Yes I can. in 1979 if I were to visit a Mosque I would respect it.
I could not even wear a shirt with the word “hell” in my own school.
That being said, IF my kids were in public school and this was a mandate, they would both be staying home and taking the grade. The only proper response is an empty bus leaving for this "field trip". Unfortunately, I'd say most parents wouldn't have the conviction to stand against it. It really is sad
You’re right of course what’s evregious though is that these kids are being forced to visit a Mosque in the first place. It’s not the Mosque’s fault that there is a code, no matter how barbaric, dictating hiw women dress insixe the building. I have no problem with that.
I DO have a problem with them forcing kids to go there in the first place.
And if you were FORCED to go?