We were working on transforming the party by electing Tea Party people like Cruz. Now you’re abandoning them for a New York liberal Democrat who’s conning the party by telling them what he thinks they want to hear.
Was diehard for Cruz. He made a fatal error in judgment last night when he sought to blame Trump for what should have been laid at the feet of common street thugs and Washington whores. I don’t fool easily but Mr. Cruz had me fooled. He had me really believing Washington insiders hated him. This is just one terrific play by Karl “the great and powerful Oz” Rove. I’m done. Don’t bother.
We were working on transforming the party by electing Tea Party people like Cruz.
So, Tea Party people go about excusing Leftist criminality, simply because it benefits them politically...is that about it...?
Sure am glad we were working on transforming the party to include such types...