Obama will do anything to keep from admitting that his pressure on the military to ignore jihadists in their midst caused the massacre at Ft Hood.
Millions of $$$$ going to illegals in America, Defector scumbag Bergdahl might get his $200,000 in back pay and Pvt. Manning’s sex change is paid for by the U.S. taxpayer, but the Ft. Hood veterans get NOTHING? Something VERY wrong here.
Oh look! A shiny thing! Why doesn’t Ted show up for his Senate Armed Services Committee meetings where issues like this are actually dealt with? He only made 3 out of 16.
Kudos to Mr. Cruz.
You’ll make a fine Commander-in-Chief. Vey fine indeed.
[However they wont be receiving the financial benefits from the pentagon that go along with it and thats something Ted Cruz calls outrageous and indefensible.]
I’m thankful TED CRUZ is on this...
A man who is good enough to shed his blood for his country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards.
- Theodore Roosevelt
The biggest disgrace to this country.
Work place violence. What a piece of ....
God Bless him! I knew Cruz could be counted on to step up on this, after all the hard work he did to get the Purple Heart status for them.