Someone once said, If you want to know what its like to own a boat, stand in a cold shower tearing up $100 bills.
Ive heard that the day you buy a boat is the second happiest day of your life.
someone told me that boat stands for Bust Out Another Thousand.
Nice to see people actually out and proud TRUMP supporters.
Dictionary definition of boat: a hole in the water that you throw money into.
So was it 2500-3000 boats, or “over 500?” (later in the article its says 530.)
original article stolen lock, stock, and barrel by GP:
I lived on our family/company boats for ten years and our description of the boats was, a black hole in the water you threw 1000.00 dollar bills into, the only thing that ever changed was how many bills.
“Almost makes me wish I owned a boat.” You must own a boat. Where else would you have lost your firearms?
We did lake Norman in NC and over 3000 boats showed up