Posted on 04/21/2013 9:38:34 AM PDT by NOBO2012
I have a special assignment for you today: Its a must read from Clarice on our newest lame duck president, I Know Why the Lame Ducks Squawks.
Watch for the new season, beginning soon
Butt first, a little housekeeping and catch-up: It was a very messy week for the Wons. First, the bitter defeat of Big Guys plan to blame the Republicans for blocking common sense gun control:
Joey seemed to take it hardest
Or maybe hes just practicing his pout for when hes Commander in Chief
And the weather didnt really help out much either.
Following the memorial service, Lady M conducted some uncomfortable hospital visits to victims of the bombing:
Including an unconfirmed visit to injured Saudi non-suspect student, soon to be deported as a national security risk.
He looks like a nice young man, why would we want to deport him?
Butt hey, it isnt all about the Wons. Is it?
Now onto your assignment: Clarices Pieces today is a must, must read on AT. I Know Why the Lame Ducks Squawks:
This has not been a good week for President Obama. I think it will not be the worst week of this year or this term, which I predict will get worse as his own personality flaws and patently partisan strategies make his lame-duck term even more impotent than is usually the case.
In defiance of reality, Obama held a petulant, unpresidential press conference, ending the effort as he began it with demagogic, partisan rhetoric. ...and a threat to accomplish by executive orders what he cannot achieve by legislation.(snip)
Barack Obama is a lame duck president. Nobody listens to what he says anymore, nobody is interested in winning his approval and nobody much cares if he thinks they have "let the country down".
As they say, read the whole thing. You wont be sorry.
It looks like we may be moving into a new phase of our national nightmare: the lame duck phase:
And speaking of nightmares:
I am a ducks worst nightmare.
Shhhh! Be vewy, vewy quiet. Its wame duck season!
Give this guy a cigar!
Love me some DUCK DYNASTY!
Why not post it here, ya freakin' pimp?
Thank you for referencing this blog NOBO2012. Please bear in mind that the following critique of the blog is directed agaist MOTUS, not you.
While I appreciate the idea that Obama has become a lame duck president because the gun bill to take away our 2A rights has failed, even patriots seem to have forgotten that, because of the federal government’s constitutionally limited powers, all presidents are essentially lame-duck presidents by design. After all, the president’s powers are limited to being commander in chief of the armed forces, leading the Senate to negotiate treaties and to regulate trade between the states and foreign countries, and also to help regulate intrastate postal services, regulating postal services being one of the few powers that the federal government actually has to regulate intrastate commerce.
All other things that Congress and presidents have been doing in defiance of state sovereignty since Constitution-ignoring socialist FDR wrecked our system have been based on constitutionally nonexistent federal government powers, actually 10th Amendment protected state powers which corrupt Congress in cahoots with corrupt presidents have wrongly usurped from the states.
The bottom line is that, given the federal government’s constitutionally limited powers which many patriots don’t seem to be aware of, as previously mentioned the Founding States had arguably planned for all presidents to be lame-duck presidents, spending as much time on golf courses as Obama has.
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