Well, Feinstein did say she was told it was an oversight. Somebody lied at some point, obviously. Start the hearings.
Did she not receive the talking points memo?
Just another lie by the Obamanation.
DiFi is only upset because she, being the important Congresswoman (read: self-obsessed old blowhard) she is, wasn’t in the loop. Just like with the NSA. When they were reading our emails and tapping, our phones, she had no problem. But when they went into her committee’s computers, well then she went on the Senate floor and wet herself in outrage.
I am sure she is lying but I personally would have thanked the Taliban for killing one of their own.
as i said in a thread earlier this week, she is no-nonsense lady... she has been around a long time, and she is powerful... she has an ego, and he dared to keep her in the dark... it’s her, “oh hell no!” revelation... they all know Obama is incompetent at this point... most libs have come out the last 6-7 years supporting this clown... and some have stayed silent on the side lines... i think for Dianne F., enough is enough... and he stepped on her toes... where Pelosi and Reid are willing to say whatever necessary to show a united front with Obama, Dianne seems to go only so far... and i hope she sees that this time he went too far...
Because there is no evidence. Why in the world would these goat humpers off their five year old winning lottery ticket.
If Ive lost Feinstein, Ive lost the American moonbats.
Why would they have killed him if they were going to get five of their top guys back for him alive? This one had made less sense than any of the other excuses. Court Martial him, then impeach Obama.
Oh I see...
We never negotiate with terrorists, but in THIS case Obama had to negotiate because they threatened to kill him.
As opposed to all those other kidnappers in the past who only threatened to give them noogies.
FrankenFeinStein is PISSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But it doesn’t matter at all. There is no point in saying uh oh.
This man does whatever he wants with zero consequence.
He may as well be god of earth.
What he has done is sickening beyond my ability to rationally describe with words.
Beck was stating tonight that the game was to put more attention on Bergdahl and draw attention away from the 5 Gitmo prisoners. Ok, fine. Imho, that doesn’t stick either. But if that IS the case then DiFrankensteen wags the dog very good.
Have some of you been eating candy bars from Denver?
‘Preventing a leak’ is a lie——http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2014/06/06/tripped-by-trippi-democrat-political-consultant-joe-trippi-exposes-the-absurdity-in-the-white-house-bergdahl-position/
She’s in trouble now!
Yeah right.
If we offered the Taliban two billion dollars in exchange for a stale loaf of bread I'm sure they would have destroyed the stale loaf of bread if someone had talked... Yep, we were all born yesterday.
I believe they might have said they would kill Bergdahl if Obama didn’t do the trade, and the leak might have prevented the trade. But I think Obama wanted the trade as much as the Taliban did. Whether his excuses to Congress are true or not, what he did by returning the Taliban Dream Team is reason enough to impeach. (But they won’t.) The White House obviously lied at least once, because an oversight and a threat are two entirely different things.