Proves who is only holding power because they “caved” to the psychopathic narrative of the Soros types— irrational, filthy, fascist minds— for the fascist takeover of America that is occurring as I type.
They all stand for the Marxist super-elite sodoomite psychopaths and corporations who want to end all Freedom in America (Destroy the Constitution for Slavery (No Individual Natural Rights from God—NO Rule of Law (Higher Laws-—just sharia laws—irrational man-made up special rights for the Right Thinkers).
BURY the TRUE GOD-GIVEN NATURAL RIGHTS AND FREE WILL AND INDIVIDUALISM which created the US Constitution for slavery of these stupid, evil elites (who KNOW better than us what is “good” for us).
For their collective utopia where government controls all money/actions and rewards vice (slavery/theft/sodomizing others, killing babies) and punishes the Good, the Bakers, the Photographers who won’t worship Ba’al and Mother Earth.
All to flip 2000 years of Ethics back to the Afghani ethics of the Spartans—Man/Boy “love” socialistic/collective cultures of slavery. Homosexual SS tactics where they were even brutalizing and ridiculing women. Unbelievable! No conscience whatsoever!—which is what CCore pukes out of publik skools. They deliberately destroy Virtue in children. (Without Virtue, there is no Freedom/Socrates—and all Virtue is embedded and habituated in childhood/Aristotle).
Promoting vice in “Just Laws” collapses cultures (Cicero, Montesquieu, Locke, The Founders).
Only Christian Ethics is rational, just, and applies to EVERYONE the same; no other religion/faith is as rational and aligned to Reason (logic) since Christians developed the theory of Natural Law (Science/Age of Reason and the US Constitution) and that is why we have the War on Christianity only (they call it Terror).
You can’t say TRUTH in the public square since the 60s (because of “just” (LOL) “laws”, AND TRUTH/GOD IS BANNED IN THE Public skools so transmission of Traditions/culture is IMPOSSIBLE.
You are punished with FORCED Marxist PC (which destroys freedom of thought and speech in children/people) and is unconstitutional.
Christ (Truth) is banned in the public square—demeaned as all satanic “faiths” religions are forced into the public square, and the belief system is embedded into our children, via publik skools and MSM (like Ba’al Rites of sodomizing others, “good” as is killing babies, all “natural” (only in Ba’al and muslim, collective religions which is promoted 24/7 by culture, music, “Just” “LAWS”).
Freedom of Speech (GONE). Thought and desires and beliefs are totally controlled by Common Core and MSM which embed the worldview of sodomite/Marxists (slaves/dependency) in our children-—total irrationality and “collective” thinking—no possible critical thinking for self.)
And the Freedom of gun ownership is being stripped away (ability to be self-reliant and protect your own family needs permission from our masters).
They eliminated the 4th Amendment ENTIRELY (unconstitutionally). I could go on, but have typed enough..
Spartans? Perhaps Ottoman Janissary???