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To: Thank You Rush

Do the research or don’t. There are specific items that indicate what happened that are pilot related that means he couldn’t have just had a heart attack and unable to respond.

There is even a pilot on this site that indicated what likely happened and he did it before the Prosecutor held the press conference.

Now more information is coming out.

Look for the new altitude story.

59 posted on 03/26/2015 11:23:06 AM PDT by RummyChick
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To: RummyChick
Richard Healing, a former member of the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board, said the events disclosed today leave some room for alternative interpretation.


“You can’t rule out the possibility at this point of the pilot who was remaining in the cockpit becoming incapacitated simultaneous with when the other pilot walked out,” he said. “It’s more likely that the pilot may have done something intentionally, but you can’t conclude that until the flight data recorder is recovered.”


I agree with the above remarks. Some things don't add up, despite the apparent deliberate actions. He was too calm. They could hear him breathing normally on the voice recorder, from some of the four cockpit microphones. He didn't taunt anyone, mumble anything, or just point the airplane straight down, or simply shut off the two engines. Instead he did it in such a way as to keep the passengers calm until just before the end, when they realized from the Captain's reaction just outside the door that they were doomed. Not manic, too deliberate for someone that had to have been deeply disturbed to commit such a horrific act.

71 posted on 03/26/2015 12:25:27 PM PDT by zipper (In their heart of hearts, all Democrats are communists)
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To: RummyChick

“”Do the research or don’t.””

WOW! That is what I call someone who can’t justify their words when questioned about what their post means. Wouldn’t it be just as simple to say I don’t know anything except for “other pilot things.” I would have expected since you noted the prosecutor’s briefing that there would be something specific there but it eluded me if there was. Sorry to bother you.

77 posted on 03/26/2015 2:25:23 PM PDT by Thank You Rush
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