We made it what it is, up to the point where Emma Lazarus invited the huddled masses yearning to be free from the czarist tyrants of eastern Europe, and the wretched refuse of the teeming Mediterranean shores started coming and screwing up the plan for a truly free land under Christian government. They've almost completed the job of destroying our Pilgrim religion and our Puritan principles. They've almost won out. I guess it's too late to send Lazarus and all these other bilge-drinkers from southern and eastern Europe back to where they came from. Eh? /sarc
My mom was born here and so was I so I’m a Native American!
My nephews and nieces don’t speak Italian, won’t carry on our traditions once we’re gone, and the vowel at the end of their name will be the only reminder of where they came from.
And that’s OK. That’s how a 3rd generation should be.
My generation (48) is the last of the Italian speaking, custom keeping, Columbus parade going, REAL italian food eating people from the boot.
And that’s just fine by me.