... and yet it is, in fact, the Democrat Party whose “ideas are entwined with racism” ... throughout the party’s history.
Great post from the article’s comments:
“1. You didn’t directly address my question about Giuliani’s implication that liberals don’t love America. Indeed, by declining to say that you love America, you lend some small credibility to that charge.
2. Nations are not sets of principles. No Frenchman worries about whether anyone else is being anti-French. A nation is group of people with a reasonably common linguistic/cultural life and sense of themselves as a nation. No ideological litmus test is required.
3. Patriotism can be mis-used and it can be properly used. Nations are like any other social institution; they’re partly good and partly bad; and they require some commitment from their members. That commitment can be emotional or purely practical; but practical doesn’t work very well in the long run.
It seems many liberals — myself excluded, obviously — get quite hung up about loving their country. Conservatives, who get almost everything wrong, have no trouble understanding the question or answering it. But the right doesn’t own patriotism. Please don’t cede it to them.”