I couldn’t hear the whole thing, but the production quality was AWESOME!!!
Here’s another song I did with my church. I think it’s a bit too compressed, but you may have a different opinion.
Thanks man! Listened to your cut. The guitar playing, especially near the end, is absolutely epic - well done! You’ve got some sick chops. Kind of has an Alan Holdsworth feel. Yeah, the mix is definitely overcompressed - the dynamics are being killed. Sounds like a high ratio was used and then slammed. I’d start with a 1:1.5 ratio and slowly dial down the threshold until it was glued, then leave it at that and then finish up with some mild peak limiting with the peaks hitting around 1db. By the time I get to the mastering phase the only thing I usually apply is light limiting to get the loudness up and some minor EQ tweaks if required to sweeten things up. The rest is done during mixdown. If you want a free remaster of it let me know! I think remastering it properly will fix it.