Because we supposedly turned it into a free nation with voting, girls going to school, rights for women, a stabilized central government rather than tribes. That attracted individuals (including ex-pats), business investors, NGO's, and numerous contracting companies.
Whether 20 or 40 thousand, they are spread all over Afghaniscrap. There is no saving them all. Right, let's take back Bagram military base at the large expense of ground troop lives. We can't bomb it or what would be the point?
Trump and Pompeo made the right exit deal with the head Taliban commander (now president). Trump told him, break the deal and all hell will rain down on you like no country has ever seen, to paraphrase. I read he also said, "If you attack one American citizen, we will destroy your leadership, communities, villages, friends and family." Sounds like he was ready to go Dresden on them.
Don't know how Biden can say he followed Trump's deal when Biden changed the date from May 1st to Aug. 31st and the method of leaving with no guarantees. The Taliban considered the Trump deal to be broken and the time to build and sweep across the country. Here we are today.
“We can’t bomb it or what would be the point?”
Is Afghanistan a signatory to the Geneva Convention, or any of the chemical weapons protocols?
Interesting. Thank you for that explanation. imo it’s never wise to invest in, much less move to, a hostile nation even if there seems to be peace. Especially there. Those savages are always lying in wait and that’s what happened here. They already had their ‘game-plan’ in place just waiting for the opportunity to implement it.