His description of his friend is a perfect description, word for word, of most of my female family members, at least one of the husbands, a few of my male friends and almost all of their wives.
The only thing he missed is their "Trump is a bully!" reason they hate Trump.
If there is a way to break through their emotional investment in the media malware that they know to be so, then I don't know what it would be.
When presented with glaring examples that clearly contradict any of their "truths", they first tend to overreact with aghast and generally attack the messenger and/or the messenger's source(s).
Next, they generally will claim that the other side does it, too, but is much worse.
They will then back up this irrefutable truth by citing their accepted sources previously named by the author, which they of course trust implicitly.
I care about these people and so all of this has bothered me for a very long time, but you know what? If God is content to give them over to delusion, then so am I.
Jesus waits for us to come to our senses, so with my family and friends who know what ain't so, I guess I'll just try to be more like Jesus.
If Trump had run the same campaign with the same issues, but as a Democrat, he would be facing none of this “resistance” from the left.
I have actually used that statement to shut my liberal friends up.
Surprisingly, they don’t have much of a comeback, because their hero Bill Clinton used to say exactly what Trump says.