I don’t accept the premise that there is a “Black or white America” , sane Americans judge by the content of charachter not color of skin....
but to your question, here is a very likely viewpoint, So called “White America” has ceded the most social power, transfer payments, moral authority and position and place to the Black minority than any other majority ever did in history. For thirty plus years the worst possible accusation one could make of a white person is to be called a racist. To shake the racist charge once and for all, “White America’ elected an absolute nitwit into the office of the Presidency. What does white America get for it all?
the Knockout game- accusations of racism- constant talk of reparations- black self segragation at University, and almost obscenely lopsided black on white crime rate, particularly in violent crime(Rape and murder)
There are more than a few who profit off of hatred and want to keep it going....there are also quite a few low information idiots, who are just too stupid to see what is being done to them...as they await their Government checks.
“Knockout game”
Bit of a trivia, but the media re-named “Polar Bear Hunting” the “Knockout Game” to hide the racial aspect of the attacks.
I would not permit them to shape your discourse.