“Zullo and team have produced results, and want Zero’s well documented fraud prosecuted. You got a problem with that?”
They have produced NOTHING that will stand in court, which is why they haven’t tried to DO anything in court. I liked Sheriff Joe at one time, but he needs to put up or shut up.
I suspect they have produced some money to support themselves, but what an awful way to do it. "The next REALLY BIG break in this case is just about to be announced. SEND MONEY NOW!!! ORDER A BOOK!!!"
And, they pretend to wonder why anyone might suspect a scam. Sheeeesh!
I don’t expect anything to come out of this.
For me, it is not primarily an issue of whether Obama was or was not born in this country. I don’t care, because that barn door has already been opened and time isn’t getting turned back. He isn’t going to get impeached or removed from office.
I want to see this get enough exposure that when the next presidential election rolls around, candidates will be expected to take care of this up front. There should be formal process in place to verify a presidential candidate as a natural born citizen, and it is clear there isn’t.
I would like to see a process come out of this to do just that.
“They have produced NOTHING that will stand in court”
You must have hearing comprehension problems Mr. Rogers. If you would have listened closely, Zullo is not going to reveal anything, especially the new evidence they received 5 days ago from a highly credentialed legal entity that confirms their case is deal sealer. Never let your enemies know what new evidence you have accumulated in order to keep their sources from being harassed by Obama supporting Obots who want to suppress and ridicule evidence.
If a state supreme court, e.g. Alabama, ruled in a Mandamus to have the SOS publicly investigate the eligibility of Barack Obama, perhaps having her report back to that same supreme court, then that could penetrate the armor of 2-Party cooperation.
Up till now, for these prosecutors, CYA seems to be the first priority not the US constitution or the hapless people who voted for them.
“They have produced NOTHING that will stand in court” - MR
Are you talking about the White House?
Given 57 opportunities to produce a birth certificate in court the White House has chosen to argue procedure and standing instead. In the one case that heard testimony, the WH was a no-show.