Typical. Everybody’s just fine with sending somebody else’s sons and daughters to some pest hole to get shot or get sick and die. No thought at all for them or their families, just items to be expended and forgotten.
Apparently wars aren’t enough to kill our few brave kids off - now we have to send them to Disease Central with little or no consideration about if or when we can bring the survivors home.
Somehow we always elect leaders who have no qualms about wasting our volunteers - but somehow missed the opportunities to serve in harm’s way themselves. Big surprise.
And when the troops come home, the patriotic military families will be the first to get Ebola in America. The troops signed up to risk there own lives for their country, not the lives of their families.
They have millions of people in these countries that can be enlisted to help. We can give them aid, but its plain stupid to send out military over there.