Pinging the whole list to bring attention to the latest posts here (see all above) and Redleghunter's post # 56, in case anyone needs to discuss childhood cancer issues.
Hope everyone is doing well. May you all have a blessed Christmas!
The latest Cancer Warriors Ping List:
Armen Hareyan; B4Ranch; bayareablues; BykrBayb; Cajungirl; cookcounty; dadfly; duckbutt; Gabrial; GILTN1stborn; Grammy; Grazie; FlyingEagle; freemama; jch10; jemckay19; Jet Jaguar; johnsmom; JustAmy; kalee; katykelly; KeyLargo; Mears; MrsFlyingEagle; My Favorite Headache; njmaugbill; Nowhere Man; the OlLine Rebel; PastorBooks; RitchieAprile; redleghunter; ru4liberty; Shimmer1; Smokin Joe; Tired of Taxes
I’m pinging the list to something I believe is very important for newly diagnosed cancer patients.
It takes a lot to beat cancer. Prayer is the most important, but let’s not overlook another important ingredient; good healthcare professionals.
I’d like to know how other successful cancer survivors chose the hospitals that saved them. Here’s how I did it.
I was diagnosed at a hospital my insurance had directed me to. They correctly diagnosed that I had lung cancer, but they were wrong about the type and prognosis, and overlooked the fact I had two primary tumors. They told me to get my papers in order and say goodbye to my loved ones. It could have been worse. They could have tried to treat me, and I probably would have let them. Instead their attitude drove me to seek a second opinion. I chose a hospital near me on the US News & World Report ratings. They weren’t in my insurance network, but the hospital worked out something with the insurance company. I recently celebrated six years of being cancer free.
US News & World Report Top-Ranked Hospitals for Cancer - .
I went to the websites of high ranking hospitals in my area. I googled for information floating around about the hospitals and their staff. With that information I was able to select a hospital and a surgeon.
Please share your methods for selecting a hospital. It may help save a life.