It’s not what I believe; it’s a fact.
From quotes from the Mien Kampf forward, Hitler cloaked himself in Christianity
Was he sincere? Doubtful, I agree.
It is not a fact, but hey; your mind is made up. You refuse to even google Hitler and the Occult for fear of your beliefs being challenged. He was into the Occult to the point of believing in an old German god creature would be created through evolution. What to you think the 2nd Reich was?
Arguing with you is pointless. Believe he was a Christian and that is where his evil came from. The 1950’s Marxist revisionists couldn’t possibly be lying about Christianity and the Nazis.
When needed, not unlike Obama, Putin, or Clinton, Hitler as a politician wrapped himself in a Christian veneer, favorably quoting Luther to justify his anti-Semitism and having pictures taken with the Catholic hierarchy.