I used to read all the women’s magazines until I noticed ever increasing liberalism, and dropped them all.
No women’s magazine has been purchased in this house since the Bent One and his wife attempted to make the general public swallow all the slop the two attempted to feed us during his most embarrassing episode....or her most embarrassing, as the case may be. Even Southern Living is no longer purchased....what a wonderful magazine can be when turned into a rag. Would not use it to potty train my dog. Family Circle, Woman’s Day, all purchased each new edition. Firstly, for the recipes and tips.....then as each pivoted more and more attempting to become full page liberals, refused to spend one thin dime on obtaining a
copy. A lonely voice of stand by principals, but just could not bring myself to give the dregs the time of day. Everything they touch turns to garbage. Does it ever change? Not as yet!!