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Shocked: Mark Levin; Who Is Obama; Frank Marshall Davis Purged; Communist Ties ^ | January 29, 2014 | Mark Levin (audio)

Posted on 01/29/2014 8:14:11 AM PST by Seizethecarp

Professor Paul Kengor joined Mark Levin on his radio show to discuss Obama's relationship with Communist Frank Marshall Davis. Dr. Kengor said Obama is America's first red diaper baby president and says the mainstream media ignores any questions related to Obama's background to which Levin emphatically agreed.

Basically the same thing Levin is guilty of doing in regards to anyone that brings up Obama's background.

It's a great interview to listen to especially for those that don't know about all the radicals that surround Obama...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Conspiracy; Government; Politics
KEYWORDS: communist; frankmarshalldavis; jihad; kengor; kgb; levinlive; marklevin; naturalborncitizen; obama; obamacommunist; obamamarxist; patricelumumbaschool; russia
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To: MMaschin
...Either the entire story is made up, or its basically true, but Obama screwed up her age at the time.

I'm inclined to think that paragraph was delibetarely written to be confusing.

And that son of Joe Blow is now President? Why? Because he's so articulate and clean...according to Biden.

161 posted on 02/04/2014 12:02:55 AM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum)
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To: Fred Nerks
I believe in the principle of Occam's razor, and therefore find it hard to get caught up in all the coverups, particularly when I find them not necessary.

This is what I believe to be a likely scenario, and it requires no modifying of INS records, or newspaper microfiche.

Stanley Ann was described in high school by her classmates, as a "fellow traveler", one stated that Stanley Ann once told her "she didn't need a man to have a baby". While I don't give much credence to second hand accounts directly, I do think they have value as corroborative evidence. And I'm therefore believing that Stanley Ann was a bit rebellious.

* After high school, Stanley Ann goes to Chicago and spends the summer of 1960 working as an au pair.

* Stanley Ann becomes pregnant while in Chicago.

* Stanely, and Madelyn decide to move to Hawaii.

* Stanley Ann decides to move back to Seattle. She leaves Hawaii after she finishes the fall 1960 semester.

* In March or April, either because of her rebellious nature, or for economic reasons, Stanley Ann crosses the border, and gives birth. Because she does not need a man, she does not name a father.

* Only after the birth she finds out she has a problem - because 1) the birth is in Canada, 2) she did not list a father, and 3) she is only 18, the baby does not acquire US Citizenship.

* Between April, and August, Stanley, and Madelyn come up with a plan. They will claim that Stanley's baby was born in Hawaii, as a home birth. In case there is an investigation of the facts of the birth, they ask Obama Sr to allow them to use him as the father. And tell him, if anyone asks, all he has to do is tell them yes, he's the father. This results in the confusing INS documentation - when he's asked, he says he's the father, but sometimes when filling out forms (because he doesn't want to go to jail for the Dunhams), he does not claim Jr.

* With Sr backing them, the Dunham's register the birth in August. They had to wait long enough for the timing to allow for the facts they were presenting.

* The above scenario results in the birth announcements being generated in the newspapers, and the INS documentation. It also explains Obama's complete lack of interest in both Stanley Ann (he never lived with her), and Jr (his lack of claiming him as a son on his INS forms). *Note* that lack of interest may have changed when he was afraid that his visa was not going to be extended, and he thought he was going to be deported.

* It also explains the fake BC, and Hawaii officials willing to state that Obama does have a Hawaii bc, and Tim Adams claim of no hospital generated BC. He has a Hawaii bc, but if it was to be released, and it showed a home birth, that might be enough to get a real investigation started. One that might find 'universe shattering' evidence.

In the above scenario, the 'universe shattering' information that would result is that not only is Obama not a US Natural Born Citizen, but he never naturalized, and is therefore not even a US Citizen.
162 posted on 02/04/2014 8:36:34 AM PST by MMaschin
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To: MMaschin
To add a little bit to the Seattle->Chicago->Hawaii->Seattle movements of Stanley Ann, I think it helps to explain that I believe that while Stanley and Madelyn were I believe Marxists I believe that Stanley Ann went past that to the radical stage.

