This is similiar to the McDuffie riots in Miami.
The cops beat him to death and contrived a story, several were indicted.
Blacks started rioting when even though cops testified that they had witnessed fellow cops beating the guy to death and contriving a story, juries found the cops innocent.
The difference now is that with Hussein Baraka and the communists in charge of the DOJ, blacks will riot for any damned reason they want to irrespective of waiting for the facts.
Hussein Baraka LOVES a riot.
I don't think it's a matter of rioting for any reason the want to, but rioting for whatever reason they're told to. They're being coached and organized from outside.
At first I didn't believe he could have done this to himself, but after hearing more about the case and the fact that Freddy was on drugs, I think it is not only possible, but probable.
These white and black cops had no reason to get together and harm Freddy deliberately.
I hope they are all found innocent. Baltimore can forget about attracting tourists to their city. It's an insane asylum where the inmates set fires and loot their neighbors.