When I was in engineering and we designed a new product, we looked at everything that could possibly go wrong and then found a way to fix it. Something that doesn’t seem to happen today. I think this is where Romney is coming from. He’s being cautious. Nothing wrong with that.
I agree with what has been said that this furor has been overblown and that frankly, he will be a better friend to Britain than Obama ever was.
Having said that, it was an error of judgement to publicly criticize London/Britain’s handling of the Olympics like this. If you believe a friend has done something wrong, you take them aside and tell them, you don’t openly and loudly humiliate them in front of others. At least, you shouldn’t.
Like I say, I suspect Romney does like and respect Britain a lot more than the Obamination, but he definitely cocked up by making that comment in public.
As far as I’m concerned he did nothing wrong. This hoopla about it is just diversionist BS.