"The [my] only connection [to the Republican Party]is I'm registered as a Republican"--Mitt RRRRRomney
Posted on 09/07/2012 6:30:12 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
Truth is the new hate speech.Creeping Sharia
We [the people] own this country.Clint Eastwood
I feel like I ought to start out each of my articles anymore with a disclaimer, or caveat saying something along the lines of WARNING: The contents of this article are to be considered null and void in the event of a Reichstag Fire, false flag event, and/or an invasion by Russian Spetsnaz in collusion with Northcom,or words to that effect.
My intent is not to make light of such concerns, as God knows we have reason enough to be more than a bit edgy these dayswhat with the Patriot Act, NDAA, the torrent of Obama EOs (Executive Orders), various government agencies stockpiling millions of rounds of ammo, and other such things.
Personally, I am what you might call a cynical optimistI hope for the best, but plan for the worst. I keep myself open to the idea that the US can peacefully pull itself out of the colossal mess that it is currently mired inbut I have enough guns, ammo, freeze dried food and whatnot to open a small survivalist store.
Be that as it maythe main topic that I wish to address in this article is my decision to back the Romney/Ryan ticket, and the fallout from that. Contrary to what some of you may think, I have not rushed off and enlisted in the Dark Side. I am as opposed to the Big Bank/ Big Corporation/Big Government/Big War cabal as ever...
(Excerpt) Read more at canadafreepress.com ...
Screw off n00b troll. We’re on to you.
You can't be serious.......does this somehow constitute serious thinking on your part?
What will you tell us next, that Romney wants to destroy America because he hates it just as much as Bambi?
You have some splainin to do.......
“If Romney loses because he runs left, its on HIM”
Romney isn’t running left, he’s run on a Republican agenda and includes repealing Obamacare.
It’s not on him, the loss will be on US. If Romney loses, we have Obama, Obamacare, job-killing higher taxes, a ‘mandate’ for everything in the Democrat platform from taxpayer funded abortions to gay marriage to more crony capitalist spending (over $600 billion in new spending in the Dem platform) to higher taxes ... and of course Obamacare locked into law. It’s hot HIM who will be suffering, IT WILL BE US.
Why do you want to make my children suffer the consequences of your incorrect perceptions of what Romney will do?
I dont have to stomp anything, the agenda I want is already what Romney and Republicans are planning to do and will do, but the Democrats who wont repeal Obamacare will stomp on ME if they win.
“It just won’t happen.” - This assertion is so out of touch with reality it boggles my mind.
Romney put the #1 most articulate Obamacare critic on his own ticket, Rep Ryan, who schooled Obama on it back in 2010. Romney has promised dozens of times to repeal Obamacare; there are literally hundreds of Republicans running on repealing Obamacare. Boehner has ALREADY had the House pass Obamacare repeal dozens of times, and the only reason the Democrat Senate wont vote on it is because Democrat Harry Reid wont let that happen.
A Republican Congress will be chomping at the bit to repeal Obamacare if they win, and Romney will sign a repeal bill. When Romney was Governor, he took his campaign promises seriously enough that he had a list of them drawn up by his staff, so they could check them off as accomplished. It’s his ‘to do’ list, and Obamacare repeal is at the top.
This election is a referendum on both Obamacare and Obama.
Going AWOL on this election says you dont care about these issues. Claiming you care SO MUCH about these issues you will let Obama get a pass on them is ... insanity.
“If Romney botches this election, we’ll need a congress and state governments full of conservatives to hold the line.”
If Romney loses and Obama wins, then the leftwing Obama Democrats will be the winners all down the ballot, and they will use their power to destroy everything you hold dear. Yeah, good luck with that.
“As long as the right is a circular firing squad ...”
Ummm, look in the mirror.
“the left that controls the GOP”
More insanity.
Is someone saying that the voter machines are fraudulent? Are they tallying votes incorrectly?
I'm certain, short of fraudulent machines, that a vote for Goode gets placed in the Goode column, and it gets tallied for Goode.
In my case, I NEVER intended to vote for Romney, so he is not lacking one single vote if I don't vote for him, which I won't.
“Romney is better than Obama.
Romney might actually save some lives.
Therefore, your prideful refusal to improve our current status is absurd.
Romney has the support of the National Right to Life Committee. He is hardly pro abortion.
You will make it possible for more abortions to happen.
Think of this like a war:”
Well said.
And yes, when it comes to hardcore leftists which is what the progressives in the Democrat party are now, the ones who took God and Jerusalem out of their platform and put taxpayer funding for abortion, socialized medicine and gay marriage in.
This is a political war, and folks who want to go AWOL in the fight to remove the most leftwing and worst President in our lifetimes are folks who, no matter what political viewpoint they espouse, seem oblivious to the seriousness of the fight we are in. They think they have the luxury of making a ‘statement’ akin to the ones that Florida Nader voters made (”I’m so purist I will let the guy who is 100% against me beat the guy who is 80% on my side.”)
