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Romney/Ryan or Bust! If you don't vote Romney this Nov. then you will be casting a vote for Obama
Canada Free Press ^ | September 7, 2012 | Jim O'Neill, former SEAL Team Two member

Posted on 09/07/2012 6:30:12 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet

“Truth is the new hate speech.”—“Creeping Sharia”

“We [the people] own this country.”—Clint Eastwood

I feel like I ought to start out each of my articles anymore with a disclaimer, or caveat saying something along the lines of “WARNING: The contents of this article are to be considered null and void in the event of a “Reichstag Fire,” false flag event, and/or an invasion by Russian Spetsnaz in collusion with Northcom,“or words to that effect.

My intent is not to make light of such concerns, as God knows we have reason enough to be more than a bit edgy these days—what with the Patriot Act, NDAA, the torrent of Obama EOs (Executive Orders), various government agencies stockpiling millions of rounds of ammo, and other such things.

Personally, I am what you might call a cynical optimist—I hope for the best, but plan for the worst. I keep myself open to the idea that the US can peacefully pull itself out of the colossal mess that it is currently mired in—but I have enough guns, ammo, freeze dried food and whatnot to open a small survivalist store.

Be that as it may—the main topic that I wish to address in this article is my decision to back the Romney/Ryan ticket, and the fallout from that. Contrary to what some of you may think, I have not rushed off and enlisted in the “Dark Side.” I am as opposed to the Big Bank/ Big Corporation/Big Government/Big War cabal as ever...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

KEYWORDS: 2012; barackhusseinobama; cokevspepsi; conservatives; elections; islam; lping; mittromney; navy; obama; obamaistoast; oldearlgrayisfos; paulbots; preppers; romney; romneyryan2012; ronpaul; runpaul; ryan; time2choose
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To: Emperor Palpatine
"Short-sighted single-issue voters will be the death of this republic. I’ll blame you and your ilk if Zero is re-elected. And I have a LONG memory."


To abortion I would add 2nd amendment, gay rights and Romney care.

And thinking eternally is as opposite of short sighted as possible.

And I have your stiff drink right here.

141 posted on 09/07/2012 9:20:24 PM PDT by Manic_Episode (Some's just not worth chewing through the leather straps....)
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To: reasonisfaith

You try to make this personal. It is purely a matter of numbers. And if the GOPe can’t sell their candidate to enough conservations, then there is something fundamentally wrong with the GOPe and they need to be kicked out on their butts.

I happen to think Romney is going to win. All I’m arguing is that if he loses, put the blame where it belongs - i.e the people that control the party 100%.

142 posted on 09/07/2012 9:20:28 PM PDT by DManA
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To: familyop

Between now and the election, explain to me how can we tell the difference between a good, anonymous conservative Freeper refusing to vote for Romney on principle, and a covert leftist operative posting on this site to discourage votes against the Kenyan?

143 posted on 09/07/2012 9:22:48 PM PDT by reasonisfaith (Why do you seek the living among the dead? (Luke 24:5))
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To: Girlene

My point was aimed at the thread’s logical absurdity that not voting for politician A is the same as voting a politician B. That is inane, and is a lie. It is a lackwit argument fit only for political hacks and uncritical servitors.

You provide reasons why you are voting Romney. Your bases in order are:

1) What he says;
2) what you believe he will do as CinC;
3) what you ‘don’t need to explain’ but extrapolate about a general prosperity, probably from Romney’s personal circumstances.

To that there is his actual record:

1) He will say anything expedient and has expressly distanced himself from conservatives. Even his wife says he can say anything and make himself believe it is true. He still defends the model he signed into law as good legislation. He will move the garnish on ACA, that is all.
2) Neither he nor any in his family have ever served since they attempted permanent emigration to Mexico to escape US jurisdiction. He might be more inclined to ‘preserve assets’ and expend them more economically - might. But committed to our military? Lets hear how. Certainly he can’t demonstrate how.
3) Your best argument, but I expect the middle class to be as hard pressed by latifundia style corparatist policy as it is by neo-Leninist collectivism. According to reports Massachusetts lagged economically under his stewardship. That may well have to do with the state itself and its cultural makeup, but that is the state he chose, and he boasts of his achievements there.

You believe Romney. I do not. You are relying on his words. I am looking at his record, which as a governor was to the left of Bill Clinton.

There is one thing he could do to secure my vote, but he won’t.

144 posted on 09/07/2012 9:23:15 PM PDT by Psalm 144 (Where would Christianity be if the early believers put their hopes and trust in the Roman empire?)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet
1) Bitter unforgiveness of McCain gave us Obama.
2) Bitter unforgiveness of Romney might give us more.

Republican circular firing squad!! Ready!! Aim!!

145 posted on 09/07/2012 9:23:35 PM PDT by ROTB (Live holy, forgive all & pray in Jesus' name. Trust He is willing & able & eager to ANSWER BIG!)
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To: MNJohnnie
By refusing to vote for Romney you are defacto voting to re-elect Obama.

That's crap and we're not buying it

That scare-tactic bullying attempt doesn't fly with principled Conservatives who fear God first and put our faith and principles ahead of bowing down yet again to the Ruling Class out of fear of the other guy.

