In one year's time there will be 25% more conservatives.
A conservative is just a Liberal who got mugged.
Bring on the muggings.
PS - This is exactly why it won't happen.
Here, here... They own it. If it is to be so be it. At somepoint those watching Pro-Ball disengaged with the affairs of the Republic must stand up as men or women of Liberty or we do go off the Cliff...
You're probably right. No one wants to do the right cutting entitlement spending in half.
I tend to agree with your sentiments. But I am not sure my family will make it. I am not getting a $4,600 raise next year. Inflation is on a moonshot. We only have our debt by the tail (Job losses and paycuts over the last 4 years). We are operating on a razor edge as it is. We have reduced our lifestyle by 30% and have quit contibuting to retirement (temporarily hopefully).
For the good of our country, let’s rip this bandaid off and get on with the healing. Maybe we can fix it for my kids. But personally, this is gonna hurt, BAD!
I couldn’t agree more. While I wouldn’t relish giving the government a large amount more than my husband and I already do, it seems that this may be the only thing that wakes people up!
Also, letting the Bush cuts expire would bring many people back into the tax system that are not currently paying any Federal taxes. With a little “skin in the game” and being able to witness what THEIR MONEY is being used for by the government, they may not be as likely to vote for Obama Claus next time.
I won’t be holding my breath...
I agree, and you’re probably right.
If the middle class loses its Bush tax cut, they will blame it on the Reps. According to the polls, the majority of Americans want taxes raised on the “rich.”
Democrats will not pay higher taxes due to the Bush cuts expiring. They all take the Geithner/Rangel exception deduction on their returns. (They cheat on their taxes.)