Then we need to end the globalist assault on our institutions, because THAT is what happened in Germany. They kept disbanding and undermining something like the parliament (if memory serves), and operating on emergency powers, ANYTHING for the elite to not give up power. Hitler himself was viewed as a controllable rube, sort of how the GOPe views Rubio only in Hitler’s case, he had other ideas. He was a loser that they let into power.
‘Then we need to end the globalist assault on our institutions, because THAT is what happened in Germany.’
Certainly. I look forward to seeing Trump v the United Nations. He might not realize what they are really like, but he soon will.
I posted earlier that Trump will find himself in a much uglier world the moment he enters the Oval Office, and that his shouts will be heard out in the streets. But frankly? Most new patriotic presidents would be pathetic rather than angry. They would lean on their advisors and ranting irrationally, quivering like President Logan in Twenty Four.