“I donât see Goldman Sachs as evil.”
Goldman is all over the news for their fraud. Even the Obama administration went after them and they LOVE Goldman...their execs should be in prison!They also hire illegal aliens and brag about it and meets with Obama to form his little illegal amnesty.
Goldman in $5.1 bn deal to settle mortgage bond fraud claims
January 14, 2016 6:00 PM
Published January 14, 2016 Markets MarketWatch Pulse
WASHINGTON â Goldman Sachs was fined $15 million by the Securities and Exchange Commission for violating securities lending practices. According to the SEC, Goldman Sachs employees routinely processed requests by customers to locate stock for short selling by hitting the F3 button on their keyboard, which would trigger a “fill from autolocate” function based on the amount of start-of-day inventory at major institutions
Late on Tuesday, the president met with chief executives from 12 companies on immigration reform and other issues, including Goldman Sachs Group Inc’s Lloyd Blankfein
Read more at Reutershttp://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/06/us-usa-immigration-idUSBRE9130V620130206#Ji8GVRdjjV4Lv6oW.99
In an awkward coincidence, Heidi Nelson Cruz, the senators wife, worked in the same Goldman Sachs unit, private wealth management, as Arce.) “Making hundreds of thousands of dollars on Wall Street didn’t protect Arce (the ILLEGAL ALIEN) from fear. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-02-25/how-an-undocumented-immigrant-from-mexico-became-a-star-at-goldman-sachs
AuntB took the time to sum up Goldman Sachs corruption.
Thanks AuntB
Cruz(R-Goldman Sachs)