They’re trying to use INTENT against President Trump’s Immigration Order.
“Theyre trying to use INTENT against President Trumps Immigration Order.”
Wow, ya, very good point!
Yes, all the libtards are tied up in knots over their own hypocrisy and dishonesty.
In the case of Hillarys emails, they fabricate an intent standard which is not relevant. Hillary surely did have criminal intent but that is not the relevant standard.
In the case of Trumps immigration EOs, they fabricate another intent standard and speculate wildly about the intent of the EOs when the relevant information is RIGHT THERE IN THE EOs. All that they/we need to know about President Trumps intent is right there in the EOs, the reasoning, evidence, and purposes stated. Besides, the POTUS can restrict immigration for national security based solely upon HIS JUDGMENT. It is not up to the courts or the libtards to second-guess the judgments of the Commander-in-Chief in this regard.
“Theyre trying to use INTENT against President Trumps Immigration Order.”
Not happenstance.
For liberals, intent is more important than reality.