I have not been dishonest. You have been dishonest numerous times, claiming I have written things I did not. You try to start flame wars, with the constant name calling and false accusations. Stop. I am not interested in a flame war. Stop.
Answer post #183 then.
You have been dishonest numerous times, claiming I have written things I did not.
I used paraphrase, even literally using the words "scare quote" and rhetorical, IMMEDIATELY before the words you disavow.
And on this thread, I posted both your exact quote, and the post of yours it was from, in immediate juxtaposition to what I said.
You try to start flame wars, with the constant name calling and false accusations.
I'm not trying to start flame wars. You are trolling, by constantly exaggerating any possible flaw in anything warning about the jabs; and by linking ALL of the claims together, from whatever source, as though accepting any one claim, requires a person to also avow the most dubious ones. THAT is trolling. STOP.