I do not think this will be forgotten on Judgement Day. Especially since Emperor Zero’s repentance seems unlikely.
Well, we can hope both President Obama and Mr. Robinson repent in time. I don’t condemn them. That’s for Christ. Plus, we’re even advised to pray for our leaders. So I’ll pray for the president to come to his senses and stop pushing sodomy on the nation.
I can disagree with the president on homosexual marriage, but he at least had a point when he said we should be tolerant as Christians. However, this particular act demonstrates the president’s outright heresy. He really is like an anti-Christ, speaking of love and tolerance but using that to cloak outright promotion and endorsement of homosexuality.
Christians can’t tolerate and make peace with wolves in sheep clothing who come into our churches and attempt to subvert from within. I think that’s why Apostle Paul said to not even eat with them. We might be able to reach an unbeliever or correct a believer who is having a weak moment, but what can you possibly do about someone like Vicky Gene Robinson?
Mr. Robinson almost certainly knows what scripture says. That’s why he touts his monogamous “marriage” with his sodomite lover. That’s so he can claim he’s acting morally by not committing adultery or fornicating. That’s a pretty powerful delusion! His delusion is so strong, he’s even managed to inoculate himself from arguments based on scripture!