Upchuck Lyin’ Ryan must be cantorized.
That’s Ryan’s modus operendi. He makes comments that are deliberately phrased to come across as critical of Trump, then after the damage is done, and asked to clarify, he says something like “Let’s be clear, I don’t know whether Trump said or did blah blah blah, but if he did, it would be inappropriate”.
Ryan likes to play cute. He thinks he’s being clever and doesn’t think we’re smart enough to figure him out. He’s got the attitude of an arrogant student body president.
I think Ryan’s a piece of #### and couldn’t give a #### what he thought anymore.
Next week he plans to bar FBI from linking MB members to terrorist organizations.
He’s a piece of ####.
It seems that it matters not what Ryan ACTUALLY said. All that matters is what some THINK he said.
I missed that but did listen to the Kelly attempt at keeping it going, then taking select parts of the excellent Trump rally, like Iraq being the Harvard for terrorists. As if he was equating terrorists with students at Harvard.
I mean how stupid is this woman? Compared to Judge Jeanine and Greta, Kelly makes me sick. I don’t watch her. She’s a light in all aspects of what she does. Would love to see her off Fox entirely, and slip the Judge in there.
There is only one way to look at what Ryan said. He said it to cast dispersions on Trump. The jerk should not have said what he said if he truly had not seen the star and could personally assess the picture. He volunteered the negative comment for only one purpose, to hurt Trump. This guy is a disgusting SOB.