Posted on 09/07/2012 6:30:12 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
Truth is the new hate speech.Creeping Sharia
We [the people] own this country.Clint Eastwood
I feel like I ought to start out each of my articles anymore with a disclaimer, or caveat saying something along the lines of WARNING: The contents of this article are to be considered null and void in the event of a Reichstag Fire, false flag event, and/or an invasion by Russian Spetsnaz in collusion with Northcom,or words to that effect.
My intent is not to make light of such concerns, as God knows we have reason enough to be more than a bit edgy these dayswhat with the Patriot Act, NDAA, the torrent of Obama EOs (Executive Orders), various government agencies stockpiling millions of rounds of ammo, and other such things.
Personally, I am what you might call a cynical optimistI hope for the best, but plan for the worst. I keep myself open to the idea that the US can peacefully pull itself out of the colossal mess that it is currently mired inbut I have enough guns, ammo, freeze dried food and whatnot to open a small survivalist store.
Be that as it maythe main topic that I wish to address in this article is my decision to back the Romney/Ryan ticket, and the fallout from that. Contrary to what some of you may think, I have not rushed off and enlisted in the Dark Side. I am as opposed to the Big Bank/ Big Corporation/Big Government/Big War cabal as ever...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Well said!
Au contraire. He's a Bishop/Stake-president in America's Deseretian state-established rendition of Islam - Mormonism:Does the Mormon doctrine of blood atonement secure the inalienable rights recognized by America's founders?
No, it does not.
Christian faith is rendered between the Individual and the Almighty God who Created the mind free - not as the result of state establishments of religion.Thus the 1st ammendment's explicit prohibition against state establishments of religion.
Nonsense. That's like saying someone is guilty of murders committed by terrorists because they refused to give into the terrorists demands.
Same here. I couldn't vote for Romney any more than I could vote for Clinton or Kerry.
But, Romney's not losing a vote from me if I vote for Goode instead. I would never, ever have voted for him in the first place.
There's the rub. There will ONLY be one of two men who will occupy the White House after the elections: 1) the evil incumbent Marxist Rat or 2) RINOmey, whose theocracy I don't agree with.
I'm not electing a church elder or deacon.
While I do not wish to elect a RINO, it is not 'standing on principle' to HELP re-elect a godless Marxist food stamp king for another 4 years who is of a party which has openly denied God thrice, embraces homosexuality and sexual deviancy, has evidenced a will and desire to appoint additional liberal Supreme Court justices; rules by executive fiat as a means to circumvent the Rule of Law; continues eroding and eviscerating our Constitution and economy; and flagrantly opposes the will of the People.
There is NO principle is helping such a man as that to retain the presidency. We are not debating over primaries. That is past, and Obama or Romney is what's left standing. Choose your battles wisely. The war has yet to be won. Having Obama for another 4 years there will be no country left for which to engage a war.
[But unless you produce an Obama supporter who partners with you NOT to vote for their side]
Their side - is now playing both sides.
Gay Republican Groups Praise Anti-Gay Paul Ryan As Romney VP Choice
by David Badash on August 11, 2012
in Civil Rights,Discrimination,News,Politics
Both national gay GOP organizations, the Log Cabin Republicans and GOProud this morning praised Mitt Romneys choice of the very anti-gay Paul Ryan as the Republican vice presidential nominee. READ: Romney: Paul Ryan Will Be My VP (Or, Everything You Wanted To Know But Were Afraid To Ask) The selection of Paul Ryan is a bold and inspired pick. Paul Ryan has been the architect of policies that would benefit all Americans, especially gay Americans, Jimmy LaSalvia, GOProud Executive Director announced in a statement that called Ryan a bold and inspired pick.
"The Idiot, thought to its logical conclusion, leads to a matriarchy of the unconscious and annihilates culture. It does not break the tables of the law, it reverses them and shows their opposites written on the back."
--Thoughts on The Idiot, by Dostoevsky
--Hermann Hesse, 1919
The whole “Yours is a vote for Obama” meme is a childish and embarrassing catch all that doesn’t even make sense at this point.
Pointing out that voting for Romney won’t make black teenagers more respectful is met with an idiotic “Then vote for obama if you like him so much”.
Pointing out that the economy is going to collapse no matter what is met with another “Then vote for obama if you like him so much”.
Don’t like green? Clearly an Obama voter.
Prefer 2% milk? You’re filthy Obama voter.
Tire pressure 4% lower than recommended specs in right rear tire? Obviously you’re voting for Obama.
>>There is NO principle
Romans 1:18++
“therefore, God gave them over...”
He's already out of chances with Texans; he dissed us in public and ditched us on his campaign, because he knew we were not going to get a chance to vote for a conservative rival before Mittens had the nom locked up -- certain people, nominal 'Rats, kept Texas in court suing us over reapportionment.
And now the litigators are back, suing again to get the whole Texas redistricting thrown out, threatening to tie us up in court and not let us vote in the general.
Somebody -- we don't even know who, yet -- is playing Texas awfully tough. Did somebody say, Chicago rules? I'd believe it .... but Romney isn't helping any.
Oh, and btw -- this is all AFTER the Supremes prorogated -- a rare occurrence, indicating urgency -- and slapped the original litigating bunch silly, for trying to manipulate electoral outcomes in Texas by tying up the State in federal court.
At the same time, I’ve been trying real hard to direct as much or more fire at Obama as at Romney.
I’ve spent the primary season berating Romney just because he was the opposition.
Now BOTH are the opposition, and I’ve got some catching up to do in blasting Obama.
In fact, I would prefer to injure Obama MORE. Obama hates Israel and Romney does not. That doesn’t make Romney acceptable to me, but it does mean Obama should be hit harder. At the same time, being honest, it is Romney’s ONLY saving grace. However, I will will not vote for a pro-abortion, pro-homosexualism, pro-gun control, crony corporatist.
It’s like the War on Terror in my mind. BOTH Iraq and Afghan were enemies, but Iraq was the one that needed shock and awe the most.
If you are trying to use the Scriptures to claim you have some kind of moral authority to help re-elect a godless Marxist to the White House, you have failed.
In context, Romans 1:16 and 17:
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. 17 For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealeda righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: The righteous will live by faith."Romans 1 concerns the sinfulness of humanity and the need for each person to receive Christ as their savior and what results when people deny Him.
Tsk Tsk Nicster -- You left out the ++ part, which is where King Obama and the Log Cabin golden-calf-worshipping "fiscally conthervative" perverts fit into the GOPe/RAT toilet Ba'al, err, bowl:
Rom 1:19-28
19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.
28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.
There were numerous occasions where the people of Israel were relegated to enslavement by their enemies and/or subjected to lengthy vacations in the desert for their punitive spiritual purging. It's rather arrogant to presume America should be any different.
In the end, he who sits in the White Hut/Hive will only do so at the pleasure of their Creator.
>>help re-elect a godless Marxist
Nah, I’m simply recognizing what the Word has to say about cause and effect.
“because of this, God gave them over...”
If the Almighty Creator of the Universe sees fit to deliver a punitive plague upon the American Tower of Babel, it’s certainly within his purview to do so.
Join the RINOs dancing around their Golden Calf if you wish. I won’t.
Every four years the GOP trots out this blackmail threat, and very four years they fail... either by winning and failing to do much positive for the American people... or by failing to win, because they nominated another tepid candidate who has nothing much to offer beyond "the other guy is worse that our guy might be!!!"
The GOP is the real enemy for the conservative movement. That party should be dismantled as soon as possible. Sadly, the GOP does not care if it costs us the entire nation, as long as they are on top when it all collapses.
good fer you...Im also not voting *FOR* someone who has a proven history of progressive liberal/socialist policies, and expecting that record of achievement will somehow be a 'lesser than' type of evil than the bambam...
run around in circles with yer hair on fire if that eases yer conscience...but face it, hell is hell, no matter which false messiah is runnin the show at this point...
all of the wailing and gnashing of teeth about the next 4 yrs doesnt address the fact that we've already past the point of *fixing* this no small fault of the continuation of 'holding our noses' mentalities that have diminished oue *choices* to this point in time...
its your insistence to do so, that has given us bambam, deal with it...
You suck at math. In the scenario you present, the three voters who do not support the candidate do not have their votes added to his total. If they did, he’d win 52 to 48 instead of 49 to 48. Therefore, the original claim (that a vote withheld from one candidate is a vote for his opponent) is a lie.
Right. So, according to Mittbots, if I don't vote FOR Romney - I am voting for Obama, and if I don't support Romney then my understanding of liberty is wrong now too.
Again, I can no longer tell the difference in those who support Obama or those who support Romney. They say the exact same things about principled Conservatives.
Next Mittbots will tell us that our rights do not come from God, but from Government and that we all belong to government, or at least we are responsible to save the country by voting for Romney. Just look at all the military AWOL analogies just come out of the woodwork, veiled threats that a refusal to vote for Romney condemns us all to death. Yeah, so much for the liberty to vote your conscience, eh? Just proves statists are statists no matter the party they claim allegiance.
Of course the meme and threats coming from the Mittbots that a refusal to vote for Romney automatically is a vote FOR Obama presupposes that every vote will be properly counted in the right column and that fraud and deceit are not possible this election. Clueless ignorance in understanding of how national Cook County machine politics works.
But that said - the more you Mittbots castigate us principled Conservatives who refuse to vote for Romney - the more resolve and impetus you give us to actively campaign against him FOR an actual Conservative, whether he be write in or third party. We still have the liberty to vote our conscience, DESPITE what intolerant totalitarians from either the Romney or Obama camp will insist of us.
Thank you for not making the “lesser of two evils” argument. It's refreshing to see someone actually defend Romney and what you believe he'll do in office. This is the debate we need to have. I still disagree with several of your assertions, but appreciate your effort to persuade rather than threaten. This is how the Romney supporters on this board can win over those who are still skeptical.
I won't debate your post point for point since this thread's getting too long already. I'm sure we'll have other opportunities in the near future.
>>Every four years the GOP trots out this blackmail threat,
Observe what we didn't hear four years ago:
"I'm glad my opponent has shifted his focus to the economy from the war in Iraq, which we are winning. Mr. Obama, isn't Penny Pritzker your National Finance Chairwoman - and didn't her Chicago family-owned Superior Bank FAIL in 2001 from its sub-prime innovations? Whose fault is that? "
Game, Set, Match - hello President McCain.
But nope. Didn't. Hear. THAT.
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