This is sheer madness! This is worse than Nazi's consigning Jews to concentration camps!
The import is that one simply cannot be allowed to hold a jab hesitancy opinion--let alone sharing what surely would be labeled "vaccine misinformation." Would an anti-vax protester on the street need to be gunned down with extreme prejudice to placate Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus?
To escape qualifying as a murder before the WHO, previously protected and private health information (whether one has been jabbed) could be forced into the public realm so as to "speak for itself" in affirmation of our presumed guilt as a murderer.
We'll be destroyed as the 250-year old American country under these self-presuming authorities that share zero attachment to the US constitution. They've already corralled many scores of millions into getting their US taxpayer-funded jabs without ever having established any reasonable informed consent! The Biden Administration has placed Fauci, Eco Health Alliance, the Wuhan Virology Lab, and the CCP as masters over us, all in treasonous contravention of the US Constitution.
Having already been judged murderers without any due process, these presumed masters could easily assign us to internment camps if we were to further hesitate to receive their EUA jabs, to the extent this globalists are allowed sway that is unstopped by our Constitution.
It's a historical fact that that the Nuremburg tribunal process determined and reduced that no one should ever be forced to take an experimental drug, yet that's what these presuming elite feel compelled to thrust onto us with a force beyond all law.
These globalist elites are well beyond dangerous and their influence must be eradicated from everything American.