I am curious if anyone was shocked by the names on the list?
To me, Burr was the only “new” appearance. The others were expected.
Cassidy and Burr are in the second tier of the “the usual suspects.”
As for the first tier, Sasse, and to a greater extent, Toomey, unfortunately, seems to have”grown”, and while not quite as predictable as the other so-called “RINOs”. With Collins and Toomey one has a political necessity argument, while Murkowski and Mittens have been snakes from the beginning.
Cassidy was a particular disappointment, after he accepted the endorsement and campaign support from Trump last year.
Toomey already said he isn’t running again.
Right now he’s just auditioning for a spot on CNN.
I’m more concerned about how they’ll vote on any upcoming gun control legislation to be honest. The voters of their respective states will have to decide if it’s reasonable and/or feasible to primary them.
Not shocked by this in particular - but the last four years has been a real shock to me - I still can’t figure out where stupidity ends and evil begins. Evil or just stupid? I really can’t wrap my head around it.
But I’m talking about all of the Democrats too.
The most shocking thing for me was how obvious the Left’s dishonesty and hypocrisy can be - how destructive it can be - and still, they stick to their false narrative - they double down on the obvious gaslighting.
They stand by and watch as lives are ruined. They watch as elections are stolen. They watch as the one man standing between us and the CCP is cruelly cheated and lied about for four years straight.
And they dare to say they are doing it because of the oath they took to protect the Constitution!
Is someone like Toomey here in PA that stupid? I mean he made it through law school.... Or is he evil? Or are the conspiracy theories true, and these people’s families are being physically threatened if they don’t vote a certain way?
I really can’t square it - the shock for me about these seven is that I really thought it would go the other way - that a bunch of Democrats would be embarrassed by the level of dishonesty in this latest smear job - and vote to acquit.
I even thought Romney might say this is going too far - too much lying - too much hypocrisy.
But I keep giving them too much credit. That is the part that has shocked me for the last four years - that these people really seem to have no shame at all.
No. I want to know if these fools will be asked why they are Republicans as they sure show they are more concerned with being Dems....
Must be they need the cross over Dem votes to get themselves elected. Hopefully as has happened with some who voted with Dems the first time their state legislatures will censor them, and then when the time comes vote them out of office.
Romney/Collins/Murkowski in particular as they try to play “ conscience “ games.
SAsse, Toomey are outright haters so no surprise. Don’t;\’t know about the NC rep but he needs to go also