Romney is in this for power. Direct or indirect. Kasich is not in the plans of certain influential person s
Hey, remember when you guys crucified me for being for Rick Perry?
Well, Rick would have won and saved us 4 years of Obama.
You wanted Romney then... how do you like them apples?
Trump is only becoming more and more likable to his base. Trump ends all of his events with, I Love you! I Love you! I LOVE you!
No one can imagine Romney getting the same kind warm welcome all across America like Trump has from his supporters.
Also, Romney is very upset that Newt Gingrich might become VP. He would be less upset if Newt becomes the Chief of Staff.
This is all about ego for Romney. Romney literally is JEALOUS and it appears that he can't stop himself because he has become unglued. The more Romney showcases his personal jealousy as a grown man, the more everyone knows that Romney def. has a screw loose and is terribly bitter that he lost.
Romney wants Paul Ryan, his former running mate, to be nominated in the Cleavland so the Romney can get over his jealousy. Can you imagine? Romney is so delusional, jealous and bitter, that he is spearheading this whole contested convention because of his ego? Mrs. Ryan and the kids have probably been told, you might be on stage again, so get ready. LOLOLOL
Romney needs to exit stage LEFT and quick. Someone needs to ridicule Romney day in and day out. He is so delusional that he thinks because he was the former nominee that he somehow gets to act like the King.
Romney has lost it and is very bitter, jealous and delusional.