That you choose to accept what a Nazi says as Gospel truth doesn't surprise me since the Word of God is only on par with Tradition in the Catholic world. Perhaps this belief in Nazis is a new Tradition, as is blaming some one else for your own sins. Oh wait, you got that practice from Adam and Eve, that nice story in Genesis.
Telling the truth about Martin Luther
Tell it, sing it out, I have no problem with it. A truthful man would provide context and acknowledge similar sin in the pantheon of leadership of his own org if he is truly decrying the sin., glass houses and all. And at the same time would get better witnesses than Nazis unless you were out of Communists as well.
It seems to me that if there were no problem with it we would not be having this conversation. I view Lutherans as separated brethren. I know some of them laid down their lives to save Jews, others, well we must all account for our works. I harbor no resentment for Germany; the same crimes can happen anywhere there are such ingredients. I see Martin Luther as culpable, a man with a monstrous appetite for evil and whose spiritual legacy includes not only the Holocaust but the Thirty Years' War.
Indicting or defending Luther, as a man,seems somewhat akin to doing the same with Mohammed.