Every time that crap is spouted, it just solidifies and steels our resolve further to stand against it, even if we stand alone.

Because one day we have to stand before the Governor of the Universe, and give account.

Voting for Romney, is sin to us. And we will not do it. Despite the screams and hollers and threats from those more scared of Obama than of God's judgment. More afraid of losing their money and stuff under Obama, than the accounting for where they stood on foundational principles.

Some of us remember what Romney did to Palin and every Conservative running in the primaries. We recall what Romney's Ruling Class oligarchs did on Tuesday at the RNC.

Principled Conservatives will not yield to the threats or name calling. God comes first before everything. Principles matter, at least to God. Call us 'purists' or whatever you like. England ran such similar people from their midst at one time too. Funny, because those folks are the ones who gave us the foundations our liberty was built on.

So feel free to lick the hands of your Ruling Class masters of whom you grovel before out of fear of the guy that chose this candidate you pledge yourselves and your vote to. We did this same thing before in supporting the Ruling Class chosen candidate in 2008 and have repented of it. Never again.

146 posted on 09/07/2012 9:23:37 PM PDT by INVAR ("Fart for liberty, fart for freedom and fart proudly!" - Benjamin Franklin)
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To: DManA

See post 143

147 posted on 09/07/2012 9:24:07 PM PDT by reasonisfaith (Why do you seek the living among the dead? (Luke 24:5))
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So how do we tell the difference between the honest Freepers and the covert Obama operatives hoping their posts will reach swing states?

148 posted on 09/07/2012 9:26:43 PM PDT by reasonisfaith (Why do you seek the living among the dead? (Luke 24:5))
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To: 1035rep

149 posted on 09/07/2012 9:27:21 PM PDT by Emperor Palpatine (I need a good stiff drink. How 'bout you?)
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To: maine-iac7

Really can’t fathom the mind of an Abr

150 posted on 09/07/2012 9:29:24 PM PDT by GlockThe Vote (The Obama Adminstration: 2nd wave of attacks on America after 9/11)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

I tire of hearing this same logic whenever a liberal republican is nominated.

151 posted on 09/07/2012 9:33:24 PM PDT by MortMan (Laughter is the best medicine, especially when ridiculing your enemies.)
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To: reasonisfaith

No clue. We live in an age of deception where even the elect are easily deceived.

Assume what you will.

I’m not voting for Romney out of principles that he and the Ruling Class have trounced upon yet one time too many.

Not to mention his actual record is not the measure of a candidate I can or will support.

Not that our votes count for anything anyway. Not when Cook County has gone national.

I’m already waaay past November in thinking.

152 posted on 09/07/2012 9:34:48 PM PDT by INVAR ("Fart for liberty, fart for freedom and fart proudly!" - Benjamin Franklin)
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To: reasonisfaith

That is a stupid irrelevant question.

The people who run this party took it upon themselves to pick a candidate, and to sell him to the country.

This is their job. If they fail in their job then you should blame them for not doing their job.

That is so self evidently obviously true I just cannot understand why these stupid thread keep coming up.

153 posted on 09/07/2012 9:35:23 PM PDT by DManA
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To: MortMan

When was the last time we faced a communist incumbent in his first term?

154 posted on 09/07/2012 9:36:03 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet (You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.)
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To: 2ndDivisionVet

These clinical Freaks and delusional sickos want a theocracy.

155 posted on 09/07/2012 9:36:14 PM PDT by GlockThe Vote (The Obama Adminstration: 2nd wave of attacks on America after 9/11)
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Sarah Palin is voting for Romney, so I really don't think she would want you using her as a reason to not vote for Romney.
156 posted on 09/07/2012 9:37:52 PM PDT by MacMattico
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To: Emperor Palpatine

Bingo. The abr sickos could care less.

157 posted on 09/07/2012 9:39:00 PM PDT by GlockThe Vote (The Obama Adminstration: 2nd wave of attacks on America after 9/11)
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To: Manic_Episode

Well, when that includes MY part of the world that your willing to concede to your purism and myopia, when it affects MY ability to make a buck, then I must dismiss you as someone even beneath my contempt.

This is why I get so annoyed at you silly socons.

158 posted on 09/07/2012 9:39:10 PM PDT by Emperor Palpatine (I need a good stiff drink. How 'bout you?)
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To: DManA

Oh fng please. Obama loves your yOur tyPe

159 posted on 09/07/2012 9:42:16 PM PDT by GlockThe Vote (The Obama Adminstration: 2nd wave of attacks on America after 9/11)
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To: MortMan

And the GOPe does not use the same logic with Akin.

I thought Akin should have resigned. He didn’t and he won’t. Ok so we need to get him elected. Right?

No, not according to the GOPe. They are actively sabotaging his campaign by withholding money and support. Apparently it is more important to them that he lose then the party get another R seat in the senate. Why? So they can crow about it and point it out as an example of why they can’t put up conservatives.

I am as disgusted with the institutional Republican party as I am with the democrats.

160 posted on 09/07/2012 9:43:12 PM PDT by DManA
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