“The only way to control democracy and markets to serve the interests of the few at the expense of the many is to corrupt them completely by destroying the dynamism of collaboration-competition. Democracy is replaced by an auction of political power to the highest bidder that rewards cronies and devotes all its resources not to solving the nation’s problems but to whipping up conflagrations of divisiveness and partisan hysteria that wash away the middle ground where problems can actually be addressed.”
I don’t think he’s so much trying to SOLVE things; he’s just stating that the way things are now, most problems ARE unsolvable, and that won’t change until we get rid of the corruption of our ‘betters.’
At least, that’s what I took away from this opinion piece.
Seems to me that writing a long article pointing out that there’s a lot of corruption in politics, is like writing a long article to point out that water is wet.
Everyone knows both things - don’t need a long article. What would be much more interesting is if he told us his ideas on how to get rid of corruption in politics or anywhere else.