (Never give up, never surrender . . . . . .)
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