...or.....how about this: the fact that the Shroud image is a photographic negative, and that the blood trails follow the laws of circulation.....both 500 years before either was discovered by man? ...or the fact that the Shroud image is anatomically perfect, and there is no piece of art on the planet that is anatomically perfect......or the fact that you cannot even see the image until you are at least 11 feet away, so an “artist” would have had to use a VERY long paint brush....
I could go on and on and on here.....
I agree with your basic premise, however, it is even stranger than that. It is NOT a photographic negative, because it has been scientifically determined that there are no light generated or affected artifacting in the image! What they have determined is that the image is an analogue database; a terrain map in direct intensity, contrast if you will, of body to cloth distance with a strange twist of some radiological data included for certain body parts (teeth, phalanges of wrist and hand).
By no "light generated or artifacting", they mean there is no evidence of illumination, shadowing, reflection, or refraction anywhere on the Shroud. Instead they discovered a direct correlation of body to cloth distance and image color intensity. Whatever the causal modality, the closer the cloth to the body, the greater the intensity of the image, with the highest intensity occurring with contact and lowest fading to zero evenly at approximately 12cm.