RINO websites, talk show hosts, Fox News Channel and trolls here on FR are all accomplices in the propaganda campaign to create momentum for the GOPe.’
BS. There are more here trying to demoralize and persuade people not to vote. You sound like one of them.
I am voting and I intend for vote for my Republican state senator who is an authentic Taxed Enough Already Party reformer.
But for other candidates including governor here in PA, I intend to write-in conservatives.......
>>BS. There are more here trying to demoralize and persuade people not to vote. You sound like one of them.<<
Many think it is better that the democrats hold the Senate than Republicans who do do not pass the Conservative Purity Test be Senators.
How bad could that be? It only gave use us The New Deal, the Ponzi Scheme of Social Security and obozocare.
I think Purity is more important than the actual RESULT of voting or non-voting. We can see it in the these wonderful final policies.