“Our sun has been behaving very strangely, and this unusual behavior is really starting to affect our weather patterns.
Are they implying the sun is a factor in our weather? /s -Tom
Gorebull Warming Lesson for today:
1. The sun is 1,300,000 times as big as the earth.
2. The sun is a giant nuclear furnace that controls the climates of all its planets.
3. The earth is one of the suns planets.
4. The earth is a speck in comparison to the size of the sun.
5. Inhabitants of the earth are less than specks.
Study Question: How do less-than 500 -specks in congress plan to control the sun?
Yes Sir correct on all counts.
And also keep in mind that global cooling aka ice age will kill 1000 times more humans and animals than global warming of 10 deg F or less.
Study Question: How do less-than 500 -specks in congress plan to control the sun?
The specks in Congress plan to make up for the obvious fact that they cannot control the sun by controllling the other specks extra hard and attempting to keep the other specks from finding out by whom and why they are being controlled.
Bonus answer: the Congress specks have a desperate need to feel stronger than the sun