So, Bao’s statement is comical in the fact that anyone with access to his notes (which should be on record in the case) knows just as much as he does...
...the exchange takes on a little more context, with the clarification...but still, to segue ‘no one knows more about the autopsy than I do’ into ‘{I don’t remember anything}without my notes’ is beyond’s so ridiculous I think the defense was caught off guard...did West say something like ‘so if I had your notes in front of me I’d know as much as you did about the autopsy?’ If he didn’t he missed a golden opportunity to make a complete monkey of this character in front of the jury...
...on second thought, I probably shouldn’t say monkey regarding this ME, for PC purposes...would ‘furred primate’ work?...
If anyone or anything should serve time for a bad autopsy report Bao made it clear that it should be his notes. His notes did it. His notes should get 5 to 10 — not him.