I don’t expect anything to come out of this.
For me, it is not primarily an issue of whether Obama was or was not born in this country. I don’t care, because that barn door has already been opened and time isn’t getting turned back. He isn’t going to get impeached or removed from office.
I want to see this get enough exposure that when the next presidential election rolls around, candidates will be expected to take care of this up front. There should be formal process in place to verify a presidential candidate as a natural born citizen, and it is clear there isn’t.
I would like to see a process come out of this to do just that.
I suppose I agree with you, then. I have asked my representative in Phoenix about changing the law to require birth certificates from all candidates applying for an office with an age requirement...it was discussed, but never went anywhere.
I’d actually like to see Arizona say that anyone running for any public office must release their employment and school records, birth certificate and last 5 years of tax returns. Don’t want to? Don’t run.
But that isn’t going to become the law. The people who would have to vote for it don’t want it to apply to themselves. ;>(