I believe that, that led to her desire to be in Chicago. I also believe that even though they were small 'c' communists, they did not approve of how radical she had become. So, after she became pregnant, and to get her away from the radicals, Stanley decided to get her away from Chicago, and even away from Seattle, so they decided to move to Hawaii. But Stanley Ann was too radicalized, she would not stay in Hawaii, and so a compromise was made, and she was allowed to move back to Seattle - more radical than Hawaii, but not so much so as Chicago.
163 posted on 02/04/2014 8:50:27 AM PST by MMaschin
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To: Fred Nerks; Jedidah; Brown Deer; Greenperson; little jeremiah; GregNH; LucyT; null and void
You've got me thinking...all over again: let's face it, the first time we see him with Stanley Ann Dunham is when he's about three...and the first time we should have seen his name in print other than the suspect addition to the INS docs, written in a hand that wasn't the kenyan's in APRIL 1964

Seldom I differ with Fred, but . . . .

I don't think he is three (I think he is only about two) when he is sitting on the fence with Stanley holding him purportedly at the Hawaii zoo.

The term "see him" I understand to include "read or hear about him in the same place"; but I tend to view the Video interview and the Chicago Newspaper rendition of the interview with Susan [Botkin] Blake as accurate to the extent she is saying she saw Stanley and Barry together in mid August of 1961 on Mercer Island at Seattle.

I also take the fact that we don't see either one of them anywhere on the record between August of 61 and March of 1963 as at least suggesting that they might have been together--Barry tells us in Dreams quoting Stanley that she was an Au Pair (glorified babysitter) in that period so I read that as leading to the proposition that Stanley was somewhere taking care of Barry.

She was moving in the direction of going to college when she enrolled as an entering Freshman at U of Hawaii in March of 63 and thereafter you don't see the two of them together again for a number of years or even read in print that they were in the same place until August or September of 1967 in Jakarta when Stanley had (according to Lia) gone somewhere to pick him up and bring him to join Lia and Lolo in Jakarta where he enrolled in school.

164 posted on 02/04/2014 2:49:28 PM PST by David
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To: David
Seldom I differ with Fred, but . . . .

Why not? It's a sport, come on in.

I don't think he is three (I think he is only about two) when he is sitting on the fence with Stanley holding him purportedly at the Hawaii zoo.

Yes, I do think you're right. The photographs we see of him from Hawaii during that period cover about one year, so between two to three, he seems to have been there...

The term "see him" I understand to include "read or hear about him in the same place"; but I tend to view the Video interview and the Chicago Newspaper rendition of the interview with Susan [Botkin] Blake as accurate to the extent she is saying she saw Stanley and Barry together in mid August of 1961 on Mercer Island at Seattle.

my bad, I started out meaning "see him" to be seeing his physical presence in a photograph, then got carried away and included the name on a suspicious memo supposedly written by an INS employee on August 31, 1961.

As for Susan Blake, there's nothing "see him" there, she looks like she's reading from a script held up in front of her nose; we didn't know about teleprompters the question of whom she might have seen and when has to remain open. The only really interesting statement she made was that Stanley Ann told her she was going to Boston that very same day. Who the heck did she know in Boston, in August 1961? What few seconds remain of that video tell us nothing.

I also take the fact that we don't see either one of them anywhere on the record between August of 61 and March of 1963 as at least suggesting that they might have been together--Barry tells us in Dreams quoting Stanley that she was an Au Pair (glorified babysitter) in that period so I read that as leading to the proposition that Stanley was somewhere taking care of Barry.

or that she had delivered the child to someone in Boston and had returned to where she was living, in Chicago with her Uncle Charles, in Hyde Park. There used to be a map which showed all the important characters in this story, and their close proximity to each other. We might need to find it and add Charles Payne.

