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To: Starman417
Another factoid from Obama’s Poop Pile...
To: Starman417
The only Islamic custom of today that I’m aware of early in our country’s history is slavery. And, it likely had different historical roots, anyway.
To: Starman417
If he means that islam in the form of the Barbary pirates was responsible for the founding of the Marines, then I would agree. Otherwise, complete malarkey.
4 posted on
02/20/2015 10:29:44 AM PST by
(Enough of "Who is John Galt?" Who is Patrick Henry?)
To: Starman417
I bit obammy was really biting his cheek when he laid that one..
If he and his agenda was any more transparent,
Even liberals would see the dangers ahead
Comin’ Home to roost.
5 posted on
02/20/2015 10:29:59 AM PST by
(Semper Fi - Revolution is a'brewin!!!)
To: Starman417
6 posted on
02/20/2015 10:30:16 AM PST by
Travis McGee
To: Starman417
Guess that’s why the first mosque was built in 1929.
7 posted on
02/20/2015 10:31:18 AM PST by
(I was standing with a rifle, waiting for soviet paratroopers, but communists just ran for office.)
To: Starman417
Who'd a thunk it. Sure glad we have a moslem in the White Hut to inform us of our own stupidity!!! /s
8 posted on
02/20/2015 10:31:43 AM PST by
(Barry Hussein Soetoro-0bama=The Complete Destruction of American Capitalism)
To: Starman417
Its like he’s being advised by one of the loony imams who believe the indians were all muslim and the earth doesn’t rotate.
9 posted on
02/20/2015 10:35:49 AM PST by
("For by wise guidance you can wage your war")
To: Starman417
He has told us what he wants this country to be like.
10 posted on
02/20/2015 10:36:42 AM PST by
I want the USA back
(Media: completely irresponsible. Complicit in the destruction of this country.)
To: Starman417
I thought it was Buddhists who laid the railroads.
To: Starman417
I always wondered about those minarets at Montecello...
13 posted on
02/20/2015 10:39:55 AM PST by
(it's true!)
To: Starman417
Since our Nations inception islame has been there!
They were the First to declare WAR on us!
They have never retracted their declaration either!
16 posted on
02/20/2015 10:44:16 AM PST by
(Genesis 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed,)
To: Starman417
Americas first mosque, this was an interesting fact, was in North Dakota. Ross is a city in Mountrail County, North Dakota, United States. The population was 97 at the 2010 census.[5] Ross was founded in 1902 and is the site of the first, established mosque in the United States.
Ross is also the site of the first building in the United States purposely built to be a mosque. Established in 1929, the mosque fell into disrepair and was dismantled. In 2005, the edifice was rebuilt by the family of one of the last remaining Muslims in the area. The community that built the mosque were Syrian-Lebanese immigrants who settled the region starting in the late 19th century to take advantage of the Homestead Act.
17 posted on
02/20/2015 10:47:25 AM PST by
(Due to the high price of ammo, no warning shot will be fired.)
To: Starman417
Oh Cmon don’t you remember the Pislims and the first Halal Thanksgiving?
18 posted on
02/20/2015 10:48:02 AM PST by
Georgia Girl 2
(The only purpose o f a pistol is to fight your way back to the rifle you should never have dropped.)
To: Starman417
Gonna be a looooong 2 years....
20 posted on
02/20/2015 10:52:46 AM PST by
To: Starman417
FUBO you muzzie biotch.
Congress do your job and remove this traitor from office.
Congress do your job and hold trials and convict this traitor of treason.
Hangman do your job of carrying out execution.
21 posted on
02/20/2015 10:55:11 AM PST by
(Been to the line in the sand and liked it)
To: Starman417
I can buy this. A lot of our Founding Fathers had some cursory knowledge of the scourge called islam. Heck, John Smith (of Jamestown fame) was a slave to the Ottoman Empire - before he escaped. So, sure it was 'woven in the fabric' of the National conscience that Islam was an evil plague to be opposed at every turn. They'd be uniformly chagrined at their descendants' flippant disregard for this evil.
22 posted on
02/20/2015 10:55:14 AM PST by
El Cid
(Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house...)
To: Starman417
Is Obama referring to the 4 muslim slaves who served in the Continental Army for 2 years as a condition for receiving their freedom?
23 posted on
02/20/2015 10:56:02 AM PST by
(When did the 2nd amendment suddenly require a license or permit for a gun?)
To: Starman417
Obame is shit house mouse crazy! Put down the crack pipe before you can’t remember your own name.
24 posted on
02/20/2015 10:56:22 AM PST by
(Lock and Load and stand your ground!.)
To: Starman417
Muslims were at the Boston Tea Party and signed the Declaration of Independence!
25 posted on
02/20/2015 10:57:48 AM PST by
(Joel Osteen is a minister of the Gospel like Captain Crunch is a Naval line officer.)
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