The NFL is in the entertainment business. Like anyone else in the entertainment business their continued success depends on their image, and they are free to discipline their employees in any manner consistent with their contractual obligations and the collective bargaining agreement with the NFLPA. It’s not a left-wing plot for the NFL to want to publicly take out the trash.
Absolutely agree.
There was never anything wrong with “moral clauses” back in the day; back when morals, ethics and civility broadly ruled in society, across all classes, races and economic levels. And, church on Sunday regularly.
(But that was generation raised by serious parents and serious parenting, armed with belts, switches, and the will to raise good and well behaved kids.)
Much of the above is against the law, or soon will be, and ALL of it is politically incorrect or frowned upon.
Our decadent culture has stolen most of three generations, who can’relate to social and family disciplines and punishment, Sunday church, morals and ethics.
The NFL is at the mercy of the politically correct, because the NFL is a reflection of the players and the culture.