She was moving in the direction of going to college when she enrolled as an entering Freshman at U of Hawaii in March of 63 and thereafter you don't see the two of them together again for a number of years or even read in print that they were in the same place until August or September of 1967 in Jakarta when Stanley had (according to Lia) gone somewhere to pick him up and bring him to join Lia and Lolo in Jakarta where he enrolled in school

Two years after Lia came to live with Lolo and Stanley Ann, which makes for a 1965 arrival in Indonesia, and a whole lot closer to the 'I was two years old when I went to Indonesia' that he apparently claimed in an interview whilst he was at Harvard.

165 posted on 02/04/2014 4:34:10 PM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum)
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To: MMaschin

What a herculean effort - which is exactly what it takes, to convince yourself the sainted Stanley Ann remains on the pedestal of motherhood.

166 posted on 02/04/2014 4:37:37 PM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum)
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To: Fred Nerks

Reading the last few comments reminded me of that photo of toddler Zero in diapers standing on a walkway next to a cottage with a large outdoor sink attached to it, and a typical Hawaiian landscape plant. I remember we discussed that photo and having lived in HI, I recognized that type of beach shack/cottage well. Of course such dwellings could be from other place as well, but the plant and dwelling and that sink (I’ve washed clothes in a sink just like that in HI) really look like HI.

He looks to be about - just under 2? in that photo? Or about 2? I wonder.

167 posted on 02/04/2014 6:10:50 PM PST by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: little jeremiah

The one you remember is the same as the image of him sitting on the step, taken on the same day, obviously.

That's the image in that composite I use to show he's the same child as the boy on the left in the two little boys image:

168 posted on 02/04/2014 6:30:12 PM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum)
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To: Fred Nerks

Obviously all the same boy (except for the darker boy of course). The toddler next to the beach shack looks just around 2, give or take some weeks or so. And actually I don’t think he’s wearing diapers but underpants.

169 posted on 02/04/2014 6:37:16 PM PST by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: Fred Nerks

Should have added. I wonder whose house...I remember a discussion wondering if he had been brought to the Davis family to take care of for a while, is that still a possibility? Hard to imagine SAD was taking care of him much at all during that time, or there would have been more photos than the zoo and pirate photos. I would think, anyway.

170 posted on 02/04/2014 6:38:40 PM PST by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: David
CORRECTION: I wrote: Two years after Lia came to live with Lolo and Stanley Ann, which makes for a 1965 arrival in Indonesia, and a whole lot closer to the 'I was two years old when I went to Indonesia' that he apparently claimed in an interview whilst he was at Harvard.

I think I made a muck of that one, Lia was living with Lolo and SAD in Indonesia for two year before Stanley Ann went somewhere to pick up a brother for her in 1957...that places Stanley Ann in Indonesia in around 1965, and July 1965 is the first passport application we are shown.

Any passport records prior, have been destroyed, according to correspondence on the subject. Just when zero went to Indonesia and where he was living before he came to her household is unknown. And we can't ask LIA, she died suddenly.

171 posted on 02/04/2014 6:43:51 PM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum)
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To: little jeremiah

HA! Sharp eyes you have, they are underpants. So the next time we see him, he’s sitting on the fence and we believe that’s when SAD took him to the zoo. But where? Honolulu? Later, we see him at the beach with Stanley Armour.

But where did the dark boy go?

172 posted on 02/04/2014 6:47:23 PM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum)
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To: Fred Nerks

Yes - key questions:

1. Where were Zero and the darker boy when they sat for the photo in what appears to be a photographer studio? Who was taking care of either or both of them?

2. Where was the zoo photo - looks like Honolulu, but is it for sure?

3. Who was caretaking Zero at the beach shack?

4. Who brought Zero from where ever he was photographed with the darker boy to HI?

I’m sure there are many more questions just this short period of time will raise.

173 posted on 02/04/2014 7:31:17 PM PST by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: little jeremiah

I’m going to confine myself to comments on the Fuddy thread, I lose track of where I am, because we are repeating ourselves.

174 posted on 02/04/2014 7:57:24 PM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum)
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To: Fred Nerks

Good idea.

175 posted on 02/04/2014 8:36:37 PM PST by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: Fred Nerks

I lost track of myself several years ago. I don’t bother any more...

(but I don’t have important work to do)

176 posted on 02/04/2014 8:37:07 PM PST by little jeremiah (Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point. CSLewis)
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To: GregNH

In 1983 Alice Palmer traveled to Czechoslovakia to the World Peace Council Prague Assembly.

1980s U.S. Peace Council Executive Board
Alice Palmer was a an Executive Board member of the Communist Party USA-dominated U.S. Peace Council from 1983-1985.[11].

In 1983 Alice Palmer traveled to Czechoslovakia to the World Peace Council Prague Assembly.

1980s U.S. Peace Council Executive Board
Alice Palmer was a an Executive Board member of the Communist Party USA-dominated U.S. Peace Council from 1983-1985.[11].

Communist Party of the Soviet Union Congress

In March 1986 Alice Palmer covered the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Congress in Moscow for the Black Press Institute[18].

Alice Palmer told the People’s Daily World[19];

I spent a great deal of time with a woman from the Novosti (Press Agency) and she and I had a lot in common...I had a chance to go shopping, just as I would if were back in Chicago...It is useful to those people who would like to demonize the Soviet people. When I stood in line, it was the same kind of line I stand in in the Jewel grocery store in Chicago. It was merely because the place was crowded, not because at the end of the line there was nothing for me to purchase.
In June 1986 the People’s Daily World published a Black Press Institute article by Alice Palmer on the CPSU conference entitled “An Afro-American journalist in the USSR”. The article praised Soviet “central planning” and included such statements as[20

“The key word at the congress was ‘acceleration.’ The Soviet plan to provide people with higher wages and better education, health and transportation, while we in our country are hearing that cutbacks are necessary in all of these areas. I think that is a profound contrast.”
“We Americans can be misled by the major media. We’re being told the Soviets are striving to achieve a comparatively low standard of living compared with ours, but actually they have reached a basic stability in meeting their needs and are now planning to double their production.”

International Organization of Journalists
Palmer, editor of the Black Press Review was elected International Organization of Journalists vice president for North America at the organization’s 10th Congress, October 20-23 1986, in Prague Czechoslovakia. She also traveled to the Soviet Union and Bulgaria during the same trip[2


Friends of Alice Palmer
The organization, Friends of Alice Palmer was formed circa 1994 and included at least three activists who were later proved to be members of the Democratic Socialists of America. These members were Timuel Black, Danny Davis and Betty Willhoite, in addition to several DSA associates such as David Orr, Miguel del Valle and Toni Preckwinkle.

Also involved were controversial property developer Tony Rezko and lawyer Barack Obama.


So now do you maybe think as I do, that she might have been the source of the Russian woman’s claim to Tom Fife that the next President of the United States would be a black man named Obama?

177 posted on 02/04/2014 9:58:22 PM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum)
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To: GregNH

Alice Palmer Re-examined-Was Obama’s First Political Boss a Soviet “Agent of Influence”?
NewZeal ^ | Tuesday, November 17, 2009 | Trevor Loudon

Posted on Wednesday, 8 December 2010 3:24:04 PM by Red Steel

Obama File 90 Alice Palmer Re-examined-Was Obama’s First Political Boss a Soviet “Agent of Influence”?
Obama file 89 here

Alice Palmer is a Chicago based academic, activist and former friend, employer and political ally of Barack Obama.

178 posted on 02/04/2014 10:15:43 PM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum)
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To: GregNH

179 posted on 02/04/2014 10:18:55 PM PST by Fred Nerks (fair dinkum)
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To: Kenny Bunk


180 posted on 02/04/2014 10:22:50 PM PST by Pelham (Obamacare, the vanguard of Obammunism)
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