If you listen at 56:00 and onward, you will hear Zullo reveal that, although this all purportedly a criminal investigation, Zullo and Arpaio are afraid to use any public funds to further this criminal investigation. However, Zullo then reveals that they have set up a website and that you can send in your money for them to spend.
Let me guess that there is a statute in Arizona that makes it a crime for a public official like Arpaio to utilize public funds to perpetrate a fraud.
In this interview, Zullo states that he can't yet reveal all that he has recently discovered. However, Zullo promises that if everyone will just send in ten or fifteen dollars each, he's going to reveal the recently discovered truth and that "big things are going to happen."
LOL! Imagine that? I really wish I'd gotten in on this fleecing of idiots a long time ago. Seems to be quite lucrative! Lots of vacations to Hawaii anyways.
Interesting that a Freeper of such recent vintage would take that tack with a team that is peeling the onion layers back on the worst deception in American history.
Zullo and team have produced results, and want Zero's well documented fraud prosecuted. You got a problem with that?