I have 16 trillion reasons why we dont have that luxury right now.
A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote against both of ‘em.
Don't you agree that this process will continue regardless of whether the RAT or the RINO is perched within the White Hut?
"According to my opinion, and the opinions of many defectors of my caliber, only about 15% of time, money, and manpower is spent on espionage as such. The other 85% is a slow process which we call either ideological subversion, active measures, or psychological warfare. What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.
It's a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages.
The first stage being "demoralization".
It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of [their] enemy. In other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least 3 generation of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism; American patriotism. "
--KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov
--Soviet Subversion of the Free Press (Ideological subversion, Destabilization, CRISIS - and the KGB
Gay Republican Groups Praise Anti-Gay Paul Ryan As Romney VP Choice
by David Badash on August 11, 2012
in Civil Rights,Discrimination,News,Politics
Both national gay GOP organizations, the Log Cabin Republicans and GOProud this morning praised Mitt Romneys choice of the very anti-gay Paul Ryan as the Republican vice presidential nominee. READ: Romney: Paul Ryan Will Be My VP (Or, Everything You Wanted To Know But Were Afraid To Ask) The selection of Paul Ryan is a bold and inspired pick. Paul Ryan has been the architect of policies that would benefit all Americans, especially gay Americans, Jimmy LaSalvia, GOProud Executive Director announced in a statement that called Ryan a bold and inspired pick.
"The Idiot, thought to its logical conclusion, leads to a matriarchy of the unconscious and annihilates culture. It does not break the tables of the law, it reverses them and shows their opposites written on the back."
--Thoughts on The Idiot, by Dostoevsky
--Hermann Hesse, 1919
"Uhhhh, that's not part of my campaign" --Myth Romney
In the meantime, conservatives will continue to dribble American Tea into the House and Senate one drop at a time until, as Mr. Eastwood articulated - WE own this Republic, again.
"The [my] only connection [to the Republican Party]is I'm registered as a Republican"--Mitt RRRRRomney
You can save your copy and paste specials and get this through your skull:
0bama hates America.
Romney does NOT hate America.
0bama is trying to destroy America.
Romney has NO intention of destroying America.
Say ‘Shark? Maybe you can talk some sense into this n00b, but it sounds just like one of those ideological purists we were talking about.
How many conservatives are in the RINOs Log Cabin these days?
Not one. But they are all Republicans.
*they* do ??? ya know, all the people who are voting FOR massive, progressive and FReedom killing politicians of all stripes...
you cant guilt of *fear* me into voting FOR your tool...
>>Romney has NO intention of destroying America.
Intention is irrelevant in the context of actual results.
How’s Massechewsits doing these days with Romneycare and the Queer “marriage” agenda he facilitated?
Likewise, King Obama’s intent is less relevant than the will of WE THE PEOPLE to allow him to implement it.
How’s he and the RATS doing getting their budget passed these days?
Oh, and, also — if the King wanted to destroy America - then why did he reauthorize the Stuxnet/Cyberwarfare program that was initiated under W and culminated in the self-destruction of those Iranian centrifuges?
How many conservatives are in the RINOs Log Cabin these days?
Exactly! My good friend said the following:
"I held back from saying a lot of names I have been called in the past six weeks (it wasn't pretty). Fortunately, I had my epiphany much earlier. I had the pleasure of meeting Breitbart at a conference just before he died. He convinced me then, when Newt and Santorum were neck and neck with Romney (I really, really did not want Romney to win the nomination). He said: "Work like hell for the candidate you want, but when it's done, we all have to circle the wagons for who wins, because not to do so will be to rubber stamp and be responsible for the evil of the present administration."I thought about it, and discovered I reluctantly agreed with him. I worked for Newt, hoped Santorum would pull it out after that, and once it was over, went and sulked, but never forgot who is the real enemy.
Now let's pull this together and eviscerate the Marxist creep in the White House!!!"
>>Not one. But they are all Republicans.
Yep. Self-evidently part of the Plague described in Romans 1:18++
When the corporate state becomes Ba’al, the Towering object of state mandated worship - the shyte isn’t far from the fan.
When you eliminate God from government, you eliminate God given rights of man. If rights don’t come from God, they come from the State, making the State Supreme.
If the State is supreme, the “We the People” phrase is irrelevant because the people elected the Supreme ruler, and the checks and balance system gets thrown out along with God. This is what you saw happen when John Roberts ruled that Obamacare is constitutional. Roberts, like Obama, is a Statist.
Say what you want about Mitt Romney, but he is not a Statist, who believes that there is no higher power than the State. That is Mitt Romney’s saving grace.
I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve heard, “How has the party of Reagan come to this?” Reagan wouldn’t have hesitated for a minute coming to this, given the choice at hand. He wouldn’t waste a minute worrying about what “select FReepers” are going to do. Kick the dust off your feet, and go